AddFieldsForClass (character, handle)
Adds the attributes of the given class to the attribute temp-table
CHARACTER ClassChildren (character)
Returns a list of class names that extend the given base class
(including the given class)
GetEmptyObjectStructure (character, dataset-handle)
Returns the repository structure for objects of the given types
DECIMAL GetNextObj ()
To return the next available unique object number - used in create
GetObjectByName (character, dataset-handle)
Returns the repository data for the named object into the given
GetObjectByName (character, character, dataset-handle)
Returns the repository data for the named object into the given
GetObjectByName (character, dataset-handle)
Returns the repository data for the named object
GetObjectInstanceByName (character, character, dataset-handle)
Returns the repository data for the named object instance into the
given ProDataset
StoreObject (logical, dataset-handle)
Stores the repository data for the named object
HANDLE TempTableForRepositoryClass (character)
Returns a tmep-table with the schema for the given class name