Namespace: Consultingwerk.Studio.Refactor.Callgraph
ICallGraphPostCallback Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose:This Interface can be used to implement a PostCallback for the Callgraph:create method.
Its method, ProcessNode, can be used to alter the list of qualifications of a given node.
Author(s):Sebastian Wandel / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Fri Jul 24 10:19:10 CEST 2020
Purpose: Allows altering the list of qualifications after the node has been processed
Notes: This method is called by the CallQualificationParser

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ ProcessNode (JPNode, character) Allows altering the list of qualifications after the node has been processed

Method Detail

PUBLIC ProcessNode (JPNode, character)

Purpose: Allows altering the list of qualifications after the node has been processed
Notes: This method is called by the CallQualificationParser

poNode org.prorefactor.core.JPNode
Node that has been processed
pcQualification CHARACTER
The list of qualifications of the parent-routine of the node

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