Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | LOGICAL ExistsChildNodeByPath (JPNode, character) |
Returns if the child node with the given node path exists |
+ | ExportDatabaseSchema () |
Exports the Database Schema to Proparse |
+ | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindChildNodeOfNodeType (JPNode, character) |
Searches for a child node of the given node with the matching node type |
+ | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindChildNodeOfNodeTypeWithID (JPNode, character, character) |
Searches for a child node of the given node with the matching node type
and ID childnode text |
+ | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindChildNodeOfNodeTypeWithText (JPNode, character, character) |
Searches for a child node of the given node with the matching node type
and text |
+ | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindFirstChildByPositionInCode (JPNode) |
Returns the first JPNode in a AST by position |
+ | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindRoutineParent (JPNode) |
Finds the Routine-Level Block that contains the given JPNode |
+ | CHARACTER FullyQualifiedTableName (RecordNameNode) |
Returns the fully qualified table name |
+ | Consultingwerk.BufferFieldName GetBufferFieldName (FieldRefNode) |
Returns a BufferFieldName based on the given FieldRefNode instance |
+ | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode GetChildNodeByPath (JPNode, character) |
Returns the reference to the child node with the given node path |
+ | CHARACTER GetFullFieldName (JPNode) |
Returns the full name of the represented field |
+ | CHARACTER GetFullNodeText (JPNode) |
Returns the full text of the Node |
+ | CHARACTER GetIdNodeText (JPNode) |
Returns the text of the ID node below the given Node |
# | GetInternalRunStatements (JPNode) |
Returns a temp-table with all interal RUN statements in the given
node (typically the Root node of a parse unit) |
+ | GetInternalRunStatements (JPNode, table) |
Returns a temp-table with all interal RUN statements in the given
node (typically the Root node of a parse unit) |
+ |
GetNodeChildren (JPNode, List |
Returns the List with all children (direct and indirect added) |
+ |
GetNodeChildrenOfNodeType (JPNode, character, List |
Returns the List with all children of the given node type
(direct and indirect added) |
+ | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode GetNodeFromNum (integer) |
Gets a Node by it's number |
+ | CHARACTER GetNodeTypeName (JPNode) |
Returns the Node type name of the given node |
+ | INTEGER GetRoutineDepth (JPNode) |
Returns the block level relative to the next Routine-Level Block
for the given JPNode |
+ | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode GetRoutineParent (JPNode) |
Returns the JPNode representing the routine level block |
+ | CHARACTER GetSubtypeName (integer) |
Returns the Subtype name based on Proparse's SubType Index |
+ | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode GetTopParent (JPNode) |
Returns the top-most parent-node, the Program_root-node, of a node |
+ | LOGICAL HasChildNodeOfNodeType (JPNode, character) |
Searches for a Childnode of the given node with the matching node type |
+ | LOGICAL HasChildNodeOfNodeTypeWithID (JPNode, character, character) |
Searches for a Childnode of the given node with the matching node type
and ID childnode text |
+ | LOGICAL HasChildNodeOfNodeTypeWithText (JPNode, character, character) |
Searches for a Childnode of the given node with the matching node type
and text |
+ | Initialize () |
Initializes propase |
+ | INTEGER NumChildNodeOfNodeType (JPNode, character) |
Returns the number of child nodes of the given node with the matching
node type |
+ | INTEGER NumChildren (JPNode) |
Returns the number of direct child nodes of the given JPNode |
+ | LOGICAL ParentIsTrivialDo (JPNode) |
Returns if the parent of the given JPNode is a simple DO: block
(without any condision, e.g. DO WITH FRAME:) |
+ | org.prorefactor.treeparser.ParseUnit ParseFile (character) |
Parses a file and returns the reference to the ParseUnit |
+ | CHARACTER ParseParameterList (JPNode) |
Parses the Parameter_list of a Method/Function/Event/Constructor
node |
+ | CHARACTER ParseParameterList (JPNode, logical) |
Parses the Parameter_list of a Method/Function/Event/Constructor
node |
+ | CHARACTER ParseProcedureParameterList (JPNode) |
Parses the Parameter_list of a procedure (internal or external) node |
+ | CHARACTER ParseProcedureParameterList (JPNode, logical) |
Parses the Parameter_list of a procedure (internal or external) node |
+ | CHARACTER ParserConfigGet (character) |
Returns a parser configuration parameter |
+ | LOGICAL ParserConfigSet (character, character) |
Sets a proparse configuration parameter (propath, proversion) |
+ | org.prorefactor.treeparser.ParseUnit ParseString (longchar) |
Parses the passed in String |
+ | RemoveNode (JPNode) |
Removes a Node from the ParseUnit |
+ | ReplaceIndividualNode (JPNode, longchar) |
Replaces a routine node (METHOD, CONSTRUCTOR, ...) with the given
text |
+ | ReplaceRoutineNode (JPNode, longchar, logical, logical) |
Replaces a routine node (METHOD, CONSTRUCTOR, ...) with the given
text |
+ | SetProparseEnvironment () |
Set's OpenEdge session enviroment in proparse |
+ | CHARACTER TriggerCompleteEventList (JPNode) |
Returns the complete trigger Event_list node of a Trigger node |
+ | CHARACTER TriggerEventList (JPNode) |
Returns the Text of the Event_list node of a Trigger node |
+ | CHARACTER TriggerWidgetRef (JPNode) |
Returns the Text of the Widget_ref node of a Trigger node |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
- | ProparseHelper () |
Disallow instance creation |
ProparseHelper () |
Static Constructor of the ProparseHelper class |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | LOGICAL Initialized |
PUBLIC LOGICAL ExistsChildNodeByPath (JPNode, character)
PUBLIC ExportDatabaseSchema ()
PUBLIC org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindChildNodeOfNodeType (JPNode, character)
PUBLIC org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindChildNodeOfNodeTypeWithID (JPNode, character, character)
PUBLIC org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindChildNodeOfNodeTypeWithText (JPNode, character, character)
PUBLIC org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindFirstChildByPositionInCode (JPNode)
PUBLIC org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindRoutineParent (JPNode)
PUBLIC CHARACTER FullyQualifiedTableName (RecordNameNode)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.BufferFieldName GetBufferFieldName (FieldRefNode)
PUBLIC org.prorefactor.core.JPNode GetChildNodeByPath (JPNode, character)
PROTECTED GetInternalRunStatements (JPNode)
PUBLIC GetInternalRunStatements (JPNode, table)
PUBLIC GetNodeChildren (JPNode, List
Purpose: | Returns the List with all children (direct and indirect added) |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
poNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The parent JPNode | ||
poNodes |
System.Collections.Generic.List |
The generic List of JPNode object |
Purpose: | Returns the List with all children of the given node type | (direct and indirect added) |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
poNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The parent JPNode | ||
pcNodeType | CHARACTER | |
The node type to add | ||
poNodes |
System.Collections.Generic.List |
The generic List of JPNode object |
Purpose: | Gets a Node by it's number |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
piNodeNum | INTEGER | |
The node number to return | ||
Returns | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode with the specified number |
Purpose: | Returns the Node type name of the given node |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
poNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode | ||
Returns | CHARACTER | |
The node type name |
Purpose: | Returns the block level relative to the next Routine-Level Block | for the given JPNode |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
poNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode to return the block level for | ||
Returns | INTEGER | |
Block level relatively to the parent node |
Purpose: | Returns the JPNode representing the routine level block |
Notes: | Returns the input node, when that's already a routine level block |
Parameters: | ||
poNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode to return the block level for | ||
Returns | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode with the routine level block |
Purpose: | Returns the Subtype name based on Proparse's SubType Index |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
piSubtypeIndex | INTEGER | |
The index of the subtype as returns from the JPNode | ||
Returns | CHARACTER | |
The CHARACTER SubtypeName |
Purpose: | Returns the top-most parent-node, the Program_root-node, of a node |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
poASTNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode whose parent is sougth | ||
Returns | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The Program_root-node of poASTNode |
Purpose: | Searches for a Childnode of the given node with the matching node type |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
poASTNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The parent JPNode | ||
pcChildNodeType | CHARACTER | |
The searched child not type as returned by NodeTypes:getTypeName | ||
Returns | LOGICAL | |
True when a child node with the given node type exists |
Purpose: | Searches for a Childnode of the given node with the matching node type | and ID childnode text |
Notes: | Useful for finding PROCEDURE with a certain name etc. |
Parameters: | ||
poASTNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The parent JPNode | ||
pcChildNodeType | CHARACTER | |
The searched child not type as returned by NodeTypes:getTypeName | ||
pcChildNodeID | CHARACTER | |
The searched child node ID node value | ||
Returns | LOGICAL | |
True when a child node with the given node type exists |
Purpose: | Searches for a Childnode of the given node with the matching node type | and text |
Notes: | Useful for finding Annotations with getText() = "@Annotation" |
Parameters: | ||
poASTNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The parent JPNode | ||
pcChildNodeType | CHARACTER | |
The searched child not type as returned by NodeTypes:getTypeName | ||
pcChildNodeText | CHARACTER | |
The searched child node getText() value | ||
Returns | LOGICAL | |
True when a child node with the given node type exists |
Purpose: | Initializes propase |
Notes: |
Purpose: | Returns the number of child nodes of the given node with the matching | node type |
Notes: | This method does not work recursively, so only direct child nodes are | counted |
Parameters: | ||
poASTNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The parent JPNode | ||
pcChildNodeType | CHARACTER | |
The searched child not type as returned by NodeTypes:getTypeName | ||
Returns | INTEGER | |
The number of child nodes with the given type |
Purpose: | Returns the number of direct child nodes of the given JPNode |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
poNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode to return the number of children of | ||
Returns | INTEGER | |
The number of direct child nods |
Purpose: | Returns if the parent of the given JPNode is a simple DO: block | (without any condision, e.g. DO WITH FRAME:) |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
poNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode to test the parent block of | ||
Returns | LOGICAL | |
Logical value indicating if the parent of the given node is a trivial DO block |
Purpose: | Parses a file and returns the reference to the ParseUnit |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
pcFilename | CHARACTER | |
The CHARACTER FileName to be used to open the java.io.File | ||
Returns | org.prorefactor.treeparser.ParseUnit | |
The proparse ParseUnit reference |
Purpose: | Parses the Parameter_list of a Method/Function/Event/Constructor | node |
Parameters: | ||
poParentNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The reference to the JPNode of the Method/Function/Event/Constructor | ||
Returns | CHARACTER | |
The Character representation of the Parameter list |
Purpose: | Parses the Parameter_list of a Method/Function/Event/Constructor | node |
Parameters: | ||
poParentNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The reference to the JPNode of the Method/Function/Event/Constructor | ||
plIncludeParameterName | LOGICAL | |
Logical value indicating if the parameter name should be included as well | ||
Returns | CHARACTER | |
The Character representation of the Parameter list |
Purpose: | Parses the Parameter_list of a procedure (internal or external) node |
Parameters: | ||
poParentNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The reference to the JPNode of the Procedure or Program_root | ||
Returns | CHARACTER | |
The Character representation of the Parameter list |
Purpose: | Parses the Parameter_list of a procedure (internal or external) node |
Parameters: | ||
poParentNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The reference to the JPNode of the Procedure or Program_root | ||
plIncludeParameterName | LOGICAL | |
Logical value indicating if the parameter name should be included as well | ||
Returns | CHARACTER | |
The Character representation of the Parameter list |
Purpose: | Returns a parser configuration parameter |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
pcFlag | CHARACTER | |
The name of a proparse config flag | ||
Returns | CHARACTER | |
The CHARACTER value of the Proparse config value |
Purpose: | Sets a proparse configuration parameter (propath, proversion) |
Notes: |
Parameters: | ||
pcFlag | CHARACTER | |
The name of a proparse config flag | ||
pcValue | CHARACTER | |
The value for the proparse config flag | ||
Returns | LOGICAL | |
Always TRUE |
Purpose: | Parses the passed in String |
Notes: | Writes the string to a temporary file for parsing. The temporary file | name will be |
Parameters: | ||
plcString | LONGCHAR | |
The LONGCHAR String to parse | ||
Returns | org.prorefactor.treeparser.ParseUnit | |
The proparse ParseUnit reference |
Purpose: | Removes a Node from the ParseUnit |
Notes: | When the node has a prevSibling, the prevSibling is linked to the nextSibling | When the node does not have a prevSibling, the parents firstChild is set to the nextSibling |
Parameters: | ||
poNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode to remove |
Purpose: | Replaces a routine node (METHOD, CONSTRUCTOR, ...) with the given | text |
Notes: | Should not be called more than onces for a given Parse Unit as by replacing | a routine node all following line counts may become inaccurate | Really only replaces the text of the given node and not any nested nodes |
Parameters: | ||
poNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode to replace | ||
plcNewText | LONGCHAR | |
The new text for the node |
Purpose: | Replaces a routine node (METHOD, CONSTRUCTOR, ...) with the given | text |
Notes: | Should not be called more than onces for a given Parse Unit as by replacing | a routine node all following line counts may become inaccurate | Optionally replaces the comments block (a single block) or any white | spaces that preceedes the method block. | When replacing all white spaces preceeding the routine node | (plReplaceAllLeadingHiddenText = TRUE) it is recommended, to start | the plcNewText with two new lines (~n~n) |
Parameters: | ||
poNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode to replace | ||
plcNewText | LONGCHAR | |
The new text for the node | ||
plReplaceComments | LOGICAL | |
Replaces comments preceeding the node | ||
plReplaceAllLeadingHiddenText | LOGICAL | |
Replaces comments and all white spaces preceeding the node |
Purpose: | Set's OpenEdge session enviroment in proparse |
Notes: |
Purpose: | Returns the complete trigger Event_list node of a Trigger node |
Notes: | Returns "":U if no Event_list node is present, comma-delimited |
Parameters: | ||
poASTNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode of the Trigger itself (ON / Blocknode) | ||
Returns | CHARACTER | |
The Text of the Event_list node |
Purpose: | Returns the Text of the Event_list node of a Trigger node |
Notes: | Returns "":U if no Event_list node is present |
Parameters: | ||
poASTNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode of the Trigger itself (ON / Blocknode) | ||
Returns | CHARACTER | |
The Text of the Event_list node |
Purpose: | Returns the Text of the Widget_ref node of a Trigger node |
Notes: | Returns "":U if no Widget_ref node is present, drills down into the | Field_ref node if present (for UI widgets) |
Parameters: | ||
poASTNode | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode | |
The JPNode of the Trigger itself (ON / Blocknode) | ||
Returns | CHARACTER | |
The Text of the Widget_ref node |
PRIVATE ProparseHelper ()
STATIC ProparseHelper ()
Temp-Table ttRunStatementsDefined in: |