Namespace: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization
ToolbarAuthorizationProvider Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implements: Consultingwerk.Framework.Authorization.IToolbarAuthorizationProvider

Purpose: Provides authorization for Toolbar Items in a Form
Notes: For SmartComponent Library Tools, it is optional to provide the at security key for the linked object (e.g. the SmartDataViewer)

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ LOGICAL IsToolbarActionRestricted (Object, character, character, character) Provides authorization for Toolbar Items in a Form

Method Detail

PUBLIC LOGICAL IsToolbarActionRestricted (Object, character, character, character)

Purpose: Provides authorization for Toolbar Items in a Form
Notes: For SmartComponent Library Tools, it is optional to provide the at security key for the linked object (e.g. the SmartDataViewer)

poRequestor Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the requesting object
pcToolbarActionKey CHARACTER
The key of the Toolbar item
pcFormClassName CHARACTER
The Form class name to that contains the Toolbar
pcLinkedObjectSecurityKey CHARACTER
The security key of the linked object
Logical value indicating if the toolbar action is restricted

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