Options |
Name |
Purpose |
AssignBindingSourceColumn (BindingSource, character, Object, Control)
Assigns a value to a BindingSource column
AssignFromBindingSource (handle, BindingSource)
Assigns values from the ProBindingSource:InputValue dictionary to
the fields in the buffer
AssignFromBindingSource (handle, BindingSource, character, character, character)
Assigns values from the ProBindingSource:InputValue dictionary to
the fields in the buffer
CHARACTER BindingBufferFieldName (character, character, character)
Returns the Buffer Field Name for a BindingSource field
CHARACTER BindingBufferFieldName (handle, character, character)
Returns the Buffer Field Name for a BindingSource field
CHARACTER BindingBufferFieldName (BindingSource, character)
Returns the Buffer Field Name for a BindingSource field
CHARACTER BindingColumnName (BindingSource, character)
Returns the name of the BindingSource column for a Buffer Field
CHARACTER BindingDataType (Control)
Returns the ABL data-type the Control is bound to
CHARACTER BindingFieldName (Control)
Returns the field name(s) the Control is bound to
CHARACTER BindingPropertyName (Control)
Returns the property name(s) the Control is bound with
CHARACTER BindingSourceLargeColumns (BindingSource)
Returns a comma-delimited list of BLOBs and CLOBs in Returns a
comma-delimited list of BLOBs and CLOBs in the Progress.Data.TableDesc
schema of the ProBindingSource
CHARACTER BindingSourceLargeColumns (TableDesc)
Returns a comma-delimited list of BLOBs and CLOBs in the
Progress.Data.TableDesc schema
CHARACTER ColumnDataType (BindingSource, character)
Returns the data-type of a column in the BindingSource's root
CHARACTER ColumnDataType (TableDesc, character)
Returns the data-type of a column in the Progress.Data.TableDesc schema
CHARACTER ConvertDataType (DataType)
Converts a Progress.Data.DataType Enum member to the corresponding
ABL DataType in a Character representation
Progress.Data.ColumnPropDesc FindColumnPropDesc (TableDesc, character)
Returns the Progress.Data.ColumnPropDesc of a TableDesc for the
column with the given name
Progress.Data.TableDesc FindTableDesc (BindingSource, character)
Returns the TableDesc of the BindingSource with the given name
Progress.Data.TableDesc FindTableDesc (TableDesc, character)
Returns the TableDesc of the child of the given TableDesc referecne
with the given name
Progress.Data.TableDesc GetTableSchema (handle)
Returns a TableSchema for a Buffer
LOGICAL HasColumn (BindingSource, character)
Returns logical value indicating if the ProBindingSource has a column
with the given name
LOGICAL IsBindingChangingValue ()
Returns based on the .NET Stacktrace if currently values on the
screen are modified due to Data Binding
LOGICAL UseFullFieldNames (BindingSource)
Returns if the ProBindingSource is using the UseFullFieldNames setting