Options |
Name |
Purpose |
AddCustomLogEntries (character)
Adds a comma delimited list of custom log entries to the
CustomLogEntries List
CHARACTER AddSerializableProperties ()
Adds serializable properties from the calling class using ABL reflection.
Supported from OpenEdge 11.6 on only. Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
AddSerializableProperties (character)
Add a list of Serializable Properties to the SerializableProperties property Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
CHARACTER AddSerializableProperties (Class)
Adds serializable properties from the given class using ABL reflection.
Supported from OpenEdge 11.6 on only. Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
ClearLogFile ()
Clears the logfile.
Deserialize (longchar)
Deserializes a LONGCHAR representation of the state of the class instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
DeserializeFromJsonObject (JsonObject)
Initializes the object instance based on the passed in JsonObject
representation of the object instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
DeserializeProperty (JsonObject, character, character, character)
Deserializes a single property value to the current JsonObject Overrides Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable:DeserializeProperty (JsonObject, character, character, character)
IEnumerable GetEnumerableInstance (character)
Returns an instance of the enumerable type Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
LONGCHAR GetLongchar ()
Returns the logging messages
CHARACTER GetSerializableProperties ()
Returns the meta data of the serializable properties Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
CHARACTER GetSerializeName (character)
Returns the SerializeName of a property Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
LOGICAL IsCustomLogEntryTypeActive (character)
Verifies if a custom log entry (optionally with logging level)
is active
LazyAddSerializableProperties ()
Adds serializable properties from the calling class using ABL reflection.
Supported from OpenEdge 11.6 on only. Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
RemoveCustomLogEntries (character)
Removes a comma delimited list of custom log entries from the
CustomLogEntries List
LONGCHAR Serialize ()
Returns a LONGCHAR representation of the state of the class instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
SerializeProperty (JsonObject, character, character, character)
Serializes a single property value to the current JsonObject Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject ToJsonObject ()
Returns a JsonObject representation of the state of the class instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
WriteBuffer (handle, logical)
Dumps a buffer's fields to the current logfile.
WriteError (Error)
Writes details about an Error object (exception) to the client
WriteError (Error, character)
Writes details about an Error object (exception) to the client
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, date)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, date, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime-tz)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime-tz, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, decimal)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, decimal, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, int64)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, int64, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, integer)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, integer, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, logical)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, logical, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, recid)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, recid, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, rowid)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteFormattedMessage (character, rowid, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteIgnoredError (Error)
Performs logging for an ignored error (catched but not shown)
LONGCHAR WriteJson ()
Returns a LONGCHAR representation of the state of the class instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
WriteJson (JsonConstruct)
Writes the JSON Construct to the log file
WriteJson (JsonConstruct, character)
Writes the JSON Construct to the log file
WriteJson (JsonConstruct, MessageSubSystem)
Writes the JSON Construct to the log file
WriteMessage (character)
Writes a character message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteMessage (character, character)
Writes a message to the client logfile
WriteMessage (character, MessageSubSystem)
Writes a message to the client logfile
WriteMessage (date)
Writes an date message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteMessage (datetime)
Writes an datetime message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteMessage (decimal)
Writes an decimal message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteMessage (integer)
Writes an integer message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteMessage (logical)
Writes an logical message to the client logfile and the default
logging sub system.
WriteObjectProperties (Object, character)
Writes the properties of a class based object to the open logfile
WritePropath ()
Writes the current PROPATH in a tabular fashion to the log file
WriteSeparator ()
Writes a line full of ------------- into the current logfile
WriteStackTrace ()
Writes the current stack trace to the log file
WriteWidgetChain (handle)
Dumps all widgets in the given SESSION:FIRST-... chain to
the logfile
WriteWidgetProperties (handle)
Writes the properties of a widget handle to the open logfile
WriteWidgetProperties (handle, character)
Writes the properties of a widget handle to the open logfile
LONGCHAR WriteXml ()
Returns an XML LONGCHAR representation of the object instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
HANDLE XmlSerialize (handle)
Serializes the properties of the current object instance to
an existing X-NODEREF object Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
XmlSerializeProperties (handle)
Serializes the properties of this object instance as child nodes of
the given node Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable
XmlSerializeProperty (handle, character, character)
Serializes a single property value to the current parent XmlNode Inherited from Consultingwerk.JsonSerializable