Options |
Name |
Purpose |
HANDLE ChildNodeByName (handle, character)
Recursively locates a Node with the given name
HANDLE ChildNodeByNameAndAttributeValue (handle, character, character, character)
Recursively locates a Node with the given name and attribute value
HANDLE ChildNodeByNameAndAttributeValues (handle, character, character[], character[])
Recursively locates a Node with the given name and attribute values
HANDLE ChildNodeByNameAndAttributeValuesCaseSensitive (handle, character, character[], character[])
Recursively locates a Node with the given name and attribute values
DecodeLineBreaks (handle)
Recursively decodes line break characters CHR(10) and CHR(13)
DecodeLineBreaksLong (handle)
Encodes line breaks for NODE-VALUE > CHARACTER limit
EncodeLineBreaks (handle)
Recursively encodes line break characters CHR(10) and CHR(13)
EncodeLineBreaksLong (handle)
Encodes line breaks for NODE-VALUE > CHARACTER limit
CHARACTER GetCharacterValueInNode (handle)
Returns the CHARACTER Value of the Text node that is the first child
of an XML Element
HANDLE GetChildByName (handle, character)
Returns a X-NODEREF that points to the first child node of the given
node with the given name
HANDLE GetChildByName (handle, character, integer)
Returns a X-NODEREF that points to the first child node of the given
node with the given name
HANDLE GetChildElement (handle, integer)
Returns the n'th child node of type NODE
HANDLE GetChildNodeByNameAndAttributeValues (handle, character, ListNameValuePair)
Locates a direct child node with the given name and attribute values
HANDLE GetChildNodeByNameAndAttributeValuesCaseSensitive (handle, character, ListNameValuePair)
Locates a direct child node with the given name and attribute values
HANDLE GetChildNodeByPath (handle, character)
Returns the child node by a path
LONGCHAR GetLongcharValueInNode (handle)
Returns the LONGCHAR Value of the Text node that is the first child
of an XML Element
HANDLE InsertElementNode (handle, character)
Adds an Element node to a X-NODEREF
InsertNodeAttribute (handle, character, character)
Inserts an Attribute Node to an exiting XML Node
HANDLE InsertTextNode (handle, character)
Adds a Text node to a X-NODEREF
HANDLE InsertTextNode (handle, longchar)
Adds a Text node to a X-NODEREF
HANDLE InsertTextNode (handle, raw)
Adds a base64-encoded Text node for RAW value to a X-NODEREF
LOGICAL IsWellFormed (longchar)
Verifies of the physical structure of the passed in Longchar is a
valid (well-formed) XML Document
NestNodeChildren (handle, integer, integer)
Recursively nests the child nodes
NestNodeElements (handle)
Nests the children of the given XML Document
CHARACTER Sanitize (character)
Sanitizes the passed in Character value as an XML Document
LONGCHAR Sanitize (longchar)
Sanitizes the passed in Longchar value as an XML Document