Namespace: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization
AuthorizationMaintenanceService Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessTask
Implements: Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService, ISupportsRestMethods

Purpose:Business Task for retrieving and updating authorization
for multiple users/groups and security items
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Wed May 21 09:35:26 CEST 2014

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ GetAuthorization (dataset, AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter) Returns the dsAuthorizationMaintenance Dataset with the current authorization assignment for the given realm and list of users/groups
+ Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray GetAuthorizationMenuStructure () Returns the menu structure for Authorization maintenance
+ ListRestMethod GetRestMethods () Returns the list of supported rest addresses for methods to the caller
Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessTask
+ StoreAuthorization (dataset, AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter) Stores the security assignment based on the dsAuthorizationMaintenance Dataset with new authorization assignment for the given realm and list of users/groups
+ StoreMenuAuthorization (dataset, JsonObject) Returns the menu structure for Authorization maintenance

Method Detail

PUBLIC GetAuthorization (dataset, AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter)

Purpose: Returns the dsAuthorizationMaintenance Dataset with the current
authorization assignment for the given realm and list of users/groups
Notes: Currently a maximum of 20 entries in the OwnerGuids list is supported.

dsAuthorizationMaintenance DATASET dsAuthorizationMaintenance
The dataset with the resulting authorization assignments
poParameter Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter
The AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter with the parameters for this call

PUBLIC Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray GetAuthorizationMenuStructure ()

Purpose: Returns the menu structure for Authorization maintenance

Returns Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray
The JsonObject with the menu structure

PUBLIC ListRestMethod GetRestMethods ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessTask
Purpose: Returns the list of supported rest addresses for methods
to the caller

Returns ListRestMethod
The list of supported rest methods to the caller

PUBLIC StoreAuthorization (dataset, AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter)

Purpose: Stores the security assignment based on the dsAuthorizationMaintenance
Dataset with new authorization assignment for the given realm and list
of users/groups
Notes: Currently a maximum of 20 entries in the OwnerGuids list is supported.

dsAuthorizationMaintenance DATASET dsAuthorizationMaintenance
The dataset with the resulting authorization assignments
poParameter Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter
The AuthorizationMaintenanceServiceParameter with the parameters for this call

PUBLIC StoreMenuAuthorization (dataset, JsonObject)

Purpose: Returns the menu structure for Authorization maintenance

dsAuthorizationMaintenance DATASET dsAuthorizationMaintenance
OUTPUT DATASET with the updated authorization
poJson Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject
The JsonObject with the menu function authorization and menu function security tokens

ProDataset Detail

ProDataset dsAuthorizationMaintenance

Member tables: ttAuthorizationMaintenance

Temp-Table Detail

Temp-Table ttAuthorizationMaintenance

Defined in:

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