Options |
Name |
Purpose |
CanFind (dataset-handle, CanFindParameter)
Returns a TRUE value if a record is found that meets the specified
FIND criteria; otherwise it returns FALSE. CAN-FIND does not make
the record available to the Business Entity or it's caller. Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
LOGICAL CanFind (character, character)
Returns a TRUE value if a record is found that meets the specified
FIND criteria; otherwise it returns FALSE. CAN-FIND does not make
the record available to the Business Entity or it's caller. Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
CountResultRecords (dataset-handle, ICountRecordsRequest)
Counts the number of results of the query Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
INT64 CountResultRecords (ICountRecordsRequest)
Counts the number of results of the query Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
DestroyDataAccessObject ()
Unloads the DataAccess object Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
dispose ()
Destroy/Shutdown/Anti-Initializer Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
FetchChildTableRecords (handle)
Populates records in the child table identified by the buffer handle
of the child table Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
FetchData (IFetchDataRequest)
Fetch data from the Data Access object Overrides Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity:FetchData (IFetchDataRequest)
FetchData (IFetchDataRequest, handle)
Fetch data from the Data Access object Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
FetchData (IFetchDataRequest, dataset-handle)
Fetch data and/or definitions Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
FetchDataByKeyTable (dataset-handle, IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter)
Supports retrieve multiple DB records from a Business Entity based on
a temp-table with key values Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
FetchDataByKeyTable (IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter, handle)
Fetch data from the Data Access object Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
FetchDataByStaticQuery (dataset-handle, IFetchDataByStaticQueryRequest)
Retrieves data using a static query. Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
FetchDataByStaticQuery (IFetchDataByStaticQueryRequest, handle)
Retrieves data using a static query. Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
FetchDataset (dataset-handle)
Creates and returns an empty dataset to the caller Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
FetchRelatedRecords (handle, character)
Populates records in the named tables based on their relation to
the provided record Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
IBusinessEntityDescriptor GetBusinessEntityDescriptor ()
Returns the Business Entity Descriptor for this Business Entity Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
GetBusinessEntityDescriptor (dataset-handle, GetBusinessEntityDescriptorParameter)
Returns the Business Entity Descriptor for this Business Entity Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
IGetDataResponse getData (IGetDataRequest, dataset-handle)
Performs a read request Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
Consultingwerk.OERA.IDataAccess GetDataAccessObject ()
Returns the reference to the DataAccess Object Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
getDataset (dataset-handle)
Returns an empty instance of the primary ProDataset to the caller Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
Progress.Lang.Class GetDatasetModelType ()
Returns the class reference of the DatasetModel type
associated with this Business Entity Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
GetInitialValues (dataset-handle, GetInitialValuesParameter)
Returns a dataset with one record containing the initial values Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
ListRestAddress GetRestAddresses ()
Returns the list of supported rest addresses to the caller Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
ListRestMethod GetRestMethods ()
Returns the list of supported rest addresses for methods
to the caller Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
IGetResultCountResponse getResultCount (IGetDataRequest)
Returns the count of the total number of result records or a guess
of the result count to the caller Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
Progress.Lang.Class GetTableModelType (character)
Returns the class reference of the TableModel type
associated with this Business Entity Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
CHARACTER GetTopNavBuffers ()
Returns the names of the dataset TOP-NAV-BUFFER's Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
GetTopNavBuffers (dataset-handle, CharacterHolder)
Populates the provided CharacterHolder with a comma-delimited list
of the names of the dataset TOP-NAV-BUFFER's Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
initialize ()
Initializer/Startup Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
InitializeDataAccessObject ()
Initializes the DataAccess Object Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
InvokeReceiveData (RequestTypeEnum, Object)
Invokes the ReceiveDataMethod Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
LOGICAL PopulateFromPartialBuffer (handle)
Populates a single ProDataset record from the partial record to the complete
record Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
PopulatePartialBuffer (handle)
Populates a single ProDataset record from the partial record to the complete
record Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
ReceiveData ()
Provides a hook to modify data in the ProDataset after Read and
Update operations (i.e. population of aggregated values) Overrides Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity:ReceiveData ()
Consultingwerk.OERA.FetchDataRequest RequestForKeyField (character, character, character)
Factory method for the FetchDataRequest class Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
Consultingwerk.OERA.FetchDataRequest RequestForKeyField (character, character, decimal)
Factory method for the FetchDataRequest class Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
Consultingwerk.OERA.FetchDataRequest RequestForKeyField (character, character, integer)
Factory method for the FetchDataRequest class Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
ResetState ()
Reset the state of the Business Entity Overrides Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity:ResetState ()
ResetState (handle, Object, character)
Resets the state of the Business Entity by emptying temp-tables Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
RestoreDatasetHandle ()
Restores the DatasetHandle property value Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
SaveChanges ()
Saves changes using the DataAccess object Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
SaveChanges (dataset-handle)
Saves changes Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
SaveChanges (dataset-handle, Object)
Saves changes Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
SaveChanges (IActionType)
Saves changes with an Action Type instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
SavePartialChanges (dataset-handle, Object)
Saves partial changes to the Business Entity Dataset Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
CHARACTER SourceColumn (character, character)
Returns the database field name matching a temp-table field name Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
CharacterHolder SourceColumn (SourceColumnRequest)
Returns the database field name matching a temp-table field name Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
CHARACTER UniqueFindPredicateWithValueBuffer (handle, handle, character)
Builds a unique find predicate for a prodataset buffer (based on an
unique index). Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
Progress.Lang.Object updateData (dataset-handle, IUpdateDataRequest)
Stores data modifications in the persistent storage (typically a
database) Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
ValidateAddOnlyColumns (handle, character)
Performs AddOnly validation for a list of columns Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
ValidateBasedOnBusinessEntityDescriptor ()
Performs validation based on the Business Entity Descriptor
properties Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
ValidateData ()
Provides a hook for high level data validation before Update
operations Overrides Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity:ValidateData ()
ValidateData (dataset-handle, IValidateDataContext)
Provides a client callable method for data validation Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
ValidateMandatoryColumns (handle, character)
Performs Mandatory validation for a list of columns Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
ValidatePartialData (dataset-handle, IValidateDataContext)
Provides a client callable method for partial data validation Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity
ValidateReadOnlyColumns (handle, character)
Performs ReadOnly validation for a list of columns Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntity