Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | AddQueryWhere (character, character, character) |
Inserts a new expression to query's prepare string for a
specified buffer. |
- | CHARACTER BufferWhereClause (character, character) |
Returns the complete query where clause for a specified buffer
INCLUDING leading and trailing blanks.
EXCLUDING commas and period. |
+ | CHARACTER BuildQueryString (handle) |
Builds the QueryString for the Query |
- | LOGICAL CanAddRefTables (character, integer, character) |
Evaluates if pcRefTables can be added to piTableLevel entry in a
pcTables ordered query |
+ | CHARACTER CheckIndex (handle) |
Returns the Index information of the query used for a buffer |
# | ClearQuery () |
Clears the internal state to allow parsing another query string |
# | CHARACTER EscapeKnownFunction (character) |
Escapes the brackets around known ABL functions in the query string |
- | CHARACTER GetEvaluation (integer) |
- | CHARACTER GetEvaluationTables (integer, character) |
- | CHARACTER GetTableEvaluation (integer, integer, character) |
Performs the Query evaluation for a table |
- | CHARACTER InsertExpression (character, character, character) |
Inserts an expression into ONE buffer's where-clause. |
- | CHARACTER InsertString (character, character, integer, integer) |
Workaround for temporary core bug |
+ | LOGICAL InsertToQuery (handle) |
Insert the QueryString into the query |
- | CHARACTER NewQuerySort (character, character) |
Purpose : Insert sort criteria (BY phrase) in a QueryString.
@param pcQuery Query String to add sort to (current sort will be replaced)
@param pcSort New sort expression
@return The new query string
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
# | ParseQuery (character) |
Parses the logical buffer's target query and stores it for
transformation to the datasource query. |
# | ParseSortExpression (character) |
Parses the Sort Expression |
- | CHARACTER ResolveColumn (character, integer) |
- | CHARACTER SortExpression (character) |
Returns the sort expression of the passed querystring |
- | CHARACTER TableEvaluation (integer, character) |
Performs the Query evaluation for a table |
- | CHARACTER WhereClauseBuffer (character) |
Returns the buffername of a where clause expression.
This function avoids problems with leading or double blanks in
where clauses. |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | QueryString (character, IQueryMap) |
Constructor of the QueryString class |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | LOGICAL FilterUsingInnerJoin |
Instructs the Query-Builder in method BuildQueryString to remove
an eventually present OUTER-JOIN keyword from the source default
query when filtering on a ceratin table. |
+ | LOGICAL ThrowErrorsOnInvalidSourceMapping |
Get and sets if this class throws an error when the client query
string contains columns that are not mapped to a data source column |
PUBLIC AddQueryWhere (character, character, character)
PRIVATE CHARACTER BufferWhereClause (character, character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER BuildQueryString (handle)
PRIVATE LOGICAL CanAddRefTables (character, integer, character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER CheckIndex (handle)
PROTECTED ClearQuery ()
PROTECTED CHARACTER EscapeKnownFunction (character)
PRIVATE CHARACTER GetEvaluation (integer)
PRIVATE CHARACTER GetEvaluationTables (integer, character)
PRIVATE CHARACTER GetTableEvaluation (integer, integer, character)
PRIVATE CHARACTER InsertExpression (character, character, character)
PRIVATE CHARACTER InsertString (character, character, integer, integer)
PUBLIC LOGICAL InsertToQuery (handle)
PRIVATE CHARACTER NewQuerySort (character, character)
PROTECTED ParseQuery (character)
PROTECTED ParseSortExpression (character)
PRIVATE CHARACTER ResolveColumn (character, integer)
PRIVATE CHARACTER SortExpression (character)
PRIVATE CHARACTER TableEvaluation (integer, character)
PRIVATE CHARACTER WhereClauseBuffer (character)
PUBLIC QueryString (character, IQueryMap)
PUBLIC LOGICAL FilterUsingInnerJoin
PUBLIC LOGICAL ThrowErrorsOnInvalidSourceMapping