Namespace: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Exceptions
SmartException Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception
Implements: Consultingwerk.Exceptions.ISupportsInnerException, Consultingwerk.Exceptions.IProvidesSessionInfo

Purpose:Exception class that retrieves the message text from
the IMessageProvider service
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Sun Apr 05 13:35:34 CEST 2015

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ AddMessagesFrom (Error) Adds error messages from another error to this Exception instance
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception
+ Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception FromErrorMessageAndError (character, integer, Error) Creates an Exception using the given error message and number and Existing Error
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ SmartException (character, integer) Constructor for the SmartException class
+ SmartException (character, integer, character) Constructor for the SmartException class
+ SmartException (character, integer, character, character) Constructor for the SmartException class
+ SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character) Constructor for the SmartException class
+ SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character) Constructor for the SmartException class
+ SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character, character) Constructor for the SmartException class
+ SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character, character, character) Constructor for the SmartException class
+ SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character, character, character, character) Constructor for the SmartException class
+ SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character) Constructor for the SmartException class
+ SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character) Constructor for the SmartException class

Top Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Progress.Lang.Error InnerException Returns the Error instance that caused the current exception.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception
+ SessionInfo SessionInfo Returns the Information aboult the Session the error occured in
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception

Method Detail

PUBLIC AddMessagesFrom (Error)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception
Purpose: Adds error messages from another error to this Exception instance

poError Progress.Lang.Error
The error instance to add errors from

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception FromErrorMessageAndError (character, integer, Error)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception
Purpose: Creates an Exception using the given error message and number and
Existing Error
Notes: The messages from the existing error will be added to the new error
are well, useful for adding messages to ABL runtime errors

pcErrorString CHARACTER
The error message associated with this Exception object
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The error message number associated with this Exception object
poError Progress.Lang.Error
The reference to the original error
Returns Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception
The reference to the new Exception

Constructor Detail

PUBLIC SmartException (character, integer)

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartException class

pcMessageGroup CHARACTER
The message group
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The message number

PUBLIC SmartException (character, integer, character)

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartException class

pcMessageGroup CHARACTER
The message group
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The message number
pcParameter1 CHARACTER
The first message parameter

PUBLIC SmartException (character, integer, character, character)

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartException class

pcMessageGroup CHARACTER
The message group
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The message number
pcParameter1 CHARACTER
The first message parameter
pcParameter2 CHARACTER
The second message parameter

PUBLIC SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character)

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartException class

pcMessageGroup CHARACTER
The message group
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The message number
pcParameter1 CHARACTER
The first message parameter
pcParameter2 CHARACTER
The second message parameter
pcParameter3 CHARACTER
The third message parameter

PUBLIC SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartException class

pcMessageGroup CHARACTER
The message group
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The message number
pcParameter1 CHARACTER
The first message parameter
pcParameter2 CHARACTER
The second message parameter
pcParameter3 CHARACTER
The third message parameter
pcParameter4 CHARACTER
The fourth message parameter

PUBLIC SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartException class

pcMessageGroup CHARACTER
The message group
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The message number
pcParameter1 CHARACTER
The first message parameter
pcParameter2 CHARACTER
The second message parameter
pcParameter3 CHARACTER
The third message parameter
pcParameter4 CHARACTER
The fourth message parameter
pcParameter5 CHARACTER
The fifth message parameter

PUBLIC SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartException class

pcMessageGroup CHARACTER
The message group
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The message number
pcParameter1 CHARACTER
The first message parameter
pcParameter2 CHARACTER
The second message parameter
pcParameter3 CHARACTER
The third message parameter
pcParameter4 CHARACTER
The fourth message parameter
pcParameter5 CHARACTER
The fifth message parameter
pcParameter6 CHARACTER
The sixth message parameter

PUBLIC SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartException class

pcMessageGroup CHARACTER
The message group
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The message number
pcParameter1 CHARACTER
The first message parameter
pcParameter2 CHARACTER
The second message parameter
pcParameter3 CHARACTER
The third message parameter
pcParameter4 CHARACTER
The fourth message parameter
pcParameter5 CHARACTER
The fifth message parameter
pcParameter6 CHARACTER
The sixth message parameter
pcParameter7 CHARACTER
The seventh message parameter

PUBLIC SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartException class

pcMessageGroup CHARACTER
The message group
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The message number
pcParameter1 CHARACTER
The first message parameter
pcParameter2 CHARACTER
The second message parameter
pcParameter3 CHARACTER
The third message parameter
pcParameter4 CHARACTER
The fourth message parameter
pcParameter5 CHARACTER
The fifth message parameter
pcParameter6 CHARACTER
The sixth message parameter
pcParameter7 CHARACTER
The seventh message parameter
pcParameter8 CHARACTER
The eigth message parameter

PUBLIC SmartException (character, integer, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartException class

pcMessageGroup CHARACTER
The message group
piMessageNumber INTEGER
The message number
pcParameter1 CHARACTER
The first message parameter
pcParameter2 CHARACTER
The second message parameter
pcParameter3 CHARACTER
The third message parameter
pcParameter4 CHARACTER
The fourth message parameter
pcParameter5 CHARACTER
The fifth message parameter
pcParameter6 CHARACTER
The sixth message parameter
pcParameter7 CHARACTER
The seventh message parameter
pcParameter8 CHARACTER
The eigth message parameter
pcParameter9 CHARACTER
The nineth message parameter

Property Detail

PUBLIC Progress.Lang.Error InnerException

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception
Purpose: Returns the Error instance that caused the current exception.

Returns Progress.Lang.Error

PUBLIC SessionInfo SessionInfo

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Exceptions.Exception
Purpose: Returns the Information aboult the Session the error occured in

Returns SessionInfo

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