Options |
Name |
Purpose |
Consultingwerk.JsonDataTypeEnum AblDataTypeToJsonDataTypeEnum (character)
Returns the JSON Type for the given ABL Data Type
AddBufferFields (handle, JsonObject, character)
Adds the given fields of a buffer to an JSON Object
AddBufferFields (handle, JsonObject, character, logical)
Adds the given fields of a buffer to an JSON Object
AddBufferFields (handle, JsonObject, character, logical, logical)
Adds the given fields of a buffer to an JSON Object
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray AddNewJsonArray (JsonObject, character)
Adds a new JsonArray to the given JsonObject
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject AddNewJsonObject (JsonArray)
Adds a new JsonObject to the given JsonArray
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject AddNewJsonObject (JsonObject, character)
Adds a new JsonObject to the given JsonObject
AddObjectPropertiesToJson (Object, JsonObject, character)
Adds the properties of the given ABL Object to the
JSON Object
AddObjectPropertiesToJsonArray (Object, JsonArray, character, character, character)
Adds the properties of the given ABL Object to the
JSON Array as name/value pairs
AddObjectPropertiesToJsonArray (Object, JsonArray, character, character, character, character)
Adds the properties of the given ABL Object to the
JSON Array as name/value pairs
AddSetPropertyValue (JsonObject, character, character)
Adds or sets a property to a JsonObject
AddWidgetPropertiesToJsonArray (handle, JsonArray, character, character, character)
Adds the properties of the given widget to the
JSON Array as name/value pairs
AssignBufferFieldFromJson (handle, JsonObject)
Assigns fields of the buffer from the values of the JSON object
AssignBufferFromJson (handle, JsonObject, character, character)
Assigns fields of the buffer from the values of the JSON object
AssignJsonObjectPropertiesFromString (JsonObject, character)
Assigns properties in the given JsonObject from a Character value
CHARACTER AttributeValueList (JsonArray, character)
Builds a Character list of the property values in all objects of the array
CHARACTER AttributeValueList (JsonArray, character, character)
Builds a Character list of the property values in all objects of the array
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject CharacterDictionaryToJsonObject (CharacterDictionary)
Returns a JsonObject populated from a CharacterDictionary
CopyProperties (JsonObject, JsonObject, character)
Copies the given JSON Properties from the source JSON to
the target JSON
EnsureCharacterProperty (JsonObject, character)
Ensures that a primitive JSON property is a character
CHARACTER ExactPropertyName (JsonObject, character)
Returns the property name if found in the JSON object in the exact case
as it appears in the JSON object
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonConstruct FindJsonConstruct (JsonConstruct, character)
Recursively searches the passed in JsonObject
for an JsonObject or JsonArray (JsonConstruct) under
a property with the given name
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject FindJsonObjectWithArrayValue (JsonArray, character, integer)
Locates the JsonObject from a JsonArray with the requested
integer value in a JsonArray property
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject FindJsonObjectWithPropertyValue (JsonArray, character, character)
Locates the JsonObject from a JsonArray with the requested
character property value
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject FindJsonObjectWithPropertyValue (JsonArray, character, integer)
Locates the JsonObject from a JsonArray with the requested
integer property value
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject FromDataset (handle)
Returns the JSON Object with the contents of the given ProDataset
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject FromDataset (handle, logical)
Returns the JSON Object with the contents of the given ProDataset
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject FromTempTable (handle)
Returns the JSON Object with the contents of the given Temp-Table
CHARACTER GetCharacterByJsonPath (JsonConstruct, character)
Gets a character from a JSON path
CHARACTER GetCharacterByJsonPath (JsonConstruct, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Gets a character from a JSON path
CHARACTER GetCharacterByPath (JsonObject, character)
Returns the Character Value specified by the given path
CHARACTER GetCharacterByPath (JsonObject, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Character Value specified by the given path
CHARACTER GetCharacterByPath (JsonObject, character, character)
Returns the Character Value specified by the given path
CHARACTER GetCharacterByPath (JsonObject, character, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Character Value specified by the given path
DECIMAL GetDecimalByJsonPath (JsonConstruct, character)
Gets a decimal from a JSON path
DECIMAL GetDecimalByJsonPath (JsonConstruct, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Gets a decimal from a JSON path
Progress.Lang.Object GetElementAtPath (character, JsonConstruct, ArrayBaseEnum)
Gets an element from a JSON path
INTEGER GetIntegerByPath (JsonObject, character)
Returns the Integer Value specified by the given path
INTEGER GetIntegerByPath (JsonObject, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Integer Value specified by the given path
INTEGER GetIntegerByPath (JsonObject, character, character)
Returns the Integer Value specified by the given path
INTEGER GetIntegerByPath (JsonObject, character, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Integer Value specified by the given path
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray GetJsonArrayByJsonPath (JsonConstruct, character)
Gets a JsonArray from a JSON path
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray GetJsonArrayByJsonPath (JsonConstruct, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Gets a JsonArray from a JSON path
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray GetJsonArrayByPath (JsonObject, character)
Returns the Json Array represented by a path in the source
Json Object
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray GetJsonArrayByPath (JsonObject, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Json Array represented by a path in the source
Json Object
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray GetJsonArrayByPath (JsonObject, character, character)
Returns the Json Array represented by a path in the source
Json Object
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray GetJsonArrayByPath (JsonObject, character, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Json Array represented by a path in the source
Json Object
INTEGER GetJsonDataTypeByPath (JsonObject, character)
Returns the Json Data Type represented by a path in the source
Json Object
INTEGER GetJsonDataTypeByPath (JsonObject, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Json Data Type represented by a path in the source
Json Object
INTEGER GetJsonDataTypeByPath (JsonObject, character, character)
Returns the Json Data Type represented by a path in the source
Json Object
INTEGER GetJsonDataTypeByPath (JsonObject, character, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Json Data Type represented by a path in the source
Json Object
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJsonObjectByJsonPath (JsonConstruct, character)
Gets a JsonObject from a JSON path
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJsonObjectByJsonPath (JsonConstruct, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Gets a JsonObject from a JSON path
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJsonObjectByPath (JsonObject, character)
Returns the Json Object represented by a path in the source
Json Object
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJsonObjectByPath (JsonObject, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Json Object represented by a path in the source
Json Object
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJsonObjectByPath (JsonObject, character, character)
Returns the Json Object represented by a path in the source
Json Object
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJsonObjectByPath (JsonObject, character, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Json Object represented by a path in the source
Json Object
LOGICAL GetLogicalByJsonPath (JsonConstruct, character)
Gets a logical from a JSON path
LOGICAL GetLogicalByJsonPath (JsonConstruct, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Gets a logical from a JSON path
LOGICAL GetLogicalByPath (JsonObject, character)
Returns the Logical Value specified by the given path
LOGICAL GetLogicalByPath (JsonObject, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Logical Value specified by the given path
LOGICAL GetLogicalByPath (JsonObject, character, character)
Returns the Logical Value specified by the given path
LOGICAL GetLogicalByPath (JsonObject, character, character, ArrayBaseEnum)
Returns the Logical Value specified by the given path
Progress.Lang.Object GetNextByPathElement (character, JsonConstruct, ArrayBaseEnum)
Gets the next element from a JSON path
GetObjectAndPropertyName (JsonObject, character, character, ArrayBaseEnum, JsonObject, character)
Returns the JSON object that is referenced by the path and the
Property name
CHARACTER GetTypeName (Object)
Gets the type name of an element
LOGICAL IsInt64Property (JsonArray, integer)
Returns if the given property is an Int64 value
LOGICAL IsInt64Property (JsonObject, character)
Returns if the given property is an Int64 value
LOGICAL IsIntegerProperty (JsonArray, integer)
Returns if the given property is an Integer value
LOGICAL IsIntegerProperty (JsonObject, character)
Returns if the given property is an Integer value
CHARACTER JsonArrayToCharacterExtent (JsonArray)
Converts a JsonArray into the Character Extent
DATE JsonArrayToDateExtent (JsonArray)
Converts a JsonArray into the Date Extent
DATETIME JsonArrayToDateTimeExtent (JsonArray)
Converts a JsonArray into the DateTime Extent
DATETIME-TZ JsonArrayToDateTimeTzExtent (JsonArray)
Converts a JsonArray into the DateTime-TZ Extent
DECIMAL JsonArrayToDecimalExtent (JsonArray)
Converts a JsonArray into the Decimal Extent
INT64 JsonArrayToInt64Extent (JsonArray)
Converts a JsonArray into the INT64 Extent
INTEGER JsonArrayToIntegerExtent (JsonArray)
Converts a JsonArray into the Integer Extent
LOGICAL JsonArrayToLogicalExtent (JsonArray)
Converts a JsonArray into the Logical Extent
LONGCHAR JsonArrayToLongcharExtent (JsonArray)
Converts a JsonArray into the Longchar Extent
Consultingwerk.JsonDataTypeEnum JsonDataTypeToEnum (integer)
Returns the JsonDataTypeEnum member matching the provided
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonDataType integer value
Consultingwerk.ListNameValuePair JsonObjectToPropertyList (JsonObject, character)
Converts a JsonObject to a property list
JsonObjectToPropertyList (JsonObject, character, ListNameValuePair, character)
Converts a JsonObject to a property list
CHARACTER ListFromAttributeValues (JsonObject, character)
Returns a delimited list with the values of the given
attributes of the JsonObject
CHARACTER ListFromAttributeValues (JsonObject, character, character)
Returns a delimited list with the values of the given
attributes of the JsonObject
MergeJsonArrays (JsonArray, JsonArray)
Copies the entries of the source JsonArray to the Target JsonArray
MergeJsonObjects (JsonObject, JsonObject)
Copies the properties of the source JsonObject to the Target JsonObject
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonConstruct ParseFile (character)
Parses a JSON File
Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList ParseJsonPath (character)
Splits a JSON path into its component parts
LOGICAL RemoveEmptyNestedArrays (JsonObject)
Removes empty nested JSON Arrays
CHARACTER RestorePathEntry (character)
Restores a path entry by reversing the SanitizePath
CHARACTER SanitizePath (character)
Sanitizes the JSON path
SetPropertyByPath (JsonObject, character, character, character)
Assigns a property value to (nested) JSON Objects based on a path
SetPropertyByPath (JsonObject, character, integer, character, character)
Assigns a property value to (nested) JSON Objects based on a path
CHARACTER ToCharacter (JsonConstruct)
Returns the CHARACTER representation of the given JsonConstruct
CHARACTER ToDelimitedList (JsonArray)
Returns the values (string, number, boolean, null) of the given JsonArray
as a delimited list
CHARACTER ToDelimitedList (JsonArray, character)
Returns the values (string, number, boolean, null) of the given JsonArray
as a delimited list
CHARACTER ToDelimitedList (JsonObject, character)
Returns an ABL delimited list with the values of the given
JsonObject property.
CHARACTER ToDelimitedList (JsonObject, character, character)
Returns an ABL delimited list with the values of the given
JsonObject property.
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray ToJsonArray (IJsonSerializable[])
Turns an ABL extent of JsonSerializable objects into an JsonArray
LONGCHAR ToLongchar (JsonObject)
Returns the LONGCHAR representation of the given JsonObject
LOGICAL WalkJsonObject (JsonObject, integer, IJsonObjectWalker)
Walks the JsonObject, providing a callback whenever a property
or array element of the given type is encountered