Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ LOGICAL EnsureDockedControls (UltraDockManager, Control>) Ensures that all Controls in the Collection are Docked
# EnsureKeys (DockablePanesCollection) Ensures that all DockablePanes / DockableGroupPanes in the collection have a Key. If no Key is present, a GUID will be used
+ EnsureKeys (UltraDockManager) Ensures that all DockAreaPanes in the UltraDockManager have a Key. If no Key is present, a GUID will be used
+ System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control> GetDockedControls (UltraDockManager) Returns a list of the docked controls
+ RemoveFromSettingsService (character) Removes stores the Settings of the UltraDockManager from the ISettingsService
# RestoreDockablePaneSettings (DockableGroupPane) Restores the child DockableControlPanes/DockableGroupPanes for the given parent (DockableGroupPane).
# RestoreDockAreaSettings (DockAreasCollection) Restores the DockAreas for the given DockAreasCollection (direct childs of the UltraDockManager)
+ RestoreDockManagerSettings (UltraDockManager, dataset) Restores the settings of the UltraDockManager from the given dsDockManagerSettings ProDataset
+ RestoreFromSettingsService (UltraDockManager, character) Restores the Settings of the UltraDockManager from the ISettingsService
# StoreDockablePaneSettings (DockablePanesCollection) Stores the settings of the Panes in the given DockablePanesCollection
# StoreDockAreaSettings (DockAreasCollection) Stores the settings of the DockAreaPanes
+ StoreDockManagerSettings (UltraDockManager, dataset) Stores the settings of the UltraDockManager and returns them in the dsDockManagerSettings Dataset.
+ StoreToSettingsService (UltraDockManager, character) Stores the current Settings of the UltraDockManager to the ISettingsService

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
# DockManagerHelper () Disallow instance creation

Method Detail

PUBLIC LOGICAL EnsureDockedControls (UltraDockManager, Control>)

Purpose: Ensures that all Controls in the Collection are Docked

poDockManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.UltraDockManager
The reference to the UltraDockManager
poControls System.Collections.Generic.List
The collection of the controls

PROTECTED EnsureKeys (DockablePanesCollection)

Purpose: Ensures that all DockablePanes / DockableGroupPanes in the collection
have a Key. If no Key is present, a GUID will be used
Notes: Recursive function. The purpose of this method is to work around
the fact that the Dockable Panes InternalId is not accessible. When
serializing we assume that the Keys are GUID to serve as InternalId's
when deserializing (constructor parameters)

poPanes Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.DockablePanesCollection
The DockablePanesCollection to ensure that all panes have a key

PUBLIC EnsureKeys (UltraDockManager)

Purpose: Ensures that all DockAreaPanes in the UltraDockManager have a Key.
If no Key is present, a GUID will be used
Notes: Recursive function. The purpose of this method is to work around
the fact that the DockAreaPanes InternalId is not accessible. When
serializing we assume that the Keys are GUID to serve as InternalId's
when deserializing (constructor parameters)

poDockManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.UltraDockManager
The reference to the UltraDockManager instance

PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control> GetDockedControls (UltraDockManager)

Purpose: Returns a list of the docked controls

poDockManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.UltraDockManager
The reference to the DockManager
Returns System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control>
The Collection of Docked Controls

PUBLIC RemoveFromSettingsService (character)

Purpose: Removes stores the Settings of the UltraDockManager from the ISettingsService
Notes: Uses the Key "DockManagerSettings"

pcSettingsKey CHARACTER
The Settings Key (Form Identifier) to load the settings from

PROTECTED RestoreDockablePaneSettings (DockableGroupPane)

Purpose: Restores the child DockableControlPanes/DockableGroupPanes for the
given parent (DockableGroupPane).
Notes: Since the DockAreaPanes inherit from the DockableGroupPanes this
method is recursively used for DockableControlPanes/DockableGroupPanes
at any given level

poPane Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.DockableGroupPane
The reference to the DockableGroupPane

PROTECTED RestoreDockAreaSettings (DockAreasCollection)

Purpose: Restores the DockAreas for the given DockAreasCollection (direct
childs of the UltraDockManager)
Notes: Calls RestoreDockablePaneSettings (poPane AS DockableGroupPane) to
restore the Panes or the DockAreaPanes

poAreas Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.DockAreasCollection
The reference to the DockAreasCollection

PUBLIC RestoreDockManagerSettings (UltraDockManager, dataset)

Purpose: Restores the settings of the UltraDockManager from the given
dsDockManagerSettings ProDataset

poDockManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.UltraDockManager
The reference to the UltraDockManager instance
dsDockManagerSettings DATASET dsDockManagerSettings
DATASET with the DockManager Settings, from Consultingwerk/Util/TempTables/dsDockManagerSettings.i

PUBLIC RestoreFromSettingsService (UltraDockManager, character)

Purpose: Restores the Settings of the UltraDockManager from the ISettingsService
Notes: Uses the Key "DockManagerSettings", typically used inside the
OnLoad method of a Form

poDockManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.UltraDockManager
The UltraDockManager instance to restore the settings for
pcSettingsKey CHARACTER
The Settings Key (Form Identifier) to load the settings from

PROTECTED StoreDockablePaneSettings (DockablePanesCollection)

Purpose: Stores the settings of the Panes in the given DockablePanesCollection
Notes: Uses the Key as the InternalId (.NET GUID compatibility required)

poPanes Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.DockablePanesCollection
The reference to the DockablePanesCollection

PROTECTED StoreDockAreaSettings (DockAreasCollection)

Purpose: Stores the settings of the DockAreaPanes
Notes: Recursively calls StoreDockablePaneSettings (oArea:Panes), uses the
Key as the InternalId (.NET GUID compatibility required)

poAreas Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.DockAreasCollection
The reference to the DockAreasCollection

PUBLIC StoreDockManagerSettings (UltraDockManager, dataset)

Purpose: Stores the settings of the UltraDockManager and returns them in the
dsDockManagerSettings Dataset.

poDockManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.UltraDockManager
The reference to the UltraDockManager instance
dsDockManagerSettings DATASET dsDockManagerSettings
OUTPUT DATASET with the DockManager settings, from Consultingwerk/Util/TempTables/dsDockManagerSettings.i

PUBLIC StoreToSettingsService (UltraDockManager, character)

Purpose: Stores the current Settings of the UltraDockManager to the
Notes: Uses the Key "DockManagerSettings", typically used inside the
OnFormClosing method of a Form

poDockManager Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.UltraDockManager
The UltraDockManager instance to store the settings from
pcSettingsKey CHARACTER
The Settings Key (Form Identifier) to save the settings under

Constructor Detail

PROTECTED DockManagerHelper ()

Purpose: Disallow instance creation

ProDataset Detail

ProDataset dsDockManagerSettings

Member tables: ttDockManager, ttDockAreas

Temp-Table Detail

Temp-Table ttDockAreas

Defined in:

Temp-Table ttDockManager

Defined in:

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