Namespace: Consultingwerk.Util
BrowseWidgetHelper Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose:Helper routines for ABL browse widgets
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Wed Oct 23 14:29:52 CEST 2013

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ AvoidHorizontalScrollbar (handle) Avoids the appearance of the horizontal scrollbar in the browse by making sure that all columns fit into the browse widget itself
+ PositionWidgetAboveBrowseCell (handle, integer, handle, integer) Positions a field level widget above a Browse cell

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
# BrowseWidgetHelper () Protected Constructor for the BrowseWidgetHelper class

Method Detail

PUBLIC AvoidHorizontalScrollbar (handle)

Purpose: Avoids the appearance of the horizontal scrollbar in the browse
by making sure that all columns fit into the browse widget itself

phBrowse HANDLE
The handle of the ABL browse widget

PUBLIC PositionWidgetAboveBrowseCell (handle, integer, handle, integer)

Purpose: Positions a field level widget above a Browse cell
Notes: The field level widget is supposed to be contained in the same frame
as the browse widget

phBrowse HANDLE
The handle of the ABL browse widget
piColumn INTEGER
The column number
phWidget HANDLE
The handle of the widget to position on the browse cell
piHeightOffset INTEGER
The offset in number of pixels from the top of the browse widget

Constructor Detail

PROTECTED BrowseWidgetHelper ()

Purpose: Protected Constructor for the BrowseWidgetHelper class
Notes: Avoid instance creation

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