Namespace: Consultingwerk.Windows.Util
UltraGridFilterRowHelper Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose:Supports building a QueryExpression from the values of the
UltraGrid's FilterRow
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Thu Oct 11 02:36:04 CEST 2012
Purpose: Disallow instance creation

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ BuildQueryExpression (UltraGrid, ListQueryExpressionByTable) Returns an Array of IQueryExpression objects
+ BuildQueryExpression (UltraGrid, ListQueryExpressionByTable, logical) Returns an Array of IQueryExpression objects
+ BuildQueryExpression (UltraGrid, ListQueryExpressionByTable, logical, logical) Returns an Array of IQueryExpression objects
+ BuildQueryExpression (UltraGrid, ListQueryExpressionByTable, logical, logical, character) Returns an Array of IQueryExpression objects
# Consultingwerk.QueryExpression BuildQueryExpressionForField (UltraGrid, character, character, Object, ListQueryExpressionByTable, OperatorEnum) Builds a QueryExpression for a single grid filter field
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.FilterComparisionOperator FilterComparisionOperatorFromOperator (character) Returns the UltraGrid FilterComparisionOperator matching the ABL filter operator
+ InitializeSupportedFilterOperators (UltraGrid) Initializes the supported filter operators
+ InitializeSupportedFilterOperators (UltraGrid, character) Initializes the supported filter operators
+ Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum OperatorEnumFromOperator (character) Returns the UltraGrid FilterComparisionOperator matching the ABL filter operator
+ Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum OperatorFromList (character, character) Returns the operator for the given column from the list
+ Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum OperatorFromUltraGrid (FilterComparisionOperator) Returns the OperatorEnum matching the UltraGridFilterCell FilterOperator

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
- UltraGridFilterRowHelper () Disallow instance creation

Method Detail

PUBLIC BuildQueryExpression (UltraGrid, ListQueryExpressionByTable)

Purpose: Returns an Array of IQueryExpression objects
Notes: Defaults to BuildQueryExpression (poGrid, poListQueryExpressions, FALSE, FALSE)

poGrid Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid
The source grid
poListQueryExpressions Consultingwerk.ListQueryExpressionByTable
The list of query operators per tables the expression will be added to

PUBLIC BuildQueryExpression (UltraGrid, ListQueryExpressionByTable, logical)

Purpose: Returns an Array of IQueryExpression objects
Notes: MATCHES uses a flexible combination with BEGINS based on entered text
or BEGINS for character fields
Defaults to BuildQueryExpression (poGrid, poListQueryExpressions, plUseMatches, FALSE)

poGrid Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid
The source grid
poListQueryExpressions Consultingwerk.ListQueryExpressionByTable
The list of query operators per tables the expression will be added to
plUseMatches LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if MATCHES should be used for Character fields

PUBLIC BuildQueryExpression (UltraGrid, ListQueryExpressionByTable, logical, logical)

Purpose: Returns an Array of IQueryExpression objects
Notes: MATCHES uses a flexible combination with BEGINS based on entered text
or BEGINS for character fields
Supported UltraGrid FilterOperators per data type (plUseOperators = TRUE):
LOGICAL: Equals, NotEquals
DATE, DATETIME, DATETIME-TZ, Equals, NotEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo,
DECIMAL, INTEGER, INT64: LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo
CHARACTER, LONGCHAR: Equals, NotEquals, StartsWith, Like, EndsWith,
GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo

poGrid Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid
The source grid
poListQueryExpressions Consultingwerk.ListQueryExpressionByTable
The list of query operators per tables the expression will be added to
plUseMatches LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if MATCHES should be used for Character fields
plUseOperators LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the actual filter operator of the filter cell shall be used or a default operator (BEGINS, GE) shall be assumed

PUBLIC BuildQueryExpression (UltraGrid, ListQueryExpressionByTable, logical, logical, character)

Purpose: Returns an Array of IQueryExpression objects
Notes: MATCHES uses a flexible combination with BEGINS based on entered text
or BEGINS for character fields
Supported UltraGrid FilterOperators per data type (plUseOperators = TRUE):
LOGICAL: Equals, NotEquals
DATE, DATETIME, DATETIME-TZ, Equals, NotEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo,
DECIMAL, INTEGER, INT64: LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo
CHARACTER, LONGCHAR: Equals, NotEquals, StartsWith, Like, EndsWith,
GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo

poGrid Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid
The source grid
poListQueryExpressions Consultingwerk.ListQueryExpressionByTable
The list of query operators per tables the expression will be added to
plUseMatches LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if MATCHES should be used for Character fields
plUseOperators LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the actual filter operator of the filter cell shall be used or a default operator (BEGINS, GE) shall be assumed
pcOperators CHARACTER
The list of operators to use when plUseOperators is false, comma delimited list of field=operator pairs

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.QueryExpression BuildQueryExpressionForField (UltraGrid, character, character, Object, ListQueryExpressionByTable, OperatorEnum)

Purpose: Builds a QueryExpression for a single grid filter field

poGrid Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid
The source grid
The key of the current column
pcHolderType CHARACTER
The type of the holder class for the field
poValue System.Object
The filter column value
poListQueryExpressions Consultingwerk.ListQueryExpressionByTable
The list of query operators per tables the expression will be added to
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator to use
Returns Consultingwerk.QueryExpression
The Consultingwerk.QueryExpression for the specified filter field

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.FilterComparisionOperator FilterComparisionOperatorFromOperator (character)

Purpose: Returns the UltraGrid FilterComparisionOperator matching the ABL filter
Notes: Supported UltraGrid FilterOperators per data type (plUseOperators = TRUE):
LOGICAL: Equals, NotEquals
DATE, DATETIME, DATETIME-TZ, Equals, NotEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo,
DECIMAL, INTEGER, INT64: LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo
CHARACTER, LONGCHAR: Equals, NotEquals, StartsWith, Like, EndsWith,
GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo

pcOperatorString CHARACTER
The query operator string
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.FilterComparisionOperator
The resulting FilterComparisionOperator value

PUBLIC InitializeSupportedFilterOperators (UltraGrid)

Purpose: Initializes the supported filter operators
Notes: Values depend on the Column's data types

poGrid Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid
The source grid

PUBLIC InitializeSupportedFilterOperators (UltraGrid, character)

Purpose: Initializes the supported filter operators
Notes: Values depend on the Column's data types

poGrid Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid
The source grid
pcWordIndexColumns CHARACTER
Comma delimited list of grid columns that should support the contains operator

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum OperatorEnumFromOperator (character)

Purpose: Returns the UltraGrid FilterComparisionOperator matching the ABL filter
Notes: Supported UltraGrid FilterOperators per data type (plUseOperators = TRUE):
LOGICAL: Equals, NotEquals
DATE, DATETIME, DATETIME-TZ, Equals, NotEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo,
DECIMAL, INTEGER, INT64: LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo
CHARACTER, LONGCHAR: Equals, NotEquals, StartsWith, Like, EndsWith,
GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo

pcOperatorString CHARACTER
The query operator string
Returns Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The resulting FilterComparisionOperator value

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum OperatorFromList (character, character)

Purpose: Returns the operator for the given column from the list

pcOperators CHARACTER
Comma delimited list of field=operator pairs
The name of the column to return the operator for
Returns Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The OperatorEnum

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum OperatorFromUltraGrid (FilterComparisionOperator)

Purpose: Returns the OperatorEnum matching the UltraGridFilterCell FilterOperator
Notes: Supported UltraGrid FilterOperators per data type (plUseOperators = TRUE):
LOGICAL: Equals, NotEquals
DATE, DATETIME, DATETIME-TZ, Equals, NotEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo,
DECIMAL, INTEGER, INT64: LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo
CHARACTER, LONGCHAR: Equals, NotEquals, StartsWith, Like, EndsWith,
GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo
This method returns MATCHES for EndsWith. The BuildQueryExpression method
is required to convert the filter pattern from "abc" to "*abc"

poFilter Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.FilterComparisionOperator
The FilterOperator of the UltraGridFilterCell
Returns Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The resulting OperatorEnum value

Constructor Detail

PRIVATE UltraGridFilterRowHelper ()

Purpose: Disallow instance creation

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