AssignAuthorization (dataset, AssignAuthorizationParameter)
Stores the mass security assignment based on the dsSecurityAssignment
Dataset with new authorization assignment for the given realm and user/group
within the Company connected.
Consultingwerk.OERA.RestResource.RestMethodResponse AssignAuthorization (AssignAuthorizationParameter)
Stores the mass security assignment based on the dsSecurityAssignment
Dataset with new authorization assignment for the given realm and user/group
within the Company connected.
DeleteAuthorization (dataset, AssignAuthorizationParameter)
Deletes the mass security assignment based on the dsSecurityAssignment
Dataset with based on the assignment for the given realm and user/group
within the Company connected.
Consultingwerk.OERA.RestResource.RestMethodResponse DeleteAuthorization (AssignAuthorizationParameter)
Deletes the mass security assignment based on the dsSecurityAssignment
Dataset with based on the assignment for the given realm and user/group
within the Company connected.
Consultingwerk.OERA.RestResource.ListRestMethod GetRestMethods ()
Returns the list of supported rest addresses for methods
to the caller Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessTask