Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character) Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character, character) Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character, character, character) Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character, character, character, logical) Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character, character, character, logical, logical) Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character, character, character, logical, logical, logical) Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, handle, character, character) Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, handle, character, character, logical) Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, handle, character, character, logical, logical) Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
+ Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, handle, character, character, logical, logical, logical) Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
# OnStatusChanged (StatusChangedEventArgs) Raises the StatusChanged

Top Event Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ StatusChanged (Object, StatusChangedEventArgs) Raised to provide status updates

Top Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ LOGICAL DisableReferentialIntegrityChecks
+ LOGICAL Importing

Method Detail

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character)

Purpose: Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file

pcBusinessEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity to import data from
The name of the source file name
pcSkipFields CHARACTER
The name of the fields to skip during import
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult
The ImportResult with the number of imported records

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file

pcBusinessEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity to import data from
The name of the source file name
pcSkipFields CHARACTER
The name of the fields to skip during import
pcCustomContext CHARACTER
The Custom Context attribute
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult
The ImportResult with the number of imported records

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file

pcBusinessEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity to import data from
The name of the source file name
pcSkipFields CHARACTER
The name of the fields to skip during import
pcCustomContext CHARACTER
The Custom Context attribute
pcImportFileNamePattern CHARACTER
The import file pattern
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult
The ImportResult with the number of imported records

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character, character, character, logical)

Purpose: Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file

pcBusinessEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity to import data from
The name of the source file name
pcSkipFields CHARACTER
The name of the fields to skip during import
pcCustomContext CHARACTER
The Custom Context attribute
pcImportFileNamePattern CHARACTER
The import file pattern
plSkipExistingRecords LOGICAL
If TRUE then existing records will be skipped on import.
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult
The ImportResult with the number of imported records

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character, character, character, logical, logical)

Purpose: Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file

pcBusinessEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity to import data from
The name of the source file name
pcSkipFields CHARACTER
The name of the fields to skip during import
pcCustomContext CHARACTER
The Custom Context attribute
pcImportFileNamePattern CHARACTER
The import file pattern
plSkipExistingRecords LOGICAL
If TRUE then existing records will be skipped on import.
plThrowErrors LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if errors will be thrown to stop the build job
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult
The ImportResult with the number of imported records

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, character, character, character, character, logical, logical, logical)

Purpose: Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file

pcBusinessEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity to import data from
The name of the source file name
pcSkipFields CHARACTER
The name of the fields to skip during import
pcCustomContext CHARACTER
The Custom Context attribute
pcImportFileNamePattern CHARACTER
The import file pattern
plSkipExistingRecords LOGICAL
If TRUE then existing records will be skipped on import.
plDisableReferentialIntegrityChecks LOGICAL
If TRUE The IRelationService integrity checks will be disabled
plThrowErrors LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if errors will be thrown to stop the build job
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult
The ImportResult with the number of imported records

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, handle, character, character)

Purpose: Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
Notes: When importing from XML files, the caller of this routine should
retrieve the Business Entities ProDataset to import the XML data
into, e.g.: ServiceInterface:FetchDataset (pcBusinessEntityName, OUTPUT DATASET-HANDLE hDatasetImport) .

pcBusinessEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity to import data from
phDatasetImport HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset to import from
pcSkipFields CHARACTER
The name of the fields to skip during import
pcCustomContext CHARACTER
The Custom Context attribute
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult
The ImportResult with the number of imported records

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, handle, character, character, logical)

Purpose: Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
Notes: When importing from XML files, the caller of this routine should
retrieve the Business Entities ProDataset to import the XML data
into, e.g.: ServiceInterface:FetchDataset (pcBusinessEntityName, OUTPUT DATASET-HANDLE hDatasetImport) .

pcBusinessEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity to import data from
phDatasetImport HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset to import from
pcSkipFields CHARACTER
The name of the fields to skip during import
pcCustomContext CHARACTER
The Custom Context attribute
plSkipExistingRecords LOGICAL
If TRUE then existing records will be skipped on import.
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult
The ImportResult with the number of imported records

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, handle, character, character, logical, logical)

Purpose: Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
Notes: When importing from XML files, the caller of this routine should
retrieve the Business Entities ProDataset to import the XML data
into, e.g.: ServiceInterface:FetchDataset (pcBusinessEntityName, OUTPUT DATASET-HANDLE hDatasetImport) .

pcBusinessEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity to import data from
phDatasetImport HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset to import from
pcSkipFields CHARACTER
The name of the fields to skip during import
pcCustomContext CHARACTER
The Custom Context attribute
plSkipExistingRecords LOGICAL
If TRUE then existing records will be skipped on import
plThrowErrors LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if errors will be thrown to stop the build job
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult
The ImportResult with the number of imported records

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult ImportBusinessEntityData (character, handle, character, character, logical, logical, logical)

Purpose: Imports Business Entity Data from an XML file
Notes: When importing from XML files, the caller of this routine should
retrieve the Business Entities ProDataset to import the XML data
into, e.g.: ServiceInterface:FetchDataset (pcBusinessEntityName, OUTPUT DATASET-HANDLE hDatasetImport) .

pcBusinessEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity to import data from
phDatasetImport HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset to import from
pcSkipFields CHARACTER
The name of the fields to skip during import
pcCustomContext CHARACTER
The Custom Context attribute
plSkipExistingRecords LOGICAL
If TRUE then existing records will be skipped on import
plDisableReferentialIntegrityChecks LOGICAL
If TRUE The IRelationService integrity checks will be disabled
plThrowErrors LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if errors will be thrown to stop the build job
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Tools.Import.ImportResult
The ImportResult with the number of imported records

PROTECTED OnStatusChanged (StatusChangedEventArgs)

Purpose: Raises the StatusChanged

e Consultingwerk.StatusChangedEventArgs
The Consultingwerk.StatusChangedEventArgs with the data for the event

Event Detail

PUBLIC StatusChanged (Object, StatusChangedEventArgs)

Purpose: Raised to provide status updates

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The object that raised the StatusChanged event
e Consultingwerk.StatusChangedEventArgs
The Consultingwerk.StatusChangedEventArgs with the data for the event

Property Detail

PUBLIC LOGICAL DisableReferentialIntegrityChecks




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