Options |
Name |
Purpose |
ActivateRelations (handle, character)
Enables the given ProDataset relations. Disables all other
parent-relations of the relation's child buffer
CHARACTER ActiveRelationNames (handle)
Returns a comma-delimited list of the names of the enabled relations in the
AddErrorString (handle, character)
Adds an ERROR-STRING to a ProDataset Buffer, and sets the ERROR
attribute of the BUFFER and the ProDataset
AddErrorString (handle, character, character)
Adds an ERROR-STRING to a ProDataset Buffer, and sets the ERROR
attribute of the BUFFER and the ProDataset
AddErrorString (handle, character, character, character)
Adds an ERROR-STRING to a ProDataset Buffer, and sets the ERROR
attribute of the BUFFER and the ProDataset
AddErrorString (handle, ListNameValuePair)
Adds ERROR-STRINGs to a ProDataset Buffer, and sets the ERROR
attribute of the BUFFER and the ProDataset
AddErrorString (handle, ListNameValuePair, character)
Adds ERROR-STRINGs to a ProDataset Buffer, and sets the ERROR
attribute of the BUFFER and the ProDataset
CHARACTER AllChildBufferNames (handle)
Returns a comma-delimited list of the names of the child buffers
of a ProDataset buffer
CHARACTER AllChildBuffers (handle)
Returns a comma-delimited list of the handles of the child buffers
of a ProDataset buffer
CHARACTER BufferNames (handle)
Returns a list of all buffer names in the ProDataset
CHARACTER BufferNamesFromSerializeName (character, handle)
Converts a list of SERIALIZE-NAME's of ProDataset temp-tables
to buffer names
CHARACTER ChildBufferNames (handle)
Returns a comma-delimited list of the names of the child buffers
of a ProDataset buffer
CHARACTER ChildBuffers (handle)
Returns a comma-delimited list of the handles of the child buffers
of a ProDataset buffer
CHARACTER ChildRelationQueryString (handle)
Returns the query string matching a DATA-RELATION field pairs
CHARACTER ChildRelationQueryStringWithValues (handle)
Returns the query string matching a DATA-RELATION field pairs
LOGICAL ChildRelationUnique (handle)
Returns if the child buffer relation is unique
HANDLE CloneDatasetWithoutSerializeHidden (handle)
Clones the dataset without serialize hidden fields
LOGICAL CopyErrorStatus (handle, handle)
Copies the error-status from the source dataset to the target dataset
CopyReadOnlyTables (handle, handle)
Copies the read-only tables (no before table) from the source dataset
to the target dataset
CopyUnmodifiedRecords (handle, handle)
Copies unmodified records from the source into the target dataset
Consultingwerk.Util.Enum.DatasetControlStringEnum DatasetControlString (handle)
Returns _CANCEL or _QUESTIONS-PENDING when contained in the
ERROR-STRING of at least a single record
Consultingwerk.RecordIdentifier DatasetErrorRecordIdentifier (handle)
Returns the RecordIdentifier identifying the first record in the
ProDataset with Errors
CHARACTER DatasetErrorStrings (handle)
Returns a single CHARACTER string composed of the error-strings
of all records (from all tables in the given Dataset instance)
LONGCHAR DatasetErrorStringsLong (handle)
Returns a single CHARACTER string composed of the error-strings
of all records (from all tables in the given Dataset instance)
HANDLE DatasetFieldHandle (handle, character, character, character)
Returns the buffer-field handle for the given lookup field
ROWID DatasetQueryRowids (handle, handle, rowid[])
Extracts the Rowids from an array of ROWID's in order of Buffer-Sequence in a
ProDataset to an array of those ROWID's used in a query on buffers of the ProDataset
DeleteCascade (handle)
Deletes the record from the given ProDataset buffer and recursively
deletes all child records
DeleteCascade (handle, logical, character)
Deletes the record from the given ProDataset buffer and recursively
deletes all child records
DeleteDatasetAndBuffers (handle)
Deletes a ProDataset object handle and all it's buffers
DeleteDatasetAndTempTables (handle)
Deletes a ProDataset object handle and all it's member temp-table
DeleteOrphanedRecords (handle)
Deletes orphaned records in the given Dataset or child table
DeleteOrphanedRecords (handle, logical)
Deletes orphaned records in the given Dataset or child table
DeleteRestrict (handle)
Deletes the record from the given ProDataset buffer only when
there is no child record
DetachDataSources (handle)
Detaches the DATA-SOURCE's of the ProDataset buffer
EmptyDataset (handle)
Empties a ProDataset
HANDLE FindBufferWithField (handle, character, character)
Find the first buffer of the list in the given ProDataset that
contains a field with the given name
HANDLE GetBufferHandle (handle, character)
Returns the handle of a ProDataset buffer by the name
HANDLE GetBufferHandles (handle)
Returns an Array of the Buffer handles of the given Dataset
INTEGER GetBufferIndex (handle, character)
Returns the index of the buffer name in the ProDataset
HANDLE GetChangesDataset (handle)
Builds a dataset containing the changes records from the
source dataset.
HANDLE GetChildRelation (handle, character)
Returns the handle of the child relation of a buffer by name
ROWID GetDatasetRowids (handle)
Returns an array with the current ROWID's of every ProDataset buffer
HANDLE GetDatasetWithCurrentRecord (handle)
Creates a Dataset as a copy of another Dataset that only contains
the current record in the given ProDataset temp-table buffer
HANDLE GetDatasetWithoutRelations (handle)
Returns a Dataset with the same schema but no relations
HANDLE GetDataSourceQueryHandles (handle)
Returns an array of the Query handles of the Data-Sources of the
given Dataset
CHARACTER GetFillWhereStrings (handle)
Returns an array of the FILL-WHERE-STRING's of the Data-Sources of the
given Dataset
HANDLE GetTableHandles (handle)
Returns an Array of the Temp-Table handles of the given Dataset
LOGICAL GetTrackingChanges (handle)
Returns if the Dataset is currently TRACKING-CHANGES
LOGICAL HasBuffer (handle, character)
Returns if the the passed in ProDataset handle has a buffer with the
given name
LOGICAL HasChanges (handle)
Tests if a ProDataset has changes
LOGICAL HasCreatedRecords (handle)
Returns if the Dataset has records with a ROW-STATE of
LOGICAL HasDeletedRecords (handle)
Returns if the Dataset has records with a ROW-STATE of
LOGICAL HasErrors (handle)
Returns if the Dataset contains a record with an
LOGICAL HasModifiedRecords (handle)
Returns if the Dataset has records with a ROW-STATE of
LOGICAL HasRecursiveRelationFromTopLevelBuffer (handle)
Checks if the ProDataset contains an active recursive
data-relation from any of the top-level buffers
LOGICAL HasRowState (handle, integer)
Returns if the Dataset has records with a given ROW-STATE
LOGICAL HasSerializeHiddenColumns (handle)
Returns if the Dataset contains serialize-hidden columns
LOGICAL HasValidationMessages (handle)
Returns if the ProDataset or ProDataset Buffer has
any validation messages (BUFFER ERROR-STRING)
LOGICAL HasValidationMessages (handle, character)
Returns if the ProDataset or ProDataset Buffer has
any validation messages (BUFFER ERROR-STRING) for the
given field name
LOGICAL HasValidationMessages (handle, character, character)
Returns if the ProDataset or ProDataset Buffer has
any validation messages (BUFFER ERROR-STRING) for the
given field name and the given message group and number
LOGICAL HasValidationMessages (handle, character, character, integer)
Returns if the ProDataset or ProDataset Buffer has
any validation messages (BUFFER ERROR-STRING) for the
given field name and the given message group and number
LOGICAL HasValidationMessages (handle, character, character, integer, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Returns if the ProDataset or ProDataset Buffer has
any validation messages (BUFFER ERROR-STRING) for the
given field name and the given message group and number
LOGICAL HasValidationMessages (handle, character, integer)
Returns if the ProDataset or ProDataset Buffer has
any validation messages (BUFFER ERROR-STRING) of the given
message group and number
LOGICAL HasValidationMessages (handle, character, integer, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character, character)
Returns if the ProDataset or ProDataset Buffer has
any validation messages (BUFFER ERROR-STRING) of the given
message group and number with the provided substitution values
LOGICAL IsUniqueChildRelation (handle)
Returns if the provided data-relation is pointing to an unique
child record
MergeUnmodifiedRecords (handle, handle)
Merges the records of the source dataset into the target dataset.
Does not overwrite modified records of the target dataset
HANDLE ParentBuffer (handle)
Returns the handle of the parent buffer of a ProDataset buffer
Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.RowidDictionary ParentRecordRowids (handle)
Returns a RowidDictionary with the ROWID's of the current record as
well as the parent and grand-parent ... records based on the ProDataset
CHARACTER ParentRelationWhereStringWithTypeConversion (handle)
Returns the where string matching a DATA-RELATION and inserts functions
for data type conversion if required
CHARACTER ParentRelationWhereStringWithValues (handle)
Returns the where string matching a DATA-RELATION field pairs
RejectNonCreateChanges (handle)
Rejects all row-changes in the ProDatasets before tables that
do not have the row-mod of Adding
RepositionDatasetBuffers (handle, rowid[])
Locates the records in all ProDataset buffers based on an Array
of ROWID's
ResolveSmartErrorMessages (handle)
Resolves SmartMessages in the Dataset records ERROR-STRING
SanitizeErrors (handle)
Sanitizes ProDataset ERROR-STRING and ERROR
SetControlCancel (handle)
Sets the ERROR-STRING of a ProDataset Buffer, and the ERROR attribute
of the BUFFER and the ProDataset based on a DatasetControlStringEnum
SetControlString (handle, DatasetControlStringEnum)
Sets the ERROR-STRING of a ProDataset Buffer, and the ERROR attribute
of the BUFFER and the ProDataset based on a DatasetControlStringEnum
SetDataSourceQueryHandles (handle, handle[])
Assigns the Query handles of the data-source widgets attached to the
ProDataset buffers
SetErrorString (handle, character)
Sets the ERROR-STRING of a ProDataset Buffer, and the ERROR attribute
of the BUFFER and the ProDataset
SetFillWhereStrings (handle, character[])
Assigns the FILL-WHERE-STRING's of the data-source widgets attached to the
ProDataset buffers
SetSerializeNameFromXmlNodeName (handle)
Sets all of a dataset's SERIALIZE-NAME attributes the value of the XML-NODE-NAME
attribute. If a SERIALIZE-NAME value is the same as the NAME value, and the
XML-NODE-NAME value is different, then the SERIALIZE-NAME value will be set to the
SetTrackingChanges (handle, logical)
Sets the tracking changes property of all temp-tables of the passed
in dataset
SetTrackingChanges (handle, logical, DynamicTempTablesEnum)
Sets the tracking changes property of all temp-tables of the passed
in dataset
CHARACTER SiblingWhereStringWithValues (handle)
Returns the where string matching a DATA-RELATION field pairs for a child buffer
of the FOR EACH for a parent buffer
ThrowDatasetErrors (handle)
Throws Dataset Validation error messages from the ERROR-STRING
attributes of any record