Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ CopyObjectMasterName (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the Copy Object Master Name Button Notes : @param sender The reference to the object that raised the event @param e The System.EventArgs with the data for this event */
# DataSourceCurrentChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the CurrentChanged event Notes : @param sender The reference to the object that raised the event @param e The System.EventArgs with the data for this event */
# System.ComponentModel.Component GetInstance (character) Returns the reference to the instance with the provided name
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
# Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartBusinessEntityAdapter GetSmartBusinessEntityAdapterInstance (character) Returns an instance of a SmartBusinessEntityAdapter in the form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
# Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartDataBrowser GetSmartDataBrowserInstance (character) Returns an instance of a SmartDataBrowser in the form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartPanelController GetSmartPanelControllerInstance (character) Returns an instance of a SmartPanelController in the form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
# Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartToolbarController GetSmartToolbarControllerInstance (character) Returns an instance of a SmartToolbarController in the form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
# SmartViewerControl GetSmartViewerControlInstance (character) Returns an instance of a SmartViewerControl in the form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
# UltraTabControl GetUltraTabControlInstance (character) Returns an instance of a UltraTabControl in the form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
# UltraToolbarsManager GetUltraToolbarsManagerInstance (character) Returns an instance of a UltraToolbarsManager in the form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
# GridDefaultActionHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the GridDefaultAction event Notes : @param sender The reference to the object that raised the event @param e The System.EventArgs with the data for this event */
+ Initialize () Initializes the SmartFormLogic instance
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic
+ LaunchAngularForm (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the Launch Angular Form Button Notes : @param sender The reference to the object that raised the event @param e The System.EventArgs with the data for this event */
+ LaunchForm (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the Launch Form Button Notes : @param sender The reference to the object that raised the event @param e The System.EventArgs with the data for this event */
# CHARACTER LoadSettings (character) Loads stored window settings from the registry
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic
+ NewObjectMaster (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the New Object Master Button Notes : @param sender The reference to the object that raised the event @param e The System.EventArgs with the data for this event */
# ObjectCreatedHandler (Object, ObjectCreatedEventArgs) Event handler for the ObjectCreated event of the NewFromTemplateWizardForm Notes : @param sender The reference to the object that raised the event @param e The ObjectCreatedEventArgs with the data for this event */
+ OpenMaster (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the Open Master Button Notes : @param sender The reference to the object that raised the event @param e The System.EventArgs with the data for this event */
# OpenSelectedMaster () Opens the selected object master Notes : */
+ OpenWebApp (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the Open WebApp Button Notes : @param sender The reference to the object that raised the event @param e The System.EventArgs with the data for this event */
# RaiseGenericEvent (EventArgs) Raises the Generic Event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic
+ Shutdown () Shuts down the SmartFormLogic instance
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic
# Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartDynamicFilterControl SmartDynamicFilterControlInstance (character) Returns an instance of a SmartDynamicFilterControl in the form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
# StoreSettings (character, character) Stores window settings to the registry
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic
+ SubscribeEvents () Subscribes the events for an attached form instance
Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic:SubscribeEvents ()
+ UnsubscribeEvents () Unsubscribes the events for an attached form instance
Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic:UnsubscribeEvents ()

Top Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ SmartWindowForm Owner
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic

Method Detail

PUBLIC CopyObjectMasterName (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the Copy Object Master Name Button
Notes :

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED DataSourceCurrentChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the CurrentChanged event
Notes :

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED System.ComponentModel.Component GetInstance (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
Purpose: Returns the reference to the instance with the provided name

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to locate
Returns System.ComponentModel.Component
The reference to the Component

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartBusinessEntityAdapter GetSmartBusinessEntityAdapterInstance (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
Purpose: Returns an instance of a SmartBusinessEntityAdapter in the form
Notes: Strong typed variant of the DynamicForm's GetInstance method

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to retrieve
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartBusinessEntityAdapter
The reference to the instance

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartDataBrowser GetSmartDataBrowserInstance (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
Purpose: Returns an instance of a SmartDataBrowser in the form
Notes: Strong typed variant of the DynamicForm's GetInstance method

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to retrieve
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartDataBrowser
The reference to the instance

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartPanelController GetSmartPanelControllerInstance (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
Purpose: Returns an instance of a SmartPanelController in the form
Notes: Strong typed variant of the DynamicForm's GetInstance method

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to retrieve
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartPanelController
The reference to the instance

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartToolbarController GetSmartToolbarControllerInstance (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
Purpose: Returns an instance of a SmartToolbarController in the form
Notes: Strong typed variant of the DynamicForm's GetInstance method

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to retrieve
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartToolbarController
The reference to the instance

PROTECTED SmartViewerControl GetSmartViewerControlInstance (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
Purpose: Returns an instance of a SmartViewerControl in the form
Notes: Strong typed variant of the DynamicForm's GetInstance method

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to retrieve
Returns SmartViewerControl
The reference to the instance

PROTECTED UltraTabControl GetUltraTabControlInstance (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
Purpose: Returns an instance of a UltraTabControl in the form
Notes: Strong typed variant of the DynamicForm's GetInstance method

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to retrieve
Returns UltraTabControl
The reference to the instance

PROTECTED UltraToolbarsManager GetUltraToolbarsManagerInstance (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
Purpose: Returns an instance of a UltraToolbarsManager in the form
Notes: Strong typed variant of the DynamicForm's GetInstance method
Returns a SmartPanelControllers UltraToolbarsManager or a
SmartToolbarControllers UltraToolbarsManager reference

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to retrieve
Returns UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the instance

PROTECTED GridDefaultActionHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the GridDefaultAction event
Notes :

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC Initialize ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic
Purpose: Initializes the SmartFormLogic instance


PUBLIC LaunchAngularForm (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the Launch Angular Form Button
Notes :

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC LaunchForm (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the Launch Form Button
Notes :

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED CHARACTER LoadSettings (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic
Purpose: Loads stored window settings from the registry

pcSettingsKey CHARACTER
The key under which the settings for this Form are stored (e.g. Position)
The string containing the stored window settings

PUBLIC NewObjectMaster (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the New Object Master Button
Notes :

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED ObjectCreatedHandler (Object, ObjectCreatedEventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the ObjectCreated event of the NewFromTemplateWizardForm
Notes :

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Object.ObjectCreatedEventArgs
The ObjectCreatedEventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC OpenMaster (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the Open Master Button
Notes :

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OpenSelectedMaster ()

Purpose: Opens the selected object master
Notes :


PUBLIC OpenWebApp (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the Open WebApp Button
Notes :

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED RaiseGenericEvent (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic
Purpose: Raises the Generic Event
Notes: Supports raising events from the Form Logic Class - it's recommended
to use a derived event arg to distinguish events

e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs

PUBLIC Shutdown ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic
Purpose: Shuts down the SmartFormLogic instance


PROTECTED Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartDynamicFilterControl SmartDynamicFilterControlInstance (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicFormLogic
Purpose: Returns an instance of a SmartDynamicFilterControl in the form
Notes: Strong typed variant of the DynamicForm's GetInstance method

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to retrieve
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.SmartDynamicFilterControl
The reference to the instance

PROTECTED StoreSettings (character, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic
Purpose: Stores window settings to the registry

pcSettings CHARACTER
The string containing the window settings to be stored
pcSettingsKey CHARACTER
The key under which the settings for this Form are stored (e.g. Position)

PUBLIC SubscribeEvents ()

Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic:SubscribeEvents ()
Purpose: Subscribes the events for an attached form instance
Notes: This method needs to be implemented by the Form Logic class and
is supposed to subscribe to control events


PUBLIC UnsubscribeEvents ()

Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic:UnsubscribeEvents ()
Purpose: Unsubscribes the events for an attached form instance
Notes: This method needs to be implemented by the Form Logic class and
is supposed to unsubscribe from control events

Property Detail

PUBLIC SmartWindowForm Owner

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartFormLogic

Returns SmartWindowForm

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