Options |
Name |
Purpose |
ActivateCallNode (character, character, character, character)
Activates a call-node going from a source-routine to a target-routine
ActivateNode (character)
Activates the first UltraTreeNode that maps to a given guid from the callgraph
ActivateNode (UltraTreeNode)
Selects and activates a given node
LOGICAL ActivateRoutineNode (character, character, character, UltraTreeNode)
Selects and activates a routine node in the tree
AddCall (TreeNodesCollection, character, character)
Adds an UltraTreeNode for a call to a given Collection
AddCall (UltraTreeNode, character, character, character)
Adds a new call for an entry in an eCall.Blocks field
AddTreeToNode (UltraTreeNode)
Helper method that adds a new tree after a call-node
Bind (dataset)
Binds to a given dataset
LOGICAL CompareCharacterCell (UltraTreeNode, character, character)
Compares a UltraTreeNodes cell of type string with a given character
CreateBlock (TreeNodesCollection, character)
Creates UltraTreeNodes for a Block with a given BlockGuid and its child-blocks in a given TreeNodesCollection
CreateTree (dataset, TreeNodesCollection, character)
Creates the tree view for a dataset
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTreeNode FindCall (character, character, UltraTreeNode)
Helper method that finds and returns a call node for a given file and routine name
org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindNodeWithLineNum (JPNode, integer)
Helper method that recursively searches for a JPNode at a given line number
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTreeNode FindRoutine (character, character, UltraTreeNode)
Helper method that finds and returns a routine node for a given file and routine name
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTreeNode FindTreeNodeByTag (character, UltraTreeNode)
Finds a tree node by its Tag
org.prorefactor.core.JPNode GetActiveNode ()
Returns the JPNode corresponding to the active TreeNode
CHARACTER GetActiveNodeFilename ()
Helper method that returns the filename of the active node
CHARACTER GetNodeTagTempTableGuid (UltraTreeNode)
Returns the guid of the temp-table-record this node corresponds to
CHARACTER GetNodeTagTempTableName (UltraTreeNode)
Returns the name of the temp-table this node corresponds to
org.prorefactor.core.JPNode GetNodeWithNum (JPNode, integer)
Returns the JPNode with a given node number
System.Drawing.Image GetQualifications (UltraTreeNode)
Helper method that returns the qualification-image for a given node
CHARACTER GetType (character)
Helper method that returns the type of an eRoutine record using its RoutineGuid
LOGICAL HasNodeWithColumnValue (TreeNodesCollection, character, character)
Checks whether a TreeNodesCollection contains a node with a given value in a given column
LOGICAL HasNodeWithTag (TreeNodesCollection, character)
Checks whether a TreeNodesCollection contains a node with a given guid
HideUncalledRoutines (logical, character)
Hides/Shows routines nodes based on whether they are called from the parsed file or its called routines
IncludeBlocks (logical, character)
Sets the DetailLevel and rebuilds the tree
IncomingCallsDefaultActionHandler (Object, IncomingCallsDefaultActionEventArgs)
Handler for the IncomingCallsDefaultActionEvent published by the IncomingCallsForm
InheritedDependencies (logical)
Sets the local variable for the current button-state and refreshes the qualification images
InitializeComponent ()
Initializes the visual design
LoadTree (dataset, character)
Loads the TreeView for a new Callgraph
LocateInTreeView (character, integer)
Locates a routine node in the tree that is in a given file and at a given line number
MapQualifications (UltraTreeNode)
Helper method that finds the target routines for all calls that do
not have qualification-images yet
RefreshQualifications ()
Refreshes the qualifications of routines and blocks with those inherited from other routines
RefreshTree ()
Refreshes the Tree
SelectChild (UltraTreeNode, character, UltraTreeNode)
Finds and selects a child-node of a given type based on a given target node.
SetFileImages (UltraTreeNode)
Sets the images for the file cells based on the filetype
SetUnknownTypes (UltraTreeNode)
Sets the type-cell for nodes where this is still unknown.
ultraTree1_BeforeExpand (Object, CancelableNodeEventArgs)
Event handler for the BeforeExpand event of the UltraTree
ultraTree1_DoubleClick (Object, EventArgs)
Event handler for the DoubleClick event in the ultra tree
ViewIncomingCalls ()
Displays a list of incoming calls for the currently selected routine node