Namespace: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization
AuthorizationMaintenanceService Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implements: Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService

Purpose:Business Task for retrieving and updating authorization
for multiple users/groups and security items
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Wed May 21 09:35:26 CEST 2014

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ GetAuthorization (dataset, AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter) Returns the dsAuthorizationMaintenance Dataset with the current authorization assignment for the given realm and list of users/groups
+ StoreAuthorization (dataset, AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter) Stores the security assignment based on the dsAuthorizationMaintenance Dataset with new authorization assignment for the given realm and list of users/groups

Method Detail

PUBLIC GetAuthorization (dataset, AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter)

Purpose: Returns the dsAuthorizationMaintenance Dataset with the current
authorization assignment for the given realm and list of users/groups
Notes: Currently a maximum of 20 entries in the OwnerGuids list is supported.

dsAuthorizationMaintenance DATASET dsAuthorizationMaintenance
The dataset with the resulting authorization assignments
poParameter Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter
The AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter with the parameters for this call

PUBLIC StoreAuthorization (dataset, AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter)

Purpose: Stores the security assignment based on the dsAuthorizationMaintenance
Dataset with new authorization assignment for the given realm and list
of users/groups
Notes: Currently a maximum of 20 entries in the OwnerGuids list is supported.

dsAuthorizationMaintenance DATASET dsAuthorizationMaintenance
The dataset with the resulting authorization assignments
poParameter Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter
The AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter with the parameters for this call

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