Options |
Name |
Purpose |
LOGICAL CanFindTextInBinaryFile (character, character)
Returns if the given string value can be found in the provided file
CHARACTER CombinePath (character, character)
Combines the provided path into a single path
CHARACTER CombinePath (character, character, character)
Combines the provided path into a single path
CHARACTER CombinePath (character, character, character, character)
Combines the provided path into a single path
CHARACTER CombinePath (character, character, character, character, character)
Combines the provided path into a single path
CHARACTER CombinePath (character, character, character, character, character, character)
Combines the provided path into a single path
CHARACTER CombinePath (character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Combines the provided path into a single path
CHARACTER CombinePath (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Combines the provided path into a single path
CHARACTER CombinePath (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Combines the provided path into a single path
CHARACTER CombinePath (character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Combines the provided path into a single path
CopyFiles (character, character, character)
Copies files from one path to a target directory
CopyFiles (character, character, character, character)
Copies files from one path to a target directory
CopyNonDbRcode (character, character)
Copies r-code without DB-references from one path to a target directory
CopyNonDbRcode (character, character, character)
Copies r-code without DB-references from one path to a target directory
INTEGER CreateDirectory (character)
Creates all directories and subdirectories in the specified path.
INTEGER CreateDirectoryForFile (character)
Creates the required directories to create the given file
DeleteEmptyDirectories (character)
A Method for Deleting Empty Directories.
CHARACTER DescriptionForMimeType (character)
Returns the description for the given mime type
CHARACTER DirectoryName (character)
Returns the directory portion of a file name, absolutely or relatively
CHARACTER DirectoryName2 (character)
Returns the directory portion of a file name, absolutely or relatively
EnsureFileNameCase (character)
Ensures that the given OS file is cased in exactly the same way as
passed in
CHARACTER EnsureFolderExists (character)
Ensures that the folder referenced by the file name exists
LOGICAL Exists (character)
Returns True when the file can be found in the PROPATH
CHARACTER FileExtension (character)
Returns the file name extension of an operating system file excluding
the dot (.). If the file does not have an extension, returns Null ("")
CHARACTER FileExtensionForMimeType (character)
Returns the file extension for the given mime type
INT64 FileSize (character)
Returns the file size of the given file
CHARACTER FindFile (character)
Returns the absolute file name for the given file
CHARACTER FindFile (character, logical)
Returns the absolute file name for the given file
GetFileList (character, character, datetime, table)
Returns the List of files on disk for the specified criteria
GetFileList (character, character, table)
Returns the List of files on disk for the specified criteria
GetFileListInDirectory (character, character, table)
Returns the List of files on disk in the specified folder and the specified criteria
GetFileListNoDotNet (character, character, table)
Returns the List of files on disk for the specified criteria
LONGCHAR GetFileText (character, logical)
Reads the file and returns a LONGCHAR with the given
line delimiter
CHARACTER GetTempFileName ()
Returns a temporary filename either using a .NET API or based on
CHARACTER HumanReadableFileSize (int64)
Returns a human readable file size including the Unit
LOGICAL IsInProcedureLibrary (character)
Returns if the given pathname is a file name reference from within a
procedure library (.PL file)
LOGICAL IsRelativePath (character)
Returns if the given file is a relative file name
CHARACTER MimeTypeForFileExtension (character)
Returns the mime type for the given file extension
MoveFiles (character, character, character)
Moves files from one path to a target directory
MoveFiles (character, character, character, character)
Moves files from one path to a target directory
CHARACTER NormalizePathname (character)
Returns a normalized path name
Returns the error message of an OS-ERROR value
CHARACTER ParentDirectory (character)
Returns the parent directory based on the given directory
CHARACTER ParentDirectoryUnix (character)
Returns the parent directory based on the given directory
CHARACTER ParentDirectoryWindows (character)
Returns the parent directory based on the given directory
LOGICAL PromptOverwriteFile (character)
Prompts to overwrite the given file
CHARACTER RelativeFileName (character)
Return relative path if file is in propath
CHARACTER RemoveProcedureLibraryPath (character)
Returns the actual file name from a file in a Procedure Library
CHARACTER ReplaceFileExtension (character, character)
Replaces the extension of a file
CHARACTER ReplaceInvalidCharactersInFileName (character)
Replaces invalid characters in a file name
CHARACTER SanitizePath (character)
Returns the path name with slash/backslash depending on the OS
CHARACTER SanitizePathUnix (character)
Returns the path name with Unix slashes
CHARACTER SanitizePathWindows (character)
Returns the path name with Windows backslashes
CHARACTER ShortFileName (character)
Returns just the file name portion of a relative or absolute file
CHARACTER ShortFileNameWithoutExtension (character)
Returns just the file name portion of a relative or absolute file
name without the file extension
CHARACTER SubstituteSpecialFolderPath (character)
Performs substitution of place holders (@{...}) based on the .NET Special Folders
enumeration values