Options |
Name |
Purpose |
CHARACTER Backwards (character)
Returns the input string in backwards
CHARACTER Base64UrlEncodedToBase64Encoded (character)
Converts a BASE64 URL Encoded String to BASE64 Encoded
LONGCHAR Base64UrlEncodedToBase64Encoded (longchar)
Converts a BASE64 URL Encoded String to BASE64 Encoded
CHARACTER CamelCaseWord (character)
CamelCases a single word
CHARACTER CamelCaseWords (character)
CamelCases a string from "Camel case" to "CamelCase"
CHARACTER CamelCaseWords2 (character)
CamelCases a string from "Camel case" to "CamelCase"
CHARACTER CapitalizeFirstLetter (character)
Capitalizes the first letter of a given string
CHARACTER CapitalLetters (character)
Returns the capital letters and numbers of the given string
CHARACTER CleanupWhitespace (character)
Cleans whitespace characters in a string
LOGICAL ContainsAnyStringOf (character, character[])
Returns true when the source string contains at least one of the target strings
LOGICAL ContainsAnyStringOf (longchar, character[])
Returns true when the source string contains at least one of the target strings
INTEGER CountOccurencesOf (character, character)
Counts the occurrences of the given target string in the source string
CHARACTER EncodeString (character)
Encodes an (user) input string for processing, e.g. in a dynamic
query string
LOGICAL Ends (character, character)
Returns TRUE when the given source string ends in the ending string
LONGCHAR EnsureCrLf (longchar)
Ensures the usage of CR/LF as line ending
CHARACTER EscapeBackslash (character)
Ensures that any backslash in the input character value is escaped
When the backslash is prefixed by the tilde ~ , no further action is
taken. Otherwise a ~ is inserted
CHARACTER EscapeCurlyBraces (character)
Escapes unescaped Curly Braces in the given string with a
tilde. This may be required for dynamic query strings
CHARACTER FillString (character, integer)
Fills (or truncates) the source string to the given number of characters
INTEGER FindClosingBracket (character, integer)
Returns the position of the closing bracket for the bracket opened
at the given position in the String
INTEGER FindClosingBracket (longchar, integer)
Returns the position of the closing bracket for the bracket opened
at the given position in the String
INTEGER FindClosingComment (longchar, integer)
Returns the position of the closing comment for the comment opened
at the given position in the String
INTEGER FindClosingQuote (character, integer)
Returns the position of the closing quote sign (either " or ') in a String
INTEGER FindClosingQuote (character, integer, logical)
Returns the position of the closing quote sign (either " or ') in a String
INTEGER FindClosingQuote (longchar, integer)
Returns the position of the closing quote sign (either " or ') in a String
INTEGER FindClosingQuote (longchar, integer, logical)
Returns the position of the closing quote sign (either " or ') in a String
INTEGER FirstCapitalLetter (character)
Returns the position of the first capital letter in the given string
CHARACTER FirstCharactersOf (longchar, integer)
Returns the first n characters of a LONGCHAR as a CHARACTER value
CHARACTER FirstNonEmptyString (character, character)
Returns the first non empty string of the parameter list
CHARACTER FirstNonEmptyString (character, character, character)
Returns the first non empty string of the parameter list
CHARACTER FirstNonEmptyString (character, character, character, character)
Returns the first non empty string of the parameter list
CHARACTER FirstNonEmptyString (character, character, character, character, character)
Returns the first non empty string of the parameter list
CHARACTER FirstNonEmptyString (character, character, character, character, character, character)
Returns the first non empty string of the parameter list
CHARACTER FirstNonEmptyString (character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Returns the first non empty string of the parameter list
CHARACTER FirstNonEmptyString (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Returns the first non empty string of the parameter list
CHARACTER FirstNonEmptyString (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Returns the first non empty string of the parameter list
CHARACTER FirstNonEmptyString (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Returns the first non empty string of the parameter list
CHARACTER FirstNonEmptyString (character[])
Returns the first non empty string of the provided array
INTEGER FirstOccurenceOf (character, character)
Returns the first position of any of the given characters in the
source string
INTEGER FirstOccurenceOf (character, character, integer)
Returns the first position of any of the given characters in the
source string
INTEGER FirstOccurenceOf (longchar, character)
Returns the first position of any of the given characters in the
source string
INTEGER FirstOccurenceOf (longchar, character, integer)
Returns the first position of any of the given characters in the
source string
CHARACTER FixBase64String (character)
Appends missing = characters to a BASE64 encoded string
LONGCHAR FixBase64String (longchar)
Appends missing = characters to a BASE64 encoded string
LONGCHAR FixLineEnding (longchar)
Fixes the line ending characters of the given longchar
CHARACTER GenerateUuid ()
Returns the CHARACTER representation of a new UUID
CHARACTER Indent (character, integer)
Indents a string by inserting a SPACE character at the beginning
of every line
LONGCHAR Indent (longchar, integer)
Indents a string by inserting a SPACE character at the beginning
of every line
INTEGER IndexUnquoted (character, character)
Returns an INTEGER value that indicates the position of the
target string within the source string
INTEGER IndexUnquoted (character, character, integer)
Returns an INTEGER value that indicates the position of the
target string within the source string
CHARACTER Insert (character, integer, character)
Inserts a string into another string at a given position
LONGCHAR Insert (longchar, integer, character)
Inserts a string into another string at a given position
LOGICAL IsLowercaseCharacter (character)
Returns true when the given character is UPPERCASE
LOGICAL IsQuoted (character)
Returns if the string is quoted
LOGICAL IsUppercaseCharacter (character)
Returns true when the given character is UPPERCASE
INTEGER LineNumber (longchar, integer)
Returns the line number of a given position in a longchar
CHARACTER LowercaseFirstLetter (character)
Ensures the first character is lower case
CHARACTER MappedEntry (character, character, logical, character)
Return the 'other' entry in a separated list of paired entries.
This is required to ensure that the lookup does not find a matching
entry in the wrong part of the pair.
INTEGER NextNonWhiteSpaceCharacter (character)
Returns position of the next non whitespace character
INTEGER NextNonWhiteSpaceCharacter (character, integer)
Returns position of the next non whitespace character
INTEGER NextNonWhiteSpaceCharacter (longchar)
Returns position of the next non whitespace character
INTEGER NextNonWhiteSpaceCharacter (longchar, integer)
Returns position of the next non whitespace character
CHARACTER ParseVariableName (character, integer)
Returns the name of a variable masked in the form of xyz@{abc}def
(so abc in this sample)
LONGCHAR PrefixLines (longchar, character)
Prefixes every line in the given LONGCHAR with a given CHARACTER
Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList QuoteAndBracketSafeEntriesToList (character)
Returns an CharacterList of the Entries in a delimited String
Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList QuoteAndBracketSafeEntriesToList (character, character)
Returns an CharacterList of the Entries in a delimited String
Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList QuoteSafeEntriesToList (character)
Returns an CharacterList of the Entries in a delimited String
Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList QuoteSafeEntriesToList (character, character)
Returns an CharacterList of the Entries in a delimited String
CHARACTER RemoveCharacters (character, character)
Removes the given characters from the string
LONGCHAR RemoveIndentation (character)
Removes indentation in a string
LONGCHAR RemoveIndentation (longchar)
Removes indentation in a string
CHARACTER RemovePrefix (character, character)
Removes the given prefix at the beginning of the passed in String
CHARACTER RemoveSuffix (character, character)
Removes the given suffix at the beginning of the passed in String
CHARACTER RemoveWhiteSpace (character)
Removes all SPACE, TAB, CR, NL from the input string
CHARACTER ResolveDoubleQuotes (character)
Replaces "" or '' within a string with only a single " or '
INTEGER RightMostIndex (character, character)
Returns an INTEGER value that indicates the position of the right-most target
string within the source string. In contrast to the R-INDEX function, this method
treats the pcTarget argument as individual characters and returns the rightmost
position of any of those characters
INTEGER RightMostIndex (character, character, integer)
Returns an INTEGER value that indicates the position of the right-most target
string within the source string. In contrast to the R-INDEX function, this method
treats the pcTarget argument as individual characters and returns the rightmost
position of any of those characters
INTEGER RightMostIndex (longchar, character)
Returns an INTEGER value that indicates the position of the right-most target
string within the source longchar. In contrast to the R-INDEX function, this method
treats the pcTarget argument as individual characters and returns the rightmost
position of any of those characters
INTEGER RightMostIndex (longchar, character, integer)
Returns an INTEGER value that indicates the position of the right-most target
string within the source longchar. In contrast to the R-INDEX function, this method
treats the pcTarget argument as individual characters and returns the rightmost
position of any of those characters
CHARACTER SafeCharacterAppend (character, character)
Provides a safe method to append into a CHARACTER value
CHARACTER SplitText (character, character, integer, integer)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText (character, character, integer, integer, logical)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText (character, integer, integer)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText (character, integer, integer, logical)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText (longchar, character, integer, integer)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText (longchar, character, integer, integer, logical)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText (longchar, integer, integer)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText (longchar, integer, integer, logical)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText2 (character, character, integer, integer)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText2 (character, character, integer, integer, logical)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText2 (character, integer, integer)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText2 (character, integer, integer, logical)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText2 (longchar, character, integer, integer)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText2 (longchar, character, integer, integer, logical)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText2 (longchar, integer, integer)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER SplitText2 (longchar, integer, integer, logical)
Splits the input text into individual lines into a CHARACTER EXTENT
CHARACTER StringValue (Object)
Returns the ToString() value of an object reference
CHARACTER StringValues (Object[])
Returns list of the ToString() values of an array of object reference
CHARACTER SubstituteVariable (character, integer, IVariableValueProvider)
Substitutes the variable at the given location in the source string
CHARACTER Unbracket (character)
Removes brackets from a Character String
LONGCHAR Uncomment (longchar)
Removes the outer-most commend of the provided string
CHARACTER Unquote (character)
Removes quotes from a Character String
LONGCHAR Unquote (longchar)
Removes quotes from a Longchar String
CHARACTER UppercaseFirstLetter (character)
Ensures the first character is UPPER case
CHARACTER UrlEncode (character, character)
Encodes unsafe characters in a URL as per RFC 1738 section 2.2.
CHARACTER WellFormFromCamelCase (character)
Turns a CamelCased string into a well formed sentence (Camel Cased)