Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase GetAppearance (character, RoleState) |
Returns the Appearance object from the current style library for
the passed in UI role and state for the Default StyleSet |
+ | Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase GetAppearance (character, RoleState, character) |
Returns the Appearance object from the current style library for
the passed in UI role and state and the passed in StyleSet |
+ | System.Drawing.Color GetColor (character, RoleState, character) |
Returns the background color of an appearance object |
+ | LoadFromBlob (memptr) |
Loads a StyleLibrary from a MEM-PTR (BLOB) |
+ | LoadFromFile (character) |
Loads a StyleLibrary from a file |
+ | SetColorTable (integer, Color) |
Maps a Progress color table entry to a System.Drawing.Color reference |
+ | SetProgressColorTable () |
Dynamically sets WinKit reserved color table entries to colors from
the AppStylist ISL file currently in use |
+ | SetProgressColorTable (integer, character, RoleState, character) |
Dynamically sets a color entry in the Progress color table to a
color defined in the AppStylist .isl file |
+ | LOGICAL StyleSetNameExists (character) |
Return if the currently loaded Style Library contains a StyleSet with
the given name |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
# | StyleLibraryHelper () |
Protected default constructor. |
PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase GetAppearance (character, RoleState)
PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase GetAppearance (character, RoleState, character)
PUBLIC System.Drawing.Color GetColor (character, RoleState, character)
PUBLIC LoadFromBlob (memptr)
PUBLIC LoadFromFile (character)
PUBLIC SetColorTable (integer, Color)
PUBLIC SetProgressColorTable ()
PUBLIC SetProgressColorTable (integer, character, RoleState, character)
PUBLIC LOGICAL StyleSetNameExists (character)
PROTECTED StyleLibraryHelper ()