Namespace: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository
ISmartRepositoryClientService Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Inherited by: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.ISmartRepositoryService
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.SmartRepositoryClientService, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.SmartRepositoryService

Purpose:Interface for client-side repository service
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Thu Jan 03 14:36:01 CET 2019
Purpose: Returns if the child class is a child of the given parent class

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ LOGICAL ClassIsA (character, character) Returns if the child class is a child of the given parent class
+ ClearCaches () Clears all caches of this class
+ HANDLE GetAttributeBuffer (character, character, handle) Returns a buffer to the attribute of a given object master (when pcInstanceName is empty) or named object instance
+ HANDLE GetAttributeBuffer (character, handle) Returns a buffer to the attribute of a given object master (when pcInstanceName is empty) or named object instance
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.RepositoryServices.SmartBusinessEntityLookupDescriptor GetLookupDescriptor (character) Returns a SmartBusinessEntityLookupDescriptor for the repository

Method Detail

PUBLIC LOGICAL ClassIsA (character, character)

Purpose: Returns if the child class is a child of the given parent class

pcChildClassName CHARACTER
The name of the child class to verify
pcParentClassName CHARACTER
The name of the parent class to test if the given child class is a child of
Logical value indicating if the child class is child of the given parent class

PUBLIC ClearCaches ()

Purpose: Clears all caches of this class


PUBLIC HANDLE GetAttributeBuffer (character, character, handle)

Purpose: Returns a buffer to the attribute of a given object master (when
pcInstanceName is empty) or named object instance
Notes: This instance creates a new (dynamic) buffer. The caller is
responsible for deleting the buffer

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to return the attribute buffer for, or "" or ? to return the attributes of the master
pcContainerObjectMasterGuid CHARACTER
The GUID of the ContainerObjectMaster
phRepositoryData HANDLE
The handle of the repository data ProDataset
Returns HANDLE
The handle of the attribute buffer

PUBLIC HANDLE GetAttributeBuffer (character, handle)

Purpose: Returns a buffer to the attribute of a given object master (when
pcInstanceName is empty) or named object instance
Notes: This instance creates a new (dynamic) buffer. The caller is
responsible for deleting the buffer

pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The name of the instance to return the attribute buffer for, or "" or ? to return the attributes of the master
phRepositoryData HANDLE
The handle of the repository data ProDataset
Returns HANDLE
The handle of the attribute buffer

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.RepositoryServices.SmartBusinessEntityLookupDescriptor GetLookupDescriptor (character)

Purpose: Returns a SmartBusinessEntityLookupDescriptor for the repository

pcLookupMasterName CHARACTER
The name of the SmartBusinessEntityLookup master
Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.RepositoryServices.SmartBusinessEntityLookupDescriptor
The SmartBusinessEntityLookupDescriptor instance

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