Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
# ActivatedHandler (EventArgs) Event handler for the Deactivated event of the Service Manager
# DeactivateHandler (EventArgs) Event handler for the Deactivated event of the Service Manager
+ DeregisterBusinessService (character) Deregisters an external Business Service from the ServiceManager class
+ DeregisterBusinessService (Class) Deregisters an external Business Service from the ServiceManager class
+ Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService GetBusinessService (character) Returns a reference to a Business Service Instance
+ Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService GetBusinessService (character, BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum) Returns a reference to a Business Service Instance
+ Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService GetBusinessService (Class) Returns a reference to a Business Service Instance
+ Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService GetBusinessService (Class, BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum) Returns a reference to a Business Service Instance
+ CHARACTER GetMappedServiceName (character) Returns the mapped business service name from the current registered implementation of the IServiceNameMappingService interface (can but does not need to be an instance of this class here)
+ GetServiceManagerMonitoring (table) Returns the eBusinessServices Temp-Table with the monitoring information about the service manager
+ LOGICAL HasLifeCycleDefinition (character) Returns if the specified Business Service has a matching life cycle definition
+ LOGICAL HasLifeCycleDefinition (Class) Returns if the specified Business Service has a matching life cycle definition
+ LOGICAL IsInCallStack (character) Returns if the given Business Service is in the call stack
+ LOGICAL IsInCallStack (Class) Returns if the given Business Service is in the call stack
+ LOGICAL IsRunning (character) Returns if the given Business Service is already running
+ LOGICAL IsRunning (character, BusinessServiceTypeEnum) Returns if the given Business Service is already running
+ LOGICAL IsRunning (Class) Returns if the given Business Service is already running
+ LOGICAL IsRunning (Class, BusinessServiceTypeEnum) Returns if the given Business Service is already running
# Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService LaunchBusinessService (character, BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum) Launches a Business Services
+ ProcessServiceLifeCycle () Processes the Service Life Cycle
+ RegisterBusinessService (character, IBusinessService) Registers an external Business Service with the ServiceManager class
+ RegisterBusinessService (Class, IBusinessService) Registers an external Business Service with the ServiceManager class
# RequestEndedHandler (EventArgs) Event handler for the RequestEnded event of the Service Manager
+ StopAllBusinessServices () Stops all Business Services Instances
+ StopAllBusinessServices (Class) Stops all Business Services Instances of the given Class
+ StopBusinessService (character) Stops an Business Service Instance
+ StopBusinessService (character, NotRunningServiceEnum) Stops an Business Service Instance
+ LOGICAL TypeOf (character, Class) Checks if the given Business Service is TYPE-OF the given class
+ ValidateServiceLifeCycleDefinition () Validates the imported service life cycle definitions for consistency

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ ServiceManagerImpl () Constructor for the ServiceManagerImpl class

Method Detail

PROTECTED ActivatedHandler (EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the Deactivated event of the Service Manager

e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED DeactivateHandler (EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the Deactivated event of the Service Manager

e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC DeregisterBusinessService (character)

Purpose: Deregisters an external Business Service from the ServiceManager class
Notes: External Business Services are launched externally, may even be
registered in the ServiceContainer class. This is useful for allowing
access to Session Services (e.g. FrameworkSettings:ServiceContainer) to
be exposed to clients using the Service Interface while staying directly
accessible on the back end though the ServiceContainer. External Business
Services are considered not to be managed by the ServiceManager, that
is the ServiceManager will not attempt to shut them down in the Stop...
kind of methods.

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The name of the Service to be deregistered (typically the class name)

PUBLIC DeregisterBusinessService (Class)

Purpose: Deregisters an external Business Service from the ServiceManager class
Notes: External Business Services are launched externally, may even be
registered in the ServiceContainer class. This is useful for allowing
access to Session Services (e.g. FrameworkSettings:ServiceContainer) to
be exposed to clients using the Service Interface while staying directly
accessible on the back end though the ServiceContainer. External Business
Services are considered not to be managed by the ServiceManager, that
is the ServiceManager will not attempt to shut them down in the Stop...
kind of methods.

poServiceType Progress.Lang.Class
The type of the Service to be deregistered

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService GetBusinessService (character)

Purpose: Returns a reference to a Business Service Instance
Notes: Starts the Business Service if required (using LaunchBusinessService)
It is possible to use multiple instances of the same Business Service
class at once. In this case the business service name should be
concatenated from the class name followed by CHR(1) and the instance

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The Name of the Business Service, eventually containing a #, see Notes at LaunchBusinessService
Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService
The reference to the IBusinessService

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService GetBusinessService (character, BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum)

Purpose: Returns a reference to a Business Service Instance
Notes: Starts the Business Service if required (using LaunchBusinessService)
It is possible to use multiple instances of the same Business Service
class at once. In this case the business service name should be
concatenated from the class name followed by CHR(1) and the instance
Supports both managed and unmanaged operating mode for business services
See notes in BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The Name of the Business Service, eventually containing a #, see Notes at LaunchBusinessService
poOperatingMode Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum
The BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum controlling the operating mode of the business service
Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService
The reference to the IBusinessService

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService GetBusinessService (Class)

Purpose: Returns a reference to a Business Service Instance
Notes: Starts the Business Service if required (using LaunchBusinessService)
This variant of the method will always return a managed business service

poServiceType Progress.Lang.Class
The type of the Business Service
Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService
The reference to the IBusinessService

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService GetBusinessService (Class, BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum)

Purpose: Returns a reference to a Business Service Instance
Notes: Starts the Business Service if required (using LaunchBusinessService)
Supports both managed and unmanaged operating mode for business services
See notes in BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum

poServiceType Progress.Lang.Class
The type of the Business Service
poOperatingMode Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum
The BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum controlling the operating mode of the business service
Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService
The reference to the IBusinessService

PUBLIC CHARACTER GetMappedServiceName (character)

Purpose: Returns the mapped business service name from the current registered
implementation of the IServiceNameMappingService interface (can but
does not need to be an instance of this class here)
Notes: Returns the input parameter when no IServiceNameMappingService exists
or that implementation returns "" or ?

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The service name as provided by the consumer
The name of the actual business service implementing class

PUBLIC GetServiceManagerMonitoring (table)

Purpose: Returns the eBusinessServices Temp-Table with the monitoring information
about the service manager

eBusinessServices TEMP-TABLE eBusinessServices
Temp-Table from Consultingwerk/OERA/Monitoring/eBusinessServices.i

PUBLIC LOGICAL HasLifeCycleDefinition (character)

Purpose: Returns if the specified Business Service has a matching life cycle

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Service
Logical value indicating if the specified service has a matching life cycle definition

PUBLIC LOGICAL HasLifeCycleDefinition (Class)

Purpose: Returns if the specified Business Service has a matching life cycle

poServiceType Progress.Lang.Class
The type of the Business Service
Logical value indicating if the specified service has a matching life cycle definition

PUBLIC LOGICAL IsInCallStack (character)

Purpose: Returns if the given Business Service is in the call stack
Notes: Does not support differentiating by Context/Instance ID (CHR 1 delimited service name)
Useful to decide if a Business Entity needs to be invoked with a
context/instance ID to avoid circular calling into the same

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The name under which the service is registered (typically the class name)
Logical value indicating if the Business Service is in the call stack

PUBLIC LOGICAL IsInCallStack (Class)

Purpose: Returns if the given Business Service is in the call stack
Notes: Useful to decide if a Business Entity needs to be invoked with a
context/instance ID to avoid circular calling into the same

poServiceType Progress.Lang.Class
The type under which the service is registered
Logical value indicating if the Business Service is in the call stack

PUBLIC LOGICAL IsRunning (character)

Purpose: Returns if the given Business Service is already running
Notes: Default version of the method only checks for externally launched
(=registered) Business Services

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The name under which the service is registered (typically the class name)
Logical value indicating if the Business Service is running

PUBLIC LOGICAL IsRunning (character, BusinessServiceTypeEnum)

Purpose: Returns if the given Business Service is already running

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The name under which the service is registered (typically the class name)
poServiceType Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessServiceTypeEnum
The service type to check for, defaults to Any when ? is passed in
Logical value indicating if the Business Service is running

PUBLIC LOGICAL IsRunning (Class)

Purpose: Returns if the given Business Service is already running
Notes: Default version of the method only checks for externally launched
(=registered) Business Services

poServiceType Progress.Lang.Class
The type under which the service is registered
Logical value indicating if the Business Service is running

PUBLIC LOGICAL IsRunning (Class, BusinessServiceTypeEnum)

Purpose: Returns if the given Business Service is already running

poServiceType Progress.Lang.Class
The type under which the service is registered
poBusinessServiceType Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessServiceTypeEnum
The service type to check for
Logical value indicating if the Business Service is running

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService LaunchBusinessService (character, BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum)

Purpose: Launches a Business Services
Notes: When a # or | is used in the service name parameter, use the second entry
as the character parameter to the Constructor. The first entry needs
to contain the service class name. The Business Service is is referenced
in a temp-table for latter access to the running instance.

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The Name of the Business Service, eventually containing a # or |, see Notes
poOperatingMode Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum
The BusinessServiceOperatingModeEnum controlling the operating mode of the business service
Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService
The reference to the IBusinessService

PUBLIC ProcessServiceLifeCycle ()

Purpose: Processes the Service Life Cycle
Notes: Shuts down Business Services based on the definition of the life cycle


PUBLIC RegisterBusinessService (character, IBusinessService)

Purpose: Registers an external Business Service with the ServiceManager class
Notes: External Business Services are launched externally, may even be
registered in the ServiceContainer class. This is useful for allowing
access to Session Services (e.g. FrameworkSettings:ServiceContainer) to
be exposed to clients using the Service Interface while staying directly
accessible on the back end though the ServiceContainer. External Business
Services are considered not to be managed by the ServiceManager, that
is the ServiceManager will not attempt to shut them down in the Stop...
kind of methods.

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The name under which the service will be registered (typically the class name)
poInstance Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService
The instance of the business service

PUBLIC RegisterBusinessService (Class, IBusinessService)

Purpose: Registers an external Business Service with the ServiceManager class
Notes: External Business Services are launched externally, may even be
registered in the ServiceContainer class. This is useful for allowing
access to Session Services (e.g. FrameworkSettings:ServiceContainer) to
be exposed to clients using the Service Interface while staying directly
accessible on the back end though the ServiceContainer. External Business
Services are considered not to be managed by the ServiceManager, that
is the ServiceManager will not attempt to shut them down in the Stop...
kind of methods.

poServiceType Progress.Lang.Class
The type under which the service will be registered
poInstance Consultingwerk.OERA.IBusinessService
The instance of the business service

PROTECTED RequestEndedHandler (EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the RequestEnded event of the Service Manager

e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC StopAllBusinessServices ()

Purpose: Stops all Business Services Instances


PUBLIC StopAllBusinessServices (Class)

Purpose: Stops all Business Services Instances of the given Class

poClass Progress.Lang.Class
The Progress.Lang.Class reference (Class or Interface)

PUBLIC StopBusinessService (character)

Purpose: Stops an Business Service Instance
Notes: Defaults to StopBusinessService (pcServiceName, NotRunningServiceEnum:Throw)
Throws: Consultingwerk.OERA.Exceptions.BusinessServiceNotRunning

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The Name of the Business Service, eventually containing a #, see Notes at LaunchBusinessService

PUBLIC StopBusinessService (character, NotRunningServiceEnum)

Purpose: Stops an Business Service Instance
Throws: Consultingwerk.OERA.Exceptions.BusinessServiceNotRunning

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The Name of the Business Service, eventually containing a #, see Notes at LaunchBusinessService
poNotRunningServiceEnum Consultingwerk.OERA.NotRunningServiceEnum
The NotRunningServiceEnum value indicating how to handle a Business Service that is not running

PUBLIC LOGICAL TypeOf (character, Class)

Purpose: Checks if the given Business Service is TYPE-OF the given class

pcServiceName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Service
poClass Progress.Lang.Class
The class to verify
Logical value indicating of the Business Service is TYPE-OF the given class

PUBLIC ValidateServiceLifeCycleDefinition ()

Purpose: Validates the imported service life cycle definitions for consistency
Notes: Either StopAfterEachRequest, TimeoutAfterLastRequest or
TimeoutAfterStart should be set per entry - but one setting must be
Throws: Consultingwerk.OERA.Exceptions.BusinessServiceNotRunning

Constructor Detail

PUBLIC ServiceManagerImpl ()

Purpose: Constructor for the ServiceManagerImpl class
Notes: Parses the life services cycle configuration file

Temp-Table Detail

Temp-Table eBusinessServices

Defined in:

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