Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ AddCustomLogEntries (character) Adds a comma delimited list of custom log entries to the CustomLogEntries List
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ ClearLogFile () Clears the logfile.
Overrides Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream:ClearLogFile ()
+ LOGICAL IsCustomLogEntryTypeActive (character) Verifies if a custom log entry (optionally with logging level) is active
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ RemoveCustomLogEntries (character) Removes a comma delimited list of custom log entries from the CustomLogEntries List
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
# SplitCustomLogEntry (character, character, integer) Splits a custom log entry into the log entry and logging level portions
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
# WriteBuffer (handle) Dumps a buffer's fields to the current logfile.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteBuffer (handle, logical) Dumps a buffer's fields to the current logfile.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteError (Error) Writes details about an Error object (exception) to the client logfile
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteError (Error, character) Writes details about an Error object (exception) to the client logfile
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, date) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, date, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime-tz) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime-tz, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, decimal) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, decimal, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, int64) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, int64, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, integer) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, integer, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, logical) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, logical, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, recid) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, recid, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, rowid) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteFormattedMessage (character, rowid, MessageSubSystem) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteIgnoredError (Error) Performs logging for an ignored error (catched but not shown)
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteJson (JsonConstruct) Writes the JSON Construct to the log file
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteJson (JsonConstruct, character) Writes the JSON Construct to the log file
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteJson (JsonConstruct, MessageSubSystem) Writes the JSON Construct to the log file
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteMessage (character) Writes a character message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Overrides Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream:WriteMessage (character)
+ WriteMessage (character, character) Writes a message to the client logfiles
Overrides Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream:WriteMessage (character, character)
+ WriteMessage (character, MessageSubSystem) Writes a message to the client logfiles
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteMessage (date) Writes an date message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteMessage (datetime) Writes an datetime message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteMessage (decimal) Writes an decimal message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteMessage (integer) Writes an integer message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteMessage (logical) Writes an logical message to the client logile and the default logging sub system.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteObjectProperties (Object, character) Writes the properties of a class based object to the open logfile
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
# WriteObjectProperties (Object, character, integer) Writes the properties of a class based object to the open logfile
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WritePropath () Writes the current PROPATH in a tabular fashion to the log file
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteSeparator () Writes a line full of ------------- into the current logfile
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteStackTrace () Writes the current stack trace to the log file
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteWidgetChain (handle) Dumps all widgets in the given SESSION:FIRST-... chain to the logfile
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteWidgetProperties (handle) Writes the properties of a widget handle to the open logfile
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
+ WriteWidgetProperties (handle, character) Writes the properties of a widget handle to the open logfile
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream

Top Event Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ ClearLog (Object, EventArgs) Event raised when a new Logging Message is present
+ WriteMessage (Object, LoggingEventArgs) Event raised when a new Logging Message is present

Top Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ CHARACTER CustomLogEntries
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream

Method Detail

PUBLIC AddCustomLogEntries (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Adds a comma delimited list of custom log entries to the
CustomLogEntries List
Notes: Does silently ignore entries that are already part of the list

The comma delimited list of custom log entries to add

PUBLIC ClearLogFile ()

Overrides Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream:ClearLogFile ()
Purpose: Clears the logfile.


PUBLIC LOGICAL IsCustomLogEntryTypeActive (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Verifies if a custom log entry (optionally with logging level)
is active

The Log Entry to validate
Logical value indicating if the custom log entry type is activated

PUBLIC RemoveCustomLogEntries (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Removes a comma delimited list of custom log entries from the
CustomLogEntries List
Notes: Does silently ignore entries that are not part of the list

The comma delimited list of custom log entries to remove

PROTECTED SplitCustomLogEntry (character, character, integer)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Splits a custom log entry into the log entry and logging level
Notes: When no logging level is contained in the original entry, returns
2 as the default

The log entry to split into custom log entry type and logging level
pcCustomLogEntryType CHARACTER
The custom log entry type portion
piLoggingLevel INTEGER
The logging level or 2 as the default

PROTECTED WriteBuffer (handle)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Dumps a buffer's fields to the current logfile.
Notes: When no record is availble in that buffer, a "no record is available"
message is written instead.

phBuffer HANDLE
The handle to the buffer

PUBLIC WriteBuffer (handle, logical)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Dumps a buffer's fields to the current logfile.

phBuffer HANDLE
The handle to the buffer
plFindFirst LOGICAL
When plFindFirst is TURE, the method will create an additional buffer for the table and run a FIND-FIRST on that buffer to not change the orignal buffer's position

PUBLIC WriteError (Error)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes details about an Error object (exception) to the client
Notes: Uses Consultingwerk.Util.ErrorHelper to format the error message
and stack trace

poError Progress.Lang.Error
The reference to the error object

PUBLIC WriteError (Error, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes details about an Error object (exception) to the client
Notes: Uses Consultingwerk.Util.ErrorHelper to format the error message
and stack trace

poError Progress.Lang.Error
The reference to the error object
pcMessageSubSys CHARACTER
The custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &4

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &4
pcMessageParam5 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &5

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &4
pcMessageParam5 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &5
pcMessageParam6 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &6

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &4
pcMessageParam5 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &5
pcMessageParam6 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &6
pcMessageParam7 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &7

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &4
pcMessageParam5 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &5
pcMessageParam6 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &6
pcMessageParam7 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &7
pcMessageParam8 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &8

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam5 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam6 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam7 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam8 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam9 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam5 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam6 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam7 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam8 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam9 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &4
pcMessageParam5 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &5
pcMessageParam6 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &6
pcMessageParam7 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &7
pcMessageParam8 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &8
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &4
pcMessageParam5 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &5
pcMessageParam6 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &6
pcMessageParam7 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &7
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &4
pcMessageParam5 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &5
pcMessageParam6 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &6
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &4
pcMessageParam5 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &5
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
pcMessageParam4 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &4
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
pcMessageParam3 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &3
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, character, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam1 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
pcMessageParam2 CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &2
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, character, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pcMessageParam CHARACTER
A character message parameter to substitute &1
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, date)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pdtMessageParam DATE
A date message parameter to substitute &1

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, date, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pdtMessageParam DATE
A date message parameter to substitute &1
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pdtMessageParam DATETIME
A date time message parameter to substitute &1

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pdtMessageParam DATETIME
A date time message parameter to substitute &1
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime-tz)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pdtMessageParam DATETIME-TZ
A date time TZ message parameter to substitute &1

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, datetime-tz, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pdtMessageParam DATETIME-TZ
A date time TZ message parameter to substitute &1
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, decimal)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pdeMessageParam DECIMAL
A decimal message parameter to substitute &1

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, decimal, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
pdeMessageParam DECIMAL
A decimal message parameter to substitute &1
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, int64)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
piMessageParam INT64
An int64 message parameter to substitute &1

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, int64, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
piMessageParam INT64
An int64 message parameter to substitute &1
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, integer)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
piMessageParam INTEGER
An integer message parameter to substitute &1

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, integer, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
piMessageParam INTEGER
An integer message parameter to substitute &1
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, logical)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
plMessageParam LOGICAL
An int64 message parameter to substitute &1

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, logical, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
plMessageParam LOGICAL
An int64 message parameter to substitute &1
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, recid)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
preMessageParam RECID
A recid message parameter to substitute &1

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, recid, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
preMessageParam RECID
A recid message parameter to substitute &1
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, rowid)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
proMessageParam ROWID
A rowid message parameter to substitute &1

PUBLIC WriteFormattedMessage (character, rowid, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pcMessagePattern CHARACTER
A character message to write to the log file
proMessageParam ROWID
A rowid message parameter to substitute &1
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteIgnoredError (Error)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Performs logging for an ignored error (catched but not shown)
Notes: Requires the IgnoredErrors custom log entry type

poError Progress.Lang.Error
The error instance to log

PUBLIC WriteJson (JsonConstruct)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes the JSON Construct to the log file

poJson JsonConstruct
The JsonConstruct to log

PUBLIC WriteJson (JsonConstruct, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes the JSON Construct to the log file

poJson JsonConstruct
The JsonConstruct to log
pcMessageSubSys CHARACTER
The message sub system to write the JSON to

PUBLIC WriteJson (JsonConstruct, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes the JSON Construct to the log file

poJson JsonConstruct
The JsonConstruct to log
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteMessage (character)

Overrides Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream:WriteMessage (character)
Purpose: Writes a character message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

A character message to write to the log file

PUBLIC WriteMessage (character, character)

Overrides Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream:WriteMessage (character, character)
Purpose: Writes a message to the client logfiles
Notes: The second character parameter allows to specify that this message
should only appear in the client logfile when a certain custom
log entry type (CustomLogEntries) is activated.

The message text
pcMessageSubSys CHARACTER
The custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteMessage (character, MessageSubSystem)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a message to the client logfiles
Notes: The second character parameter allows to specify that this message
should only appear in the client logfile when a certain custom
log entry type (CustomLogEntries) is activated.

The message text
poMessageSubSystem Consultingwerk.Util.MessageSubSystem
The MessageSubSystem of the custom log entry type for the message

PUBLIC WriteMessage (date)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes an date message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pdaMessage DATE
A date message to write to the log file

PUBLIC WriteMessage (datetime)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes an datetime message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pdaMessage DATETIME
A datetime message to write to the log file

PUBLIC WriteMessage (decimal)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes an decimal message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

pdeMessage DECIMAL
A decimal message to write to the log file

PUBLIC WriteMessage (integer)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes an integer message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

piMessage INTEGER
A integer message to write to the log file

PUBLIC WriteMessage (logical)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes an logical message to the client logile and the default
logging sub system.

plMessage LOGICAL
A logical message to write to the log file

PUBLIC WriteObjectProperties (Object, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes the properties of a class based object to the open logfile
Notes: Returns silently when no logfile is open

poObject Progress.Lang.Object
The reference of the object to write
The title used as a prefix of the logfile output

PROTECTED WriteObjectProperties (Object, character, integer)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes the properties of a class based object to the open logfile
Notes: Returns silently when no logfile is open

poObject Progress.Lang.Object
The reference of the object to write
The title used as a prefix of the logfile output
piIndent INTEGER
Number of characters to indent the output for recursive calls

PUBLIC WritePropath ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes the current PROPATH in a tabular fashion to the log file
Notes: ABL stores the PROPATH as a comma-separated list of directories.
(ABL strips the operating-specific separation characters (a colon
( : ) on UNIX; a semicolon ( ; ) in Windows) and replaces them with


PUBLIC WriteSeparator ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes a line full of ------------- into the current logfile


PUBLIC WriteStackTrace ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes the current stack trace to the log file


PUBLIC WriteWidgetChain (handle)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Dumps all widgets in the given SESSION:FIRST-... chain to
the logfile
Notes: Loops from the given SESSION:FIRST-... object reference by
the NEXT-SIBLING property

phFirstWidget HANDLE
The handle of the FIRST- widget reference

PUBLIC WriteWidgetProperties (handle)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes the properties of a widget handle to the open logfile
Notes: Returns silently when no logfile is open

phWidget HANDLE
The handle of the widget

PUBLIC WriteWidgetProperties (handle, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream
Purpose: Writes the properties of a widget handle to the open logfile
Notes: Returns silently when no logfile is open

phWidget HANDLE
The handle of the widget
The title used as a prefix of the logfile output

Event Detail

PUBLIC ClearLog (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event raised when a new Logging Message is present

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The reference tothe Consultingwerk.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC WriteMessage (Object, LoggingEventArgs)

Purpose: Event raised when a new Logging Message is present

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingEventArgs
The reference to the LoggingEventArgs with the data for this event

Property Detail


Inherited from Consultingwerk.Util.LoggingStream.LoggingStream


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