Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Studio.Refactor

ICallCallback This interface can be used to define a callback-class for Callgraph create. Its method, ProcessCall, is called after a new eCall record was created. It allows modifications of that record.
ICallGraphPostCallback This Interface can be used to implement a PostCallback for the Callgraph:create method. Its method, ProcessNode, can be used to alter the list of qualifications of a given node.
ICallGraphPreCallback This interface can be used to implement a PreCallback for Callgraph:create. Its method, ProcessNode, can be used to exclude a node from being qualified.
ICustomRunStatementParser Interface for custom handling of run statements
ISessionSuperProcedureProvider Provides a list of known super procedures for the current session.

BlockParser Creates blocks from JPNodes
Callgraph This class offers one method, Create, that can be used to create a Callgraph for a set of files
CallgraphCreateParser This class implements the INodeAction interface to create an eCall record for a callgraph, it is used by Callgraph:create.
CallgraphHelper Collection of methods used by the Callgraph classes
CallQualificationParser This class implements the INodeAction interface. Its method, ProcessNode, adds qualifications to a given node. Implementations of IPreCallBack and IPostCallback can optionally be passed to the constructor.
DatabaseTriggerParser Implements the INodeAction interface to create records for trigger procedures and calls to them
DispatchParser This class can be used to parse ADM1 RUN dispatch calls.
ProcedureParser This class implements the INodeAction interface. Its ProcessNode method creates eRoutine records for functions and internal procedures.

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