Namespace: Consultingwerk.Framework.RepositoryServices
DefaultDynamicViewerRepository Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implements: Consultingwerk.Framework.RepositoryServices.IDynamicViewerRepository

Purpose:Detault Repository provider for dynamic viewers
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Sun Apr 01 16:18:08 CEST 2012
Notes:Reads and writes the viewer definition from an XML file,
typically in the session working directory

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ LoadSettings (character, table) Loads the Layout of the dynamic viewer.
+ SaveSettings (character, table) Saves the Layout of the dynamic viewer.

Method Detail

PUBLIC LoadSettings (character, table)

Purpose: Loads the Layout of the dynamic viewer.
Notes: The output table ttViewerDesign is defined REFERENCE-ONLY inside this
class and thus should be passed by the caller BY-REFERENCE

pcSettingsKey CHARACTER
The key to retrieve the settings for
ttViewerDesign TEMP-TABLE ttViewerDesign
OUTPUT TABLE The table that contains the viewer design

PUBLIC SaveSettings (character, table)

Purpose: Saves the Layout of the dynamic viewer.
Notes: The output table ttViewerDesign is defined REFERENCE-ONLY inside this
class and thus should be passed by the caller BY-REFERENCE

pcSettingsKey CHARACTER
The key to store the settings for
ttViewerDesign TEMP-TABLE ttViewerDesign
INPUT TABLE The table that contains the viewer design to be stored

Temp-Table Detail

Temp-Table ttViewerDesign

Defined in:

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