Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, character) |
Adds a Character parameter to the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, date) |
Adds a Date parameter to the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, datetime) |
Adds a DateTime parameter to the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, datetime-tz) |
Adds a DateTime-TZ parameter to the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, decimal) |
Adds a Decimal parameter to the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, int64) |
Adds an Int64 parameter to the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, integer) |
Adds an Integer parameter to the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, logical) |
Adds a Logical parameter to the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, Object) |
Adds an Object parameter to the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterEntry Add (NamedQueryParameterEntry) |
Adds an item to the generic List |
+ | Add (NamedQueryParameterEntry[]) |
Adds an array of items to the generic List |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterEntry AddWhenNotContained (NamedQueryParameterEntry) |
Adds an item to the generic List only when it is not
yet contained - silently ignores keys that are already
contained |
+ | Clear () |
Removes all items from the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | LOGICAL Contains (Object) |
Determines if an object is a member of the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | LOGICAL ContainsKey (character) |
Determines if an item with the specified key is contained in the List |
+ | CHARACTER GetCharacterValue (character) |
Retrieves a character value from the list |
+ | DATETIME-TZ GetDateTimeTzValue (character) |
Retrieves a datetime-tz value from the list |
+ | DATETIME GetDateTimeValue (character) |
Retrieves a datetime value from the list |
+ | DATE GetDateValue (character) |
Retrieves a date value from the list |
+ | DECIMAL GetDecimalValue (character) |
Retrieves a decimal value from the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.IEnumerator GetEnumerator () |
Returns a new IEnumerator instance for this object instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | INT64 GetInt64Value (character) |
Retrieves a int64 value from the list |
+ | INTEGER GetIntegerValue (character) |
Retrieves a integer value from the list |
+ | Progress.Lang.Object GetItem (character) |
Retrieves the value of an item from the list |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterEntry GetItem (integer) |
Retrieves an item from the generic List |
+ | Progress.Lang.Object GetItemInternal__ (integer) |
Returns the Item at the specified Index Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | LOGICAL GetLogicalValue (character) |
Retrieves a logical value from the list |
+ | CHARACTER GetParameterValueAsCharacter (character) |
Retrieves the value of an item from the list |
+ | DATE GetParameterValueAsDate (character) |
Retrieves the value of an item from the list |
+ | DATETIME GetParameterValueAsDateTime (character) |
Retrieves the value of an item from the list |
+ | DATETIME-TZ GetParameterValueAsDateTimeTz (character) |
Retrieves the value of an item from the list |
+ | DECIMAL GetParameterValueAsDecimal (character) |
Retrieves the value of an item from the list |
+ | INT64 GetParameterValueAsInt64 (character) |
Retrieves the value of an item from the list |
+ | INTEGER GetParameterValueAsInteger (character) |
Retrieves the value of an item from the list |
+ | LOGICAL GetParameterValueAsLogical (character) |
Retrieves the value of an item from the list |
+ | INTEGER IndexOf (Object) |
Determines the index of a specific item in the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
# | InternalAdd (Object) |
Adds an Item to the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
# | InternalAdd (Object[]) |
Adds the Items from an Array to the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
# | Progress.Lang.Object InternalGetItem (integer) |
Returns the Item at the specified Index Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | LOGICAL IsEmpty () |
Returns if the List is empty |
# | OnListChanged (ListChangedEventArgs) |
Raises the ListChanged event Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | LOGICAL Remove (Object) |
Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | LOGICAL RemoveAt (integer) |
Removes the List item at the specified index. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterEntry ToArray () |
Returns an Array with the elements of the List |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | ListChanged (Object, ListChangedEventArgs) |
Raised when the List is changed by adding or removing items or
clearing the list Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | INTEGER Count |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | CHARACTER ListHash |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, character)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, date)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, datetime)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, datetime-tz)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, decimal)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, int64)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, integer)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, logical)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterList Add (character, Object)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterEntry Add (NamedQueryParameterEntry)
PUBLIC Add (NamedQueryParameterEntry[])
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterEntry AddWhenNotContained (NamedQueryParameterEntry)
PUBLIC Clear ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL Contains (Object)
PUBLIC LOGICAL ContainsKey (character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetCharacterValue (character)
PUBLIC DATETIME-TZ GetDateTimeTzValue (character)
PUBLIC DATETIME GetDateTimeValue (character)
PUBLIC DATE GetDateValue (character)
PUBLIC DECIMAL GetDecimalValue (character)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
PUBLIC INT64 GetInt64Value (character)
PUBLIC INTEGER GetIntegerValue (character)
PUBLIC Progress.Lang.Object GetItem (character)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterEntry GetItem (integer)
PUBLIC Progress.Lang.Object GetItemInternal__ (integer)
PUBLIC LOGICAL GetLogicalValue (character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetParameterValueAsCharacter (character)
PUBLIC DATE GetParameterValueAsDate (character)
PUBLIC DATETIME GetParameterValueAsDateTime (character)
PUBLIC DATETIME-TZ GetParameterValueAsDateTimeTz (character)
PUBLIC DECIMAL GetParameterValueAsDecimal (character)
PUBLIC INT64 GetParameterValueAsInt64 (character)
PUBLIC INTEGER GetParameterValueAsInteger (character)
PUBLIC LOGICAL GetParameterValueAsLogical (character)
PROTECTED InternalAdd (Object)
PROTECTED InternalAdd (Object[])
PROTECTED Progress.Lang.Object InternalGetItem (integer)
PROTECTED OnListChanged (ListChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC LOGICAL Remove (Object)
PUBLIC LOGICAL RemoveAt (integer)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.NamedQueryParameterEntry ToArray ()
PUBLIC ListChanged (Object, ListChangedEventArgs)