Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ ActivateFirstMdiChildRibbonTab (UltraToolbarsManager) Activates the first RibbonTab of the current MDI Child
+ BuildApplicationFooterMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Renders the Tools listed in the ApplicationMenuFooterTools property in the Ribbon's ApplicationMenu:FooterToolbar
+ BuildContextMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, handle, Control) Renders the context menu of an ABL Widget on an Infragistics UltraToolbarsManager and registers if for the given .NET Control
+ BuildContextMenuFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, PopupMenuTool) Builds a Context Menu (PopupMenuTool) structure with the menu structure of an ABL menu-bar
+ BuildRibbonApplicationMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Ribbon ApplicationMenu structure with the structure of an ABL menu-bar
+ BuildRibbonApplicationMenu2010 (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Ribbon ApplicationMenu structure with the structure of an ABL menu-bar
+ BuildRibbonFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Renders an ABL MENU-BAR structure as a Ribbon
+ BuildRibbonGroupFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical) Builds a RibbonGroup for BUTTON widgets in an ABL FRAME
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup BuildRibbonGroupFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical, decimal) Builds a RibbonGroup for BUTTON widgets in an ABL FRAME
+ BuildRibbonGroupFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical, logical) Builds a RibbonGroup for BUTTON widgets in an ABL FRAME
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup BuildRibbonGroupFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical, logical, decimal) Builds a RibbonGroup for BUTTON widgets in an ABL FRAME
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup BuildRibbonGroupFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical, logical, decimal, character, character) Builds a RibbonGroup for BUTTON widgets in an ABL FRAME
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup BuildRibbonGroupFromList (UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical, character) Builds a Ribbon Groups for a list of Widget Handles
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonTab BuildRibbonTab (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, handle) Builds a RibbonTab from an ABL SUBMENU widget
+ BuildRibbonTabsFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Renders an ABL MENU-BAR structure as a Ribbon
+ BuildRibbonTabsFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character) Renders an ABL MENU-BAR structure as a Ribbon
+ BuildRibbonToolsForButtons (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, character, character, logical) Build RibbonTools based on Buttons in a Frame
+ BuildRibbonToolsForCombos (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, character, character, logical) Build RibbonTools based on combo-boxes in a Frame
+ BuildRootToolInstanceFromMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Builds the RootTool Instances based on an ABL MENU-BAR Widget
+ BuildRootToolInstanceFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Builds the RootTool Instances based on an ABL MENU-BAR Widget
+ BuildRootToolInstancesFromFrame (handle, decimal, UltraToolbarsManager) Builds the RootTool Instances based on Buttons in a Frame
+ BuildSubMenuItems (handle, PopupMenuTool, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Recurses a SUB-MENU and builds toolbar items
+ BuildSubMenus (handle, UltraToolbar, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, logical) Create a popup menu for the menu-items and sub-menus in the menu-bar
+ BuildToolbar (handle, UltraToolbar, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Creates ButtonTools for the MENU-ITEMs in the Window MENU-BAR
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, decimal, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, decimal, UltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, handle, decimal, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, handle, decimal, UltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, handle, UltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromList (character, character, Object, character, character, character, UltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar from a comma delimited list of Button Handles
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromList (character, character, Object, character, character, UltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar from a comma delimited list of Button Handles
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromList (handle, handle, character, UltraToolbarsManager) Builds a Toolbar from a comma delimited list of Button Handles
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromList (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character) Builds a Toolbar from a comma delimited list of Button Handles
+ BuildToolsCollection (handle, ToolsCollection, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Creates Infragistics Tools (ButtonTool, PopupMenuTool) for widgets in an ABL menu structure
+ BuildUltraToolbarMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Renders the MENU-BAR widget of an ABL WINDOW widget as the main menu tool of an UltraToolbarsManager instance
+ CleanUpMergedContextualTabGroups (UltraToolbarsManager, IList) Cleans up a List of ContextualTabs typically created by the method MergeContextualTabGroups
+ ConvertRibbonToToolbars (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character) Converts a RibbonTab to a Toolbar
+ ConvertRibbonToToolbars (UltraToolbarsManager, character) Converts a RibbonTab to a Toolbar
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool CreateButtonToolFromButton (UltraToolbarsManager, handle) Creates a Button Tool (RootTool only) in the UltraToolbarsManager based on the properties of a ABL Button Widget
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool CreateButtonToolFromButton (UltraToolbarsManager, handle, character) Creates a Button Tool (RootTool only) in the UltraToolbarsManager based on the properties of a ABL Button Widget
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar CreateMenubarToolbar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Creates a new Menubar Toolbar in the UltraToolbar
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool CreateMenuItemButtonTool (handle, ToolsCollectionBase, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Creates a ButtonTool for a MENU-ITEM widget
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool CreateMenuItemButtonTool (handle, ToolsCollectionBase, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character) Creates a ButtonTool for a MENU-ITEM widget
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase CreateMenuItemRootButtonTool (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Creates a Root ButtonTool for a MENU-ITEM widget
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool CreateStateButtonToolFromToggleBox (handle, ToolsCollectionBase, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character) Creates a State Button Tool for a TOGGLE-BOX widget
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool CreateStateButtonToolFromToggleBox (handle, ToolsCollectionBase, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character, logical) Creates a State Button Tool for a TOGGLE-BOX widget
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.PopupMenuTool CreateSubMenuPopupMenu (handle, ToolsCollectionBase, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Creates a PopupMenuTool for an ABL SUB-MENU widget
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.TextBoxTool CreateTextBoxToolFromFillIn (UltraToolbarsManager, handle) Creates a TextBox Tool (RootTool only) in the UltraToolbarsManager based on the properties of an ABL Fill-In Widget
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar CreateToolbar (character, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Creates a new Toolbar in the UltraToolbar
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar CreateToolbar (character, UltraToolbarsManager) Creates a new Toolbar in the UltraToolbar
+ DisableTool (UltraToolbarsManager, character) Disables the Tool referenced by the given key
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase DuplicateTool (ToolBase, character) Duplicates a Tool (clones the tool)
+ EnableApplicationMenu (UltraToolbarsManager, logical) Enables/Disables the left entries of the Ribbon's ApplicationMenu
+ EnablePopupMenu (PopupMenuTool, logical) Enables/Disables the tools in a PopupMenuTool
+ EnableTool (UltraToolbarsManager, character) Enables the Tool referenced by the given key
+ EnableToolsLikeButtons (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Enables Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager based on Buttons in a Frame
+ EnableToolsLikeButtons (handle, UltraToolbarsManager) Enabled Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager based on Buttons in a Frame
+ EraseToolbarsCollections (UltraToolbarsManager) Remove all Toolbars, Tools and Tool instances from an UltraToolbarsManager
+ EraseToolsCollection (ToolsCollectionBase) Erases a ToolsCollectionBase object by deleting all contained objects
+ EvaluateBuildRibbonGroupFromFrameFilter () Evaluates an IBuildRibbonGroupFromFrameFilter implementation
+ EvaluateBuildToolbarFromFrameFilter () Evaluates an IBuildToolbarFromFrameFilter implementation
+ EvaluateCustomToolImageProvider () Evaluates a custom IToolImageProvider implementation
+ EvaluateCustomWidgetRenderer () Evaluates a custom ICustomToolbarWidgetRenderer implementation
+ EvaluateEnableToolsLikeButtonsFilter () Evaluates an IEnableToolsLikeButtonsFilter implementation
+ EvaluateHideToolbarButtonsFilter () Evaluates an IHideToolbarButtonsFilter implementation
+ EvaluateLinkButtonsAndToolsFilter () Evaluates an ILinkButtonsAndToolsFilter implementation
+ EvaluateMenuItemFilter () Evaluates a IMenuItemFilter implementation
+ EvaluateRefreshToolsFilter () Evaluates a IRefreshToolsFilter implementation
+ EvaluateRibbonButtonCustomizer () Evaluates a custom IRibbonButtonCustomizer implementation
+ EvaluateSubmenuCustomizer () Evaluates a custom IToolImageProvider implementation
+ EvaluateViewHideToolbarButtonsFilter () Evaluates an IViewHideToolbarButtonsFilter implementation
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar FindFirstToolbar (UltraToolbarsManager) Locates the first visible Toolbar that is not a menu-bar
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase FindToolFromWidgetHandle (handle, UltraToolbarsManager) Returns the reference to an UltraToolbarsManager ToolBase instance that represents a Progress Widget by comparing the Tag property of the Tool to the widget handle
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool GetButtonTool (UltraToolbarsManager, character) Returns the reference to the ButtonTool for the given key
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar GetMainMenuToolbar (UltraToolbarsManager) Returns the reference to the MainMenuBar of the passed in UltraToolbarsManager instance
+ CHARACTER GetQuickAccessToolbarTools (UltraToolbarsManager) Returns a comma-delimited list of Tools of the current Ribbon QuickAccessTools
+ Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool GetStateButtonTool (UltraToolbarsManager, character) Returns a reference to the StateButtonTool for the given key
+ LOGICAL GetStateButtonToolChecked (UltraToolbarsManager, character) Returns the Checked property of a StateButtonTool
+ CHARACTER GetStateButtonToolSelectedKey (UltraToolbarsManager, character) Returns the selected option (key) of a StateButtonTool's option set
+ HideToolbarButtons (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Hides Toolbars Buttons when the buttons in the frame with the Same name are not visible or hidden.
+ HideToolbarButtons (handle, UltraToolbarsManager) Hides Toolbars Buttons when the buttons in the frame with the Same name are not visible or hidden.
+ HideToolbarFrame (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, logical) Hides a physical Toolbar within the Toolbar Container
+ HideToolbarFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, logical) Hides a physical Toolbar within the Toolbar Container
+ LinkButtonsAndTools (character, UltraToolbarsManager) Links Buttons in a Frame with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
+ LinkButtonsAndTools (character, UltraToolbarsManager, logical) Links Buttons with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
+ LinkButtonsAndTools (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Links Buttons in a Frame with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
+ LinkButtonsAndTools (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, logical) Links Buttons in a Frame with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
+ LinkButtonsAndTools (handle, UltraToolbarsManager) Links Buttons in a Frame with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
+ LinkButtonsAndTools (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, logical) Links Buttons in a Frame with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
+ LinkContextMenuItems (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Links Menu Items in a SUB-MENU with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
+ LinkContextMenuItems (handle, UltraToolbarsManager) Links Menu Items in a SUB-MENU with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
+ LOGICAL LoadImage (handle, ToolBase, logical) Standard routine to load an image to a Tool
+ MakeTabsContextual (UltraToolbarsManager) Adds all Ribbon Tabs of the UltraToolbarsManager to the first Contextual Tab Group of the UltraToolbarsManager
+ System.Collections.IList MergeContextualTabGroups (UltraToolbarsManager, UltraToolbarsManager, character) Merges the contextual Tabs of one UltraToolbarsManager instance into another
+ MergeTools (UltraToolbarsManager, character, character) Merges two tools
+ PopulateToolsCollectionFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, ToolsCollection) Populates a ToolsCollection with a menu structure from an ABL Menu Bar
+ RefreshMergedContextualTabGroups (UltraToolbarsManager, IList, character) Refreshes the status of Tools in a List of ContextualTabs typically created by the method MergeContextualTabGroups
+ RefreshTools (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Refreshes Menu items and Toolbar items based on the ABL widget status
+ RefreshTools (UltraToolbarsManager) Refreshes Menu items and Toolbar items based on the ABL widget status
+ RefreshTools (UltraToolbarsManager, logical) Refreshes Menu items and Toolbar items based on the ABL widget status
+ RefreshTools (UltraToolbarsManager, logical, logical) Refreshes Menu items and Toolbar items based on the ABL widget status
+ RemoveMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Removes the menu-bar and all sub-menus from the UltraToolbarsManager
+ CHARACTER RemoveMenuAmpersand (character) Removes single Ampersand Characters from a MENU-ITEM Label
+ RemoveSubMenus (ToolsCollection) Recursively clears all sub menus (PopupMenuTool instances) from a Tools collections
+ RemoveToolbarFrame (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager) Removes a specific Toolbar from the Toolbar Manager
+ RemoveToolbarFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager) Removes a specific Toolbar from the Toolbar Manager
+ RestoreQuickAccessToolbarTools (UltraToolbarsManager, character) Restored a previously stored comma-delimited list of Tools of the Ribbon Quick Access Tools
# SetAccelerator (ToolBase, handle) Assigns an accelerator (keyboard mnemonic) to a menu item button tool
+ SetStateButtonToolChecked (UltraToolbarsManager, character, logical) Sets the Checked property of a StateButtonTool
+ System.Windows.Forms.Shortcut ShortcutFromAccelerator (character) Translates a Progress MENU-ITEM Accelerator into a .NET System.Windows.Forms.Shortcut enumeration member
+ ToggleVisibleToolbars (UltraToolbarsManager) Toggles the Visibility of the Toolbars. Makes them only visible, when at least a single Tool is visible.
+ ViewHideToolbarButtons (handle, UltraToolbarsManager) Views and hides Buttons in an UltraToolbarsManager ToolbarBand based on visibility of Buttons in a FRAME

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
UltraToolbarsHelper () Initializes the static instance of the UltraToolbarsManager
# UltraToolbarsHelper () Disallow instance creation

Top Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ CHARACTER ApplicationMenuFooterTools
+ LOGICAL PrefixMenuItemsWithMenuName
+ LOGICAL RefreshingToolbar
+ DECIMAL ToolbarButtonMaxDistance

Method Detail

PUBLIC ActivateFirstMdiChildRibbonTab (UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Activates the first RibbonTab of the current MDI Child
Notes: Leverages the MdiMerging capabilities of the Infragistics ribbon

poParentToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The UltraToolbarsManager of the MDI Container

PUBLIC BuildApplicationFooterMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Renders the Tools listed in the ApplicationMenuFooterTools property
in the Ribbon's ApplicationMenu:FooterToolbar

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Tools

PUBLIC BuildContextMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, handle, Control)

Purpose: Renders the context menu of an ABL Widget on an Infragistics
UltraToolbarsManager and registers if for the given .NET Control
Notes: Silently exits, when there is not POPUP-MENU defined for the Widget

poToolbarsForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Infragistics IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager instance that contains the UltraToolbarsManager
phWidget HANDLE
The ABL Widget that owns the ABL POPUP-MENU
poControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The .NET Control that should receive the Infragistics Context Menu

PUBLIC BuildContextMenuFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, PopupMenuTool)

Purpose: Builds a Context Menu (PopupMenuTool) structure with the menu structure
of an ABL menu-bar

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
poPopupMenuRoot Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.PopupMenuTool
The reference to the PopupMenuTool that should received the menu structure

PUBLIC BuildRibbonApplicationMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Ribbon ApplicationMenu structure with the structure
of an ABL menu-bar

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon

PUBLIC BuildRibbonApplicationMenu2010 (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Ribbon ApplicationMenu structure with the structure
of an ABL menu-bar

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon

PUBLIC BuildRibbonFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Renders an ABL MENU-BAR structure as a Ribbon
Notes: The Handle to the MENU-BAR needs to be accessible from the poForm:MENU-BAR reference
First sub menu will be rendered in ApplicationMenu (Left)
Additional sub menus will be rendered as RibbonTabs

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon

PUBLIC BuildRibbonGroupFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical)

Purpose: Builds a RibbonGroup for BUTTON widgets in an ABL FRAME

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME WIDGET containing the BUTTON widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
poRibbonTab Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonTab
The reference to the RibbonTab that should contain the new RibbonGroup
pcRibbonGroupKey CHARACTER
The key for the new RibbonTab object
pcRibbonGroupCaption CHARACTER
The caption of the new RibbonTab object
plSkipExisting LOGICAL
Flag indicating if Tools already available in the ToolbarsManager should be skipped
plHideButtons LOGICAL
Flag indicating if the BUTTON widgets should be hidden

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup BuildRibbonGroupFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical, decimal)

Purpose: Builds a RibbonGroup for BUTTON widgets in an ABL FRAME

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME WIDGET containing the BUTTON widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
poRibbonTab Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonTab
The reference to the RibbonTab that should contain the new RibbonGroup
pcRibbonGroupKey CHARACTER
The key for the new RibbonTab object
pcRibbonGroupCaption CHARACTER
The caption of the new RibbonTab object
plSkipExisting LOGICAL
Flag indicating if Tools already available in the ToolbarsManager should be skipped
plHideButtons LOGICAL
Flag indicating if the BUTTON widgets should be hidden
pdeLimitRow DECIMAL
The topmost Row (in ABL character units) for BUTTON widgets that should be renders in the RibbonGroup
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup
The RibbonGroup that was created for the Buttons in the FRAME

PUBLIC BuildRibbonGroupFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical, logical)

Purpose: Builds a RibbonGroup for BUTTON widgets in an ABL FRAME

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME WIDGET containing the BUTTON widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
poRibbonTab Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonTab
The reference to the RibbonTab that should contain the new RibbonGroup
pcRibbonGroupKey CHARACTER
The key for the new RibbonTab object
pcRibbonGroupCaption CHARACTER
The caption of the new RibbonTab object
plSkipExisting LOGICAL
Flag indicating if Tools already available in the ToolbarsManager should be skipped
plHideButtons LOGICAL
Flag indicating if the BUTTON widgets should be hidden
plSkipInvisibleButtons LOGICAL
Skip Buttons that are not visible right now

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup BuildRibbonGroupFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical, logical, decimal)

Purpose: Builds a RibbonGroup for BUTTON widgets in an ABL FRAME

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME WIDGET containing the BUTTON widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
poRibbonTab Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonTab
The reference to the RibbonTab that should contain the new RibbonGroup
pcRibbonGroupKey CHARACTER
The key for the new RibbonTab object
pcRibbonGroupCaption CHARACTER
The caption of the new RibbonTab object
plSkipExisting LOGICAL
Flag indicating if Tools already available in the ToolbarsManager should be skipped
plHideButtons LOGICAL
Flag indicating if the BUTTON widgets should be hidden
plSkipInvisibleButtons LOGICAL
Skip Buttons that are not visible right now
pdeLimitRow DECIMAL
The topmost Row (in ABL character units) for BUTTON widgets that should be renders in the RibbonGroup
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup
The RibbonGroup that was created for the Buttons in the FRAME

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup BuildRibbonGroupFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical, logical, decimal, character, character)

Purpose: Builds a RibbonGroup for BUTTON widgets in an ABL FRAME

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME WIDGET containing the BUTTON widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
poRibbonTab Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonTab
The reference to the RibbonTab that should contain the new RibbonGroup
pcRibbonGroupKey CHARACTER
The key for the new RibbonTab object
pcRibbonGroupCaption CHARACTER
The caption of the new RibbonTab object
plSkipExisting LOGICAL
Flag indicating if Tools already available in the ToolbarsManager should be skipped
plHideButtons LOGICAL
Flag indicating if the BUTTON widgets should be hidden
plSkipInvisibleButtons LOGICAL
Skip Buttons that are not visible right now
pdeLimitRow DECIMAL
The topmost Row (in ABL character units) for BUTTON widgets that should be renders in the RibbonGroup
pcToolKeyPrefix CHARACTER
The prefix to use for the Ribbon Tool Keys
pcToolKeySuffix CHARACTER
The suffix to use for the Ribbon Tool Keys
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup
The RibbonGroup that was created for the Buttons in the FRAME

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup BuildRibbonGroupFromList (UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonTab, character, character, logical, logical, character)

Purpose: Builds a Ribbon Groups for a list of Widget Handles

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
poRibbonTab Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonTab
The reference to the RibbonTab that should contain the new RibbonGroup
pcRibbonGroupKey CHARACTER
The key for the new RibbonTab object
pcRibbonGroupCaption CHARACTER
The caption of the new RibbonTab object
plSkipExisting LOGICAL
Flag indicating if Tools already available in the ToolbarsManager should be skipped
plHideButtons LOGICAL
Flag indicating if the BUTTON widgets should be hidden
pcWidgetHandleList CHARACTER
A comma-delimited list of BUTTON widget handles that should be rendered as ButtonTools in the RibbonGroup
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonGroup
The RibbonGroup that was created for the Buttons in the list

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonTab BuildRibbonTab (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, handle)

Purpose: Builds a RibbonTab from an ABL SUBMENU widget

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the Form that contains the UltraToolbarsManager
phSubMenu HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL SUBMENU widget
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.RibbonTab
The RibbonTab

PUBLIC BuildRibbonTabsFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Renders an ABL MENU-BAR structure as a Ribbon
Notes: The Handle to the MENU-BAR needs to be accessible from the poForm:MENU-BAR reference
First sub menu will be rendered in ApplicationMenu (Left)
Additional sub menus will be rendered as RibbonTabs

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon

PUBLIC BuildRibbonTabsFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Renders an ABL MENU-BAR structure as a Ribbon
Notes: The Handle to the MENU-BAR needs to be accessible from the poForm:MENU-BAR reference
First sub menu will be rendered in ApplicationMenu (Left)
Additional sub menus will be rendered as RibbonTabs
Pull-down menus are supposed to have a valid name

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
A comma delimited list of menu names that will be skipped (main pull down level only)

PUBLIC BuildRibbonToolsForButtons (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, character, character, logical)

Purpose: Build RibbonTools based on Buttons in a Frame

phFrame HANDLE
The handle of the frame
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager instance
The key of the RibbonGroup to add the buttons to
pcGroupCaption CHARACTER
The caption for the RibbonGroup (used only when the group does not yet exist)
plHideButtons LOGICAL
Logical value controlling if the original button widgets should be hidden

PUBLIC BuildRibbonToolsForCombos (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, character, character, logical)

Purpose: Build RibbonTools based on combo-boxes in a Frame

phFrame HANDLE
The handle of the frame
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager instance
The key of the RibbonGroup to add the buttons to
pcGroupCaption CHARACTER
The caption for the RibbonGroup (used only when the group does not yet exist)
plHideCombos LOGICAL
Logical value controlling if the original combo-box widgets should be hidden

PUBLIC BuildRootToolInstanceFromMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds the RootTool Instances based on an ABL MENU-BAR Widget

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that should create the Tool Instances for the MENU-BAR

PUBLIC BuildRootToolInstanceFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds the RootTool Instances based on an ABL MENU-BAR Widget

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that should create the Tool Instances for the MENU-BAR

PUBLIC BuildRootToolInstancesFromFrame (handle, decimal, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds the RootTool Instances based on Buttons in a Frame
Notes: Useful to build the RootTool Instances in cases where the toolbar or
ribbon is built using an IRibbonBuilder

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
pdeLimitRow DECIMAL
The topmost Row (in ABL character units) for BUTTON widgets that should be renders in the Toolbar
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbars collection

PUBLIC BuildSubMenuItems (handle, PopupMenuTool, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Recurses a SUB-MENU and builds toolbar items

The HANDLE of the ABL menu widget
poParentMenuItem Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.PopupMenuTool
The reference to the PopupMenuTool that has been created for the phMenu widget
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Tools

PUBLIC BuildSubMenus (handle, UltraToolbar, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, logical)

Purpose: Create a popup menu for the menu-items and sub-menus in the menu-bar

The HANDLE of the ABL menu widget
poToolbar Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the UltraToolbar created for the ABL menu widget
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbar
plIncludeMenuItem LOGICAL
Flag indicating of the MenuItems should be rendered as well

PUBLIC BuildToolbar (handle, UltraToolbar, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Creates ButtonTools for the MENU-ITEMs in the Window MENU-BAR

The HANDLE of the ABL menu widget
poToolbar Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the UltraToolbar created for the ABL menu widget
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbar

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, decimal, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
pdeLimitRow DECIMAL
The topmost Row (in ABL character units) for BUTTON widgets that should be renders in the Toolbar
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that should create the Toolbar
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, decimal, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
pdeLimitRow DECIMAL
The topmost Row (in ABL character units) for BUTTON widgets that should be renders in the Toolbar
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbars collection
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, handle, decimal, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
phWindow HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL WINDOW widget, used for assigning the Text of the Toolbar object
pdeLimitRow DECIMAL
The topmost Row (in ABL character units) for BUTTON widgets that should be renders in the Toolbar
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that should create the Toolbar
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, handle, decimal, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
phWindow HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL WINDOW widget, used for assigning the Text of the Toolbar object
pdeLimitRow DECIMAL
The topmost Row (in ABL character units) for BUTTON widgets that should be renders in the Toolbar
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbars collection
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
phWindow HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL WINDOW widget, used for assigning the Text of the Toolbar object
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that should create the Toolbar
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, handle, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
phWindow HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL WINDOW widget, used for assigning the Text of the Toolbar object
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbars collection
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that should create the Toolbar
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar based on Buttons in a Frame

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbars collection
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromList (character, character, Object, character, character, character, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar from a comma delimited list of Button Handles

pcToolbarKey CHARACTER
The key for the generated toolbar
pcToolbarTitle CHARACTER
The title for the generated toolbar
poToolbarTag System.Object
The tag for the generated toolbar
pcToolKeyPrefix CHARACTER
The prefix to use for the generated tools
pcToolKeySuffix CHARACTER
The suffix to use for the generated tools
pcButtonList CHARACTER
A comma-delimited list of ABL BUTTON widget HANDLEs
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromList (character, character, Object, character, character, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar from a comma delimited list of Button Handles

pcToolbarKey CHARACTER
The key for the generated toolbar
pcToolbarTitle CHARACTER
The title for the generated toolbar
poToolbarTag System.Object
The tag for the generated toolbar
pcToolKeyPrefix CHARACTER
The prefix to use for the generated tools
pcButtonList CHARACTER
A comma-delimited list of ABL BUTTON widget HANDLEs
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromList (handle, handle, character, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar from a comma delimited list of Button Handles

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
phWindow HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL WINDOW widget, used for assigning the Text of the Toolbar object
pcButtonList CHARACTER
A comma-delimited list of ABL BUTTON widget HANDLEs
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar BuildToolbarFromList (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Builds a Toolbar from a comma delimited list of Button Handles

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget containing the BUTTON widgets
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that should create the Toolbar
pcButtonList CHARACTER
A comma-delimited list of ABL BUTTON widget HANDLEs
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the generated UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC BuildToolsCollection (handle, ToolsCollection, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Creates Infragistics Tools (ButtonTool, PopupMenuTool) for widgets
in an ABL menu structure
Notes: WINKIT-13 added capabilities to filter menu items based on IMenuItemFilter

phParentMenu HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL menu structure
poToolsCollection Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolsCollection
The reference to the ToolsCollection that should receive the created tools
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the ToolsCollection

PUBLIC BuildUltraToolbarMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Renders the MENU-BAR widget of an ABL WINDOW widget as the main menu tool of an UltraToolbarsManager instance

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that should create the Main Menu Toolbar

PUBLIC CleanUpMergedContextualTabGroups (UltraToolbarsManager, IList)

Purpose: Cleans up a List of ContextualTabs typically created by the method

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The UltraToolbarsManager instance that contains the tools to be removed
poList System.Collections.IList
A System.Collections.IList containing the ToolBase, RibbonTabs and ContextualTabGroups

PUBLIC ConvertRibbonToToolbars (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Converts a RibbonTab to a Toolbar

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
The RibbonTab that should be converted to a Toolbar

PUBLIC ConvertRibbonToToolbars (UltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Converts a RibbonTab to a Toolbar

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
The RibbonTab that should be converted to a Toolbar

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool CreateButtonToolFromButton (UltraToolbarsManager, handle)

Purpose: Creates a Button Tool (RootTool only) in the UltraToolbarsManager
based on the properties of a ABL Button Widget

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
phButton HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL BUTTON widget
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool
The reference to the ButtonTool that was created to represent the ABL BUTTON widget

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool CreateButtonToolFromButton (UltraToolbarsManager, handle, character)

Purpose: Creates a Button Tool (RootTool only) in the UltraToolbarsManager
based on the properties of a ABL Button Widget

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
phButton HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL BUTTON widget
The key for the new button
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool
The reference to the ButtonTool that was created to represent the ABL BUTTON widget

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar CreateMenubarToolbar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Creates a new Menubar Toolbar in the UltraToolbar
Notes: Checks if a Menubar Toolbar exists and returns that reference if
so. Used by BuildUltraToolbarMenu

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that should create the main menu Toolbar
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The UltraToolbar that should be used as the main menu

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool CreateMenuItemButtonTool (handle, ToolsCollectionBase, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Creates a ButtonTool for a MENU-ITEM widget
Notes: The MENU-ITEM needs have a valid name to proceed. Handling of
MENU-ITEM's without a name can be customized using an implementation
of the Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.IUnnamedWidgetHandler
interface. The default is to raise an error.

phMenuItem HANDLE
The MenuItem to create a ButtonTool for
poToolsCollection Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolsCollectionBase
The collection (in a Toolbar, a PopupMenuTool, a RibbonGroup, ...) an instance tool should be created
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form that owns the UltraToolbarsManager
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool
The reference to the ButtonTool that was created for the MENU-ITEM widget

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool CreateMenuItemButtonTool (handle, ToolsCollectionBase, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Creates a ButtonTool for a MENU-ITEM widget
Notes: The MENU-ITEM needs have a valid name to proceed. Handling of
MENU-ITEM's without a name can be customized using an implementation
of the Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.IUnnamedWidgetHandler
interface. The default is to raise an error.

phMenuItem HANDLE
The MenuItem to create a ButtonTool for
poToolsCollection Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolsCollectionBase
The collection (in a Toolbar, a PopupMenuTool, a RibbonGroup, ...) an instance tool should be created
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form that owns the UltraToolbarsManager
pcToolKeySuffix CHARACTER
The suffix to append to the tool's key
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool
The reference to the ButtonTool that was created for the MENU-ITEM widget

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase CreateMenuItemRootButtonTool (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Creates a Root ButtonTool for a MENU-ITEM widget
Notes: The MENU-ITEM needs have a valid name to proceed. Handling of
MENU-ITEM's without a name can be customized using an implementation
of the Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.IUnnamedWidgetHandler
interface. The default is to raise an error.

phMenuItem HANDLE
The MenuItem to create a ButtonTool for
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the Form with the reference to the UltraToolbarsManager
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase
The reference to the ButtonTool that was created for the MENU-ITEM widget

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool CreateStateButtonToolFromToggleBox (handle, ToolsCollectionBase, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Creates a State Button Tool for a TOGGLE-BOX widget
Notes: The TOGGLE-BOX needs have a valid name to proceed. Handling of
widgets without a name can be customized using an implementation
of the Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.IUnnamedWidgetHandler
interface. The default is to raise an error.
Defaults to create no glyph

phWidget HANDLE
The Widget to create a ButtonTool for
poToolsCollection Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolsCollectionBase
The collection (in a Toolbar, a PopupMenuTool, a RibbonGroup, ...) an instance tool should be created
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form that owns the UltraToolbarsManager
pcToolKeySuffix CHARACTER
The suffix to append to the tool's key
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool
The reference to the StateButtonTool that was created for the MENU-ITEM widget

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool CreateStateButtonToolFromToggleBox (handle, ToolsCollectionBase, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, character, logical)

Purpose: Creates a State Button Tool for a TOGGLE-BOX widget
Notes: The TOGGLE-BOX needs have a valid name to proceed. Handling of
widgets without a name can be customized using an implementation
of the Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.IUnnamedWidgetHandler
interface. The default is to raise an error.

phWidget HANDLE
The Widget to create a ButtonTool for
poToolsCollection Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolsCollectionBase
The collection (in a Toolbar, a PopupMenuTool, a RibbonGroup, ...) an instance tool should be created
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form that owns the UltraToolbarsManager
pcToolKeySuffix CHARACTER
The suffix to append to the tool's key
plUseGlyph LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if a Glyph (checkbox) or push down button style StateButtonTool should be created
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool
The reference to the StateButtonTool that was created for the MENU-ITEM widget

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.PopupMenuTool CreateSubMenuPopupMenu (handle, ToolsCollectionBase, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Creates a PopupMenuTool for an ABL SUB-MENU widget

phMenuItem HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL SUB-MENU widget
poToolsCollection Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolsCollectionBase
The collection (in a Toolbar, a PopupMenuTool, a RibbonGroup, ...) an instance tool should be created
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form that owns the UltraToolbarsManager
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.PopupMenuTool
The PopupMenuTool that represents the ABL SUB-MENU widget

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.TextBoxTool CreateTextBoxToolFromFillIn (UltraToolbarsManager, handle)

Purpose: Creates a TextBox Tool (RootTool only) in the UltraToolbarsManager
based on the properties of an ABL Fill-In Widget

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that should contain the TextBoxTool
The HANDLE of the FILL-IN widget that should be the source for the TextBoxTool
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.TextBoxTool
The TextBoxTool that represents the FILL-IN widget

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar CreateToolbar (character, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Creates a new Toolbar in the UltraToolbar

pcToolbarKey CHARACTER
The key for the new Toolbar
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that should create the Toolbar
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the creates UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar CreateToolbar (character, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Creates a new Toolbar in the UltraToolbar

pcToolbarKey CHARACTER
The key for the new Toolbar
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The UltraToolbarsManager that should create the Toolbar
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the creates UltraToolbar instance

PUBLIC DisableTool (UltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Disables the Tool referenced by the given key

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Tool
The key of the Tool in the UltraToolbarsManager Tools Collection

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase DuplicateTool (ToolBase, character)

Purpose: Duplicates a Tool (clones the tool)
Notes: The new key will be based on a substitute expression and &1 for the original tool key

poTool Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase
The tool to clone
pcKeySubstitute CHARACTER
The substitute expression for the tool key
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase
The ToolBase object which is the duplicate

PUBLIC EnableApplicationMenu (UltraToolbarsManager, logical)

Purpose: Enables/Disables the left entries of the Ribbon's ApplicationMenu

poToolbar Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Ribbon
plEnabled LOGICAL
Flag indicating if the Ribbon ApplicationMenu's tools should be enabled

PUBLIC EnablePopupMenu (PopupMenuTool, logical)

Purpose: Enables/Disables the tools in a PopupMenuTool

oPopupMenu Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.PopupMenuTool
The reference to the PopupMenuTool that contains the Tools
plEnabled LOGICAL
Flag indicating if the tools should be enabled (true) or disabled (false)

PUBLIC EnableTool (UltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Enables the Tool referenced by the given key

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Tool
The key of the Tool in the UltraToolbarsManager Tools Collection

PUBLIC EnableToolsLikeButtons (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Enables Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager based on Buttons in a

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME WIDGET containing the BUTTON Widgets
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the ButtonTools

PUBLIC EnableToolsLikeButtons (handle, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Enabled Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager based on Buttons in a

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME WIDGET containing the BUTTON Widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the ButtonTools

PUBLIC EraseToolbarsCollections (UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Remove all Toolbars, Tools and Tool instances from an

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbars Collections

PUBLIC EraseToolsCollection (ToolsCollectionBase)

Purpose: Erases a ToolsCollectionBase object by deleting all contained objects

poTools Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolsCollectionBase
The reference to the ToolsCollectionBase object containing the tools that should be deleted

PUBLIC EvaluateBuildRibbonGroupFromFrameFilter ()

Purpose: Evaluates an IBuildRibbonGroupFromFrameFilter implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IViewHideToolbarButtonsFilter service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateBuildToolbarFromFrameFilter ()

Purpose: Evaluates an IBuildToolbarFromFrameFilter implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IViewHideToolbarButtonsFilter service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateCustomToolImageProvider ()

Purpose: Evaluates a custom IToolImageProvider implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IToolImageProvider service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateCustomWidgetRenderer ()

Purpose: Evaluates a custom ICustomToolbarWidgetRenderer implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
ICustomToolbarWidgetRenderer service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateEnableToolsLikeButtonsFilter ()

Purpose: Evaluates an IEnableToolsLikeButtonsFilter implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IViewHideToolbarButtonsFilter service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateHideToolbarButtonsFilter ()

Purpose: Evaluates an IHideToolbarButtonsFilter implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IViewHideToolbarButtonsFilter service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateLinkButtonsAndToolsFilter ()

Purpose: Evaluates an ILinkButtonsAndToolsFilter implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IViewHideToolbarButtonsFilter service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateMenuItemFilter ()

Purpose: Evaluates a IMenuItemFilter implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IMenuItemFilter service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateRefreshToolsFilter ()

Purpose: Evaluates a IRefreshToolsFilter implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IRefreshToolsFilter service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateRibbonButtonCustomizer ()

Purpose: Evaluates a custom IRibbonButtonCustomizer implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IRibbonButtonCustomizer service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateSubmenuCustomizer ()

Purpose: Evaluates a custom IToolImageProvider implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IToolImageProvider service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC EvaluateViewHideToolbarButtonsFilter ()

Purpose: Evaluates an IViewHideToolbarButtonsFilter implementation
Notes: Allows to ensure that the UltraToolbarsHelper is using a custom
IViewHideToolbarButtonsFilter service after it has been registered in the


PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar FindFirstToolbar (UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Locates the first visible Toolbar that is not a menu-bar

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbar
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the first visible UltraToolbar object of the UltraToolbarsManager

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase FindToolFromWidgetHandle (handle, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Returns the reference to an UltraToolbarsManager ToolBase instance
that represents a Progress Widget by comparing the Tag property
of the Tool to the widget handle

phWidget HANDLE
The associated widget handle
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The UltraToolbarsManager that manages to tools
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase
The ToolBase the represents the widget

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool GetButtonTool (UltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Returns the reference to the ButtonTool for the given key

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the StateButton Tool
The key of the Button Tool in the UltraToolbarsManager Tools Collection
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool
Object of type ButtonTool for the given key

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar GetMainMenuToolbar (UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Returns the reference to the MainMenuBar of the passed in UltraToolbarsManager

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The UltraToolbarsManager that contains the MainMenuBar
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbar
The reference to the MainMenuBar with the IsMainMenuBar flag set to true of ? when there is none

PUBLIC CHARACTER GetQuickAccessToolbarTools (UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Returns a comma-delimited list of Tools of the current Ribbon

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager instance
The comma delimited list (CHARACTER) of tool keys on the Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar

PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool GetStateButtonTool (UltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Returns a reference to the StateButtonTool for the given key

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the StateButton Tool
The key of the StateButton Tool in the UltraToolbarsManager Tools Collection
Returns Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool
Object of type StateButtonTool for the given key

PUBLIC LOGICAL GetStateButtonToolChecked (UltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Returns the Checked property of a StateButtonTool

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the StateButton Tool
The key of the StateButton Tool in the UltraToolbarsManager Tools Collection
Logical value indicating of the StateButtonTool is checked or not

PUBLIC CHARACTER GetStateButtonToolSelectedKey (UltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Returns the selected option (key) of a StateButtonTool's option set

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the StateButton Tool
The key of the StateButton Tool in the UltraToolbarsManager Tools Collection
Character value indicating the key of the selected option

PUBLIC HideToolbarButtons (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Hides Toolbars Buttons when the buttons in the frame with the
Same name are not visible or hidden.

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget that contains the BUTTON Widgets
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Tools

PUBLIC HideToolbarButtons (handle, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Hides Toolbars Buttons when the buttons in the frame with the
Same name are not visible or hidden.

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget that contains the BUTTON Widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Tools

PUBLIC HideToolbarFrame (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, logical)

Purpose: Hides a physical Toolbar within the Toolbar Container

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget that contains the BUTTON Widgets
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the Form with the UltraToolbarsManager
Flag indicating if the Toolbar object should be hidden

PUBLIC HideToolbarFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, logical)

Purpose: Hides a physical Toolbar within the Toolbar Container

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget that contains the BUTTON Widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbar
Flag indicating if the Toolbar object should be hidden

PUBLIC LinkButtonsAndTools (character, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Links Buttons in a Frame with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
Notes: Link is established by assigning the Tag property of the Tool
the Handle of the Button. By default the Button will be hidden.

pcButtonList CHARACTER
A comma-delimited list of button handles to link
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The UltraToolbarsManager instance to link the buttons to

PUBLIC LinkButtonsAndTools (character, UltraToolbarsManager, logical)

Purpose: Links Buttons with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
Notes: Link is established by assigning the Tag property of the Tool
the Handle of the Button. Optionally the Button will be hidden.

pcButtonList CHARACTER
A comma-delimited list of button handles to link
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The UltraToolbarsManager instance to link the buttons to
plHideButtons LOGICAL
True to hide the buttons, False to leave the buttons unchanged

PUBLIC LinkButtonsAndTools (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Links Buttons in a Frame with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
Notes: Link is established by assigning the Tag property of the Tool
the Handle of the Button. By default the Button will be hidden.
Defaults to Hiding the ABL Buttons

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget that contains the BUTTON Widgets
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Tools

PUBLIC LinkButtonsAndTools (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, logical)

Purpose: Links Buttons in a Frame with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
Notes: Link is established by assigning the Tag property of the Tool
the Handle of the Button. Optionally the Button will be hidden.

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget that contains the BUTTON Widgets
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Tools
plHideButtons LOGICAL
Flag indicating if the ABL BUTTON widgets should be hidden after linking them

PUBLIC LinkButtonsAndTools (handle, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Links Buttons in a Frame with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
Notes: Link is established by assigning the Tag property of the Tool
the Handle of the Button. By default the Button will be hidden.

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget that contains the BUTTON Widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbar

PUBLIC LinkButtonsAndTools (handle, UltraToolbarsManager, logical)

Purpose: Links Buttons in a Frame with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
Notes: Link is established by assigning the Tag property of the Tool
the Handle of the Button. Optionally the Button will be hidden.

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME widget that contains the BUTTON Widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbar
plHideButtons LOGICAL
Flag indicating if the ABL BUTTON widgets should be hidden after linking them

PUBLIC LinkContextMenuItems (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Links Menu Items in a SUB-MENU with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
Notes: Link is established by assigning the Tag property of the Tool
the Handle of the Button. By default the Button will be hidden.

The HANDLE of the ABL SUB-MENU Widget
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Tools

PUBLIC LinkContextMenuItems (handle, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Links Menu Items in a SUB-MENU with Tools in an UltraToolbarsManager
Notes: Link is established by assigning the Tag property of the Tool
the Handle of the Button. By default the Button will be hidden.

The HANDLE of the ABL SUB-MENU Widget
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Tools

PUBLIC LOGICAL LoadImage (handle, ToolBase, logical)

Purpose: Standard routine to load an image to a Tool
Notes: Can be customized using an IToolImageProvider Implementation.
When called from a custom service, the plUseCustomService parameter
can be used to avoid infinitive loops

phWidget HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL WIDGET that contains the image
poButtonTool Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase
The ToolBase reference that should receive the image
plUseCustomService LOGICAL
Flag that indicates if the ToolImageProvider should be used to load the images
Logical value indicating if an image was loaded

PUBLIC MakeTabsContextual (UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Adds all Ribbon Tabs of the UltraToolbarsManager to the first
Contextual Tab Group of the UltraToolbarsManager
Notes: Useful to conditionally make Ribbon Tabs contextual (MDI Child)

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager

PUBLIC System.Collections.IList MergeContextualTabGroups (UltraToolbarsManager, UltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Merges the contextual Tabs of one UltraToolbarsManager instance into
Notes: See the method CleanUpMergedContextualTabGroups for the cleaning up of
the Tools, Tabs and ContextualTabGroups instantiated by this routine

poSourceToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The source UltraToolbarsManager instance to copy the contextual Tabs from
poTargetToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The target UltraToolbarsManager instance to copy the contextual Tabs to
The prefix to use for naming the keys for the ContextualTabGroup, the Tabs, the Groups and the Tools
Returns System.Collections.IList
An System.Collections.IList containing the references to the generated objects for later clean up

PUBLIC MergeTools (UltraToolbarsManager, character, character)

Purpose: Merges two tools
Notes: This method is intended for merging a rendered menu-item (i.e. toggle-box)
and rendered toolbar buttons. The TargetTool will be used as a place
holder, defining the position in the target toolbars. The source
tool will become "decorated" with the images from the target

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbar
pcSourceTool CHARACTER
The Key of the source tool
pcTargetTool CHARACTER
The Key of the target tool

PUBLIC PopulateToolsCollectionFromMenuBar (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager, ToolsCollection)

Purpose: Populates a ToolsCollection with a menu structure from an ABL
Menu Bar

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the Menu Bar and the UltraToolbarsManager
poTools Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolsCollection
The ToolsCollection to add the tools to

PUBLIC RefreshMergedContextualTabGroups (UltraToolbarsManager, IList, character)

Purpose: Refreshes the status of Tools in a List of ContextualTabs typically
created by the method MergeContextualTabGroups

poSourceToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The UltraToolbarsManager instance that contains the original/source tools
poList System.Collections.IList
A System.Collections.IList containing the ToolBase, RibbonTabs and ContextualTabGroups
The prefix used for naming the keys for the Tools in the list

PUBLIC RefreshTools (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Refreshes Menu items and Toolbar items based on the ABL widget

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Main Menu Toolbar

PUBLIC RefreshTools (UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Refreshes Menu items and Toolbar items based on the ABL widget

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the ButtonTools

PUBLIC RefreshTools (UltraToolbarsManager, logical)

Purpose: Refreshes Menu items and Toolbar items based on the ABL widget

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the ButtonTools
plIncludeVisible LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the Visible Attribute should be applied as well

PUBLIC RefreshTools (UltraToolbarsManager, logical, logical)

Purpose: Refreshes Menu items and Toolbar items based on the ABL widget

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the ButtonTools
plIncludeVisible LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the Visible Attribute should be applied as well
plUpdateInstanceCaption LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the Caption of the Tool Instances should be updated as well

PUBLIC RemoveMenu (IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Removes the menu-bar and all sub-menus from the UltraToolbarsManager
Notes: Used to rebuild the menu-bar (i.e. when different tab-folder pages
contain different menu items

poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Main Menu Toolbar

PUBLIC CHARACTER RemoveMenuAmpersand (character)

Purpose: Removes single Ampersand Characters from a MENU-ITEM Label
Notes: && will be kept

The source string
The string without single & characters

PUBLIC RemoveSubMenus (ToolsCollection)

Purpose: Recursively clears all sub menus (PopupMenuTool instances) from a
Tools collections

poTools Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolsCollection
The ToolsCollection containing the PopupMeuTools to be removed

PUBLIC RemoveToolbarFrame (handle, IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Removes a specific Toolbar from the Toolbar Manager
Notes: The Toolbar is referenced by the ABL FRAME widget that contained the BUTTON Widgets

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME WIDGET containing the BUTTON widgets
poForm Consultingwerk.Framework.IFormWithUltraToolbarsManager
The Form owning the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbar

PUBLIC RemoveToolbarFrame (handle, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Removes a specific Toolbar from the Toolbar Manager
Notes: The Toolbar is referenced by the ABL FRAME widget that contained the BUTTON Widgets

phFrame HANDLE
The HANDLE of the ABL FRAME WIDGET containing the BUTTON Widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbar

PUBLIC RestoreQuickAccessToolbarTools (UltraToolbarsManager, character)

Purpose: Restored a previously stored comma-delimited list of Tools of the
Ribbon Quick Access Tools

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager instance
The comma delimited list (CHARACTER) of tool keys on the Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar

PROTECTED SetAccelerator (ToolBase, handle)

Purpose: Assigns an accelerator (keyboard mnemonic) to a menu item button tool
Notes: Uses the ShortcutFromAccelerator Method to match the ACCELERATOR to a Shortcut

poTool Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase
The reference to the tool (ToolBase reference)
phMenuItem HANDLE
The reference to the ABL MENU-ITEM Widget

PUBLIC SetStateButtonToolChecked (UltraToolbarsManager, character, logical)

Purpose: Sets the Checked property of a StateButtonTool

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the StateButton Tool
The key of the StateButton Tool in the UltraToolbarsManager Tools Collection
plChecked LOGICAL
The value to assign to the Checked property of the StateButton Tool

PUBLIC System.Windows.Forms.Shortcut ShortcutFromAccelerator (character)

Purpose: Translates a Progress MENU-ITEM Accelerator into a .NET
System.Windows.Forms.Shortcut enumeration member
Notes: Method now implemented in the KeyboardHelper class
Note, not all possible Progress Accelerators are available/supported
as .NET Shortcuts,

pcAccelerator CHARACTER
The ABL keyboard accelerator
Returns System.Windows.Forms.Shortcut
The System.Windows.Forms.Shortcut value that matches the ABL keyboard accelerator

PUBLIC ToggleVisibleToolbars (UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Toggles the Visibility of the Toolbars. Makes them only visible, when
at least a single Tool is visible.

poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Toolbars

PUBLIC ViewHideToolbarButtons (handle, UltraToolbarsManager)

Purpose: Views and hides Buttons in an UltraToolbarsManager ToolbarBand
based on visibility of Buttons in a FRAME

phFrame HANDLE
The handle to the FRAME that contains the BUTTON widgets
poToolbarsManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager
The reference to the UltraToolbarsManager that contains the Button Tools

Constructor Detail

STATIC UltraToolbarsHelper ()

Purpose: Initializes the static instance of the UltraToolbarsManager


PROTECTED UltraToolbarsHelper ()

Purpose: Disallow instance creation

Property Detail

PUBLIC CHARACTER ApplicationMenuFooterTools


PUBLIC LOGICAL PrefixMenuItemsWithMenuName


PUBLIC LOGICAL RefreshingToolbar


PUBLIC DECIMAL ToolbarButtonMaxDistance


©2006-2025 Consultingwerk Ltd.       27.02.2025 06:06:54