Namespace: Consultingwerk.Util
MessageFormHelper Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose:Various support routines for displaying messages
Syntax:Static methods only, Protected constructor to disallow
instance creation
for instructions on how to add custom buttons to Message Form
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Sat Jul 04 13:29:48 CEST 2009
Notes:This file is mostly intended for GUI for .NET only

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character) Ask a question
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character) Ask a question
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character, character) Ask a question
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character, character, logical) Ask a question to the user
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character, character, logical, Form) Ask a question to the user
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character, character, Form) Ask a question
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character, Form) Ask a question
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, Form) Ask a question
+ LOGICAL ProcessQuestions (ListQuestion) Processes a list of questions
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, integer) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, integer) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, integer) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum, integer) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character[], DialogResultEnum[]) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character[], DialogResultEnum[], DialogResultEnum) Display a Message to the User
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character[], DialogResultEnum[], DialogResultEnum, integer) Display a Message to the User
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character[], DialogResultEnum[], integer) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, integer) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, integer) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, Object) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, Object, integer) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, integer) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, Object) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, Object, integer) Display Message
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage) Display Message based on a Message structure
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum) Display Message based on a Message structure
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, DialogResultEnum) Display Message based on a Message structure
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, DialogResultEnum, integer) Display Message based on a Message structure
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, DialogResultEnum) Display Message based on a Message structure
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, DialogResultEnum, integer) Display Message based on a Message structure
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum, integer) Display Message based on a Message structure
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character[], DialogResultEnum[], DialogResultEnum) Display Message based on a Message structure
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character[], DialogResultEnum[], DialogResultEnum, integer) Display Message based on a Message structure
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, integer) Display Message based on a Message structure
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessageBox (character, character, character, DialogResultEnum[]) Shows an message using the ABL message statement
- ShowMessageForm (Form, DialogResultEnum) Shows a MessageForm

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
# MessageFormHelper () Protected default constructor.

Top Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Progress.Windows.Form MessageFormParent
+ LOGICAL MessageFormTopMost
+ CHARACTER MessageFormType

Method Detail

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character)

Purpose: Ask a question
Notes: Uses the message dialog API in a simplified way

The question text to display
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum matching the response of the user

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character)

Purpose: Ask a question
Notes: Uses the message dialog API in a simplified way

The question text to display
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The Title of the message/question dialog
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum matching the response of the user

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character, character)

Purpose: Ask a question
Notes: Uses the message dialog API in a simplified way

The question text to display
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The Title of the message/question dialog
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The Details of the message/question that can be expanded by the user if needed
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum matching the response of the user

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character, character, logical)

Purpose: Ask a question to the user
Notes: Uses the message dialog API in a simplified way

The question text to display
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The Title of the message/question dialog
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The Details of the message/question that can be expanded by the user if needed
plDefault LOGICAL
The logical default/initial answer for the question resulting in the default button
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum matching the response of the user

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character, character, logical, Form)

Purpose: Ask a question to the user
Notes: Uses the message dialog API in a simplified way

The question text to display
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The Title of the message/question dialog
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The Details of the message/question that can be expanded by the user if needed
plDefault LOGICAL
The logical default/initial answer for the question resulting in the default button
poParentForm Progress.Windows.Form
The Form to parent the Message Dialog to
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum matching the response of the user

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character, character, Form)

Purpose: Ask a question
Notes: Uses the message dialog API in a simplified way

The question text to display
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The Title of the message/question dialog
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The Details of the message/question that can be expanded by the user if needed
poParentForm Progress.Windows.Form
The Form to parent the Message Dialog to
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum matching the response of the user

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, character, Form)

Purpose: Ask a question
Notes: Uses the message dialog API in a simplified way

The question text to display
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The Title of the message/question dialog
poParentForm Progress.Windows.Form
The Form to parent the Message Dialog to
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum matching the response of the user

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum AskQuestion (character, Form)

Purpose: Ask a question
Notes: Uses the message dialog API in a simplified way

The question text to display
poParentForm Progress.Windows.Form
The Form to parent the Message Dialog to
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum matching the response of the user

PUBLIC LOGICAL ProcessQuestions (ListQuestion)

Purpose: Processes a list of questions
Notes: Displays each unanswered question from the list to the user. Returns
true when there were unanswered questions that are answered during the
call and should be send to the server for further processing. Returns
FALSE when no unanswered questions have been present

poQuestions Consultingwerk.Framework.MessageInteraction.ListQuestion
The ListQuestion with the questions to process
Logical value indicating if questions have been answered or not (not unanswered questions were present)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character)

Purpose: Display Message

The message text
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character)

Purpose: Display Message

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character)

Purpose: Display Message

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, integer)

Purpose: Display Message
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object)

Purpose: Display Message

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum)

Purpose: Display Message

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum)

Purpose: Display Message

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
pcMessageButton2 CHARACTER
The label of the second message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult2 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the second message button
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum)

Purpose: Display Message

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
pcMessageButton2 CHARACTER
The label of the second message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult2 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the second message button
pcMessageButton3 CHARACTER
The label of the third message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult3 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the third message button
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, integer)

Purpose: Display Message
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
pcMessageButton2 CHARACTER
The label of the second message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult2 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the second message button
pcMessageButton3 CHARACTER
The label of the third message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult3 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the third message button
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, integer)

Purpose: Display Message
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
pcMessageButton2 CHARACTER
The label of the second message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult2 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the second message button
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character, DialogResultEnum, integer)

Purpose: Display Message
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character[], DialogResultEnum[])

Purpose: Display Message

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
pcMessageButtons CHARACTER
The array of labels of the message buttons
poMessageButtonDialogResults Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The array of DialogResultEnum values for the message buttons
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character[], DialogResultEnum[], DialogResultEnum)

Purpose: Display a Message to the User

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
pcMessageButtons CHARACTER
The array of labels of the message buttons
poMessageButtonDialogResults Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The array of DialogResultEnum values for the message buttons
poDefaultDialogResult Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The default DialogResultEnum value
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character[], DialogResultEnum[], DialogResultEnum, integer)

Purpose: Display a Message to the User
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
pcMessageButtons CHARACTER
The array of labels of the message buttons
poMessageButtonDialogResults Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The array of DialogResultEnum values for the message buttons
poDefaultDialogResult Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The default DialogResultEnum value
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, character[], DialogResultEnum[], integer)

Purpose: Display Message
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
pcMessageButtons CHARACTER
The array of labels of the message buttons
poMessageButtonDialogResults Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The array of DialogResultEnum values for the message buttons
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, character, Object, integer)

Purpose: Display Message
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, integer)

Purpose: Display Message
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, Object)

Purpose: Display Message

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, character, Object, integer)

Purpose: Display Message
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title of the message
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, integer)

Purpose: Display Message
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, Object)

Purpose: Display Message

The message text
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (character, Object, integer)

Purpose: Display Message
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

The message text
poMessageImage Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the Image for the message
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The reference to the DialogResultEnum value representing the button pressed

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage)

Purpose: Display Message based on a Message structure

poMessage Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.IMessage
The Message structure describing the message
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum indicating the button the user has pressed (useful for questions)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum)

Purpose: Display Message based on a Message structure

poMessage Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.IMessage
The Message structure describing the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum indicating the button the user has pressed (useful for questions)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, DialogResultEnum)

Purpose: Display Message based on a Message structure

poMessage Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.IMessage
The Message structure describing the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
pcMessageButton2 CHARACTER
The label of the second message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult2 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the second message button
pcMessageButton3 CHARACTER
The label of the third message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult3 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the second message button
poDefaultDialogResult Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The default DialogResultEnum value
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum indicating the button the user has pressed (useful for questions)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, DialogResultEnum, integer)

Purpose: Display Message based on a Message structure
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

poMessage Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.IMessage
The Message structure describing the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
pcMessageButton2 CHARACTER
The label of the second message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult2 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the second message button
pcMessageButton3 CHARACTER
The label of the third message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult3 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the second message button
poDefaultDialogResult Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The default DialogResultEnum value
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum indicating the button the user has pressed (useful for questions)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, DialogResultEnum)

Purpose: Display Message based on a Message structure

poMessage Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.IMessage
The Message structure describing the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
pcMessageButton2 CHARACTER
The label of the second message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult2 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the second message button
poDefaultDialogResult Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The default DialogResultEnum value
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum indicating the button the user has pressed (useful for questions)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum, character, DialogResultEnum, DialogResultEnum, integer)

Purpose: Display Message based on a Message structure
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

poMessage Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.IMessage
The Message structure describing the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
pcMessageButton2 CHARACTER
The label of the second message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult2 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the second message button
poDefaultDialogResult Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The default DialogResultEnum value
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum indicating the button the user has pressed (useful for questions)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character, DialogResultEnum, integer)

Purpose: Display Message based on a Message structure
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

poMessage Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.IMessage
The Message structure describing the message
pcMessageButton1 CHARACTER
The label of the first message button
poMessageButtonDialogResult1 Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value for the first message button
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum indicating the button the user has pressed (useful for questions)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character[], DialogResultEnum[], DialogResultEnum)

Purpose: Display Message based on a Message structure

poMessage Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.IMessage
The Message structure describing the message
pcMessageButtons CHARACTER
The array of labels of the message buttons
poMessageButtonDialogResults Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The array of DialogResultEnum values for the message buttons
poDefaultDialogResult Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The default DialogResultEnum value
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum indicating the button the user has pressed (useful for questions)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, character[], DialogResultEnum[], DialogResultEnum, integer)

Purpose: Display Message based on a Message structure
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

poMessage Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.IMessage
The Message structure describing the message
pcMessageButtons CHARACTER
The array of labels of the message buttons
poMessageButtonDialogResults Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The array of DialogResultEnum values for the message buttons
poDefaultDialogResult Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The default DialogResultEnum value
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum indicating the button the user has pressed (useful for questions)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessage (IMessage, integer)

Purpose: Display Message based on a Message structure
Notes: The parameter piMessageTimer is the (optional) message timeout in seconds.
When specified the message form will close itself after the specified
number of seconds (or when the user hits one of the buttons) and
return the default DialogResultEnum.

poMessage Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.IMessage
The Message structure describing the message
piMessageTimer INTEGER
The Timer value for the Message Box in seconds
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum indicating the button the user has pressed (useful for questions)

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum ShowMessageBox (character, character, character, DialogResultEnum[])

Purpose: Shows an message using the ABL message statement

The text for the message box
pcMessageTitle CHARACTER
The title for the message box
pcMessageDetail CHARACTER
The detail text for the message
poMessageButtonDialogResults Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The array of DialogResultEnum values for the message buttons
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
The DialogResultEnum value indicating the button pressed

PRIVATE ShowMessageForm (Form, DialogResultEnum)

Purpose: Shows a MessageForm
Notes: Private method. Works around potential compilation isuses on OpenEdge
10.2B which methods returning a value and input-blocking statements

poForm System.Windows.Forms.Form
The MessageForm to be shown
poResult Consultingwerk.Framework.Enum.DialogResultEnum
Output parameter with the DialogResultEnum value

Constructor Detail

PROTECTED MessageFormHelper ()

Purpose: Protected default constructor.
Notes: There's no need to create instances of the helper classes

Property Detail

PUBLIC Progress.Windows.Form MessageFormParent

Returns Progress.Windows.Form





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