Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | ComponentAddedHandler (Object, ComponentEventArgs) |
Event handler for the ComponentAdded event |
# | Progress.Data.BindingSource CreateDesignBindingSource () |
Creates the Design time BindingSource instance |
+ | CHARACTER CreateName (IContainer, Type) |
Creates a new name that is unique to all components in the specified
container |
# | CreateVerbs () |
Creates Designer Verbs based on the DesignerVerbs property Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | DeleteControls () |
Deletes the selected controls |
+ | DeselectComponents () |
Deselects all components |
# | DisableTool (character) |
Disables a tool on the Designer Toolbar |
# | DuplicateControls (Control, Control) |
Duplicates the controls of the source control on the target control |
# | EnableTool (character) |
Enables a tool on the Designer Toolbar |
# | FormClosingHandler (Object, FormClosingEventArgs) |
Event handler for the FormClosing event of the parent Form |
+ | System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents () |
Returns a List of all Components in the Form Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | Initialize () |
Initializes the Control and the Designer environment |
- | InitializeComponent () |
Initializes the Visual Design |
# | InitializeDesignEnvironment () |
Initializes the Designer environment |
+ | LOGICAL IsValidName (character) |
Gets a value indicating whether the specified name is valid |
# | OnFieldCreated (FieldCreatedEventArgs) |
Raises the FieldCreated event |
# | OnLoad (EventArgs) |
Raises the Load event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | OnVerbClicked (character) |
Event Handler method for Designer Verbs Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the FormDestroyed event of the owning Form Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | PrepareAddingControl (character, character, character) |
Prepares adding a Control |
# | SelectionChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the SelectionChanged event |
# | Serialize (Control, character) |
Serializes the Controls of a container control |
+ | Serialize (table) |
Serializes the Design to a Temp-Table |
+ | SetLicenseContext (LicenseContextEnum) |
Switches the active license context |
+ | ShutDown () |
Shuts down the design time environment |
+ | SubscribeParentFormDestroyed () |
Subscribes the ParentFormDestroyed event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | SubscribeUserControlEvents () |
Allows for custom event subscriptions during OnLoad() Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | CHARACTER SubstituteType (character) |
Substitutes the runtime control types with the design time control
types |
- | timer1_Tick (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Tick event of the timer1 |
# | ToolClickHandler (Object, ToolClickEventArgs) |
Event handler for the ToolClick event of the UltraToolbarsManager |
# | CHARACTER UniqueControlName (character, Control) |
Builds an unique name for a Control |
# | CHARACTER UniqueControlNameForSerialization (Control) |
Returns a unique control name for the serialization |
+ | ValidateName (character) |
Gets a value indicating whether the specified name is valid. |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | SmartViewerDesignerControl () |
Constructor for the SmartViewerDesignerControl class |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | FieldCreated (Object, FieldCreatedEventArgs) |
Raised whenever a field is added to the Designer |
PUBLIC ComponentAddedHandler (Object, ComponentEventArgs)
PROTECTED Progress.Data.BindingSource CreateDesignBindingSource ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER CreateName (IContainer, Type)
PROTECTED CreateVerbs ()
PROTECTED DeleteControls ()
PUBLIC DeselectComponents ()
PROTECTED DisableTool (character)
PROTECTED DuplicateControls (Control, Control)
PROTECTED EnableTool (character)
PROTECTED FormClosingHandler (Object, FormClosingEventArgs)
PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents ()
PUBLIC Initialize ()
PRIVATE InitializeComponent ()
PROTECTED InitializeDesignEnvironment ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsValidName (character)
PROTECTED OnFieldCreated (FieldCreatedEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnLoad (EventArgs)
PUBLIC OnVerbClicked (character)
PROTECTED ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC PrepareAddingControl (character, character, character)
PROTECTED SelectionChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED Serialize (Control, character)
PUBLIC Serialize (table)
PUBLIC SetLicenseContext (LicenseContextEnum)
PUBLIC ShutDown ()
PUBLIC SubscribeParentFormDestroyed ()
PROTECTED SubscribeUserControlEvents ()
PROTECTED CHARACTER SubstituteType (character)
PRIVATE timer1_Tick (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED ToolClickHandler (Object, ToolClickEventArgs)
PROTECTED CHARACTER UniqueControlName (character, Control)
PROTECTED CHARACTER UniqueControlNameForSerialization (Control)
PUBLIC ValidateName (character)
PUBLIC SmartViewerDesignerControl ()
PUBLIC FieldCreated (Object, FieldCreatedEventArgs)
PUBLIC Progress.Data.BindingSource BindingSource
PUBLIC LOGICAL CreateDesignBindingSource
PUBLIC LOGICAL CreatePropertySheet
PUBLIC LOGICAL CreateToolboxForm
PUBLIC System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost DesignerHost
PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager DesignerToolbar
PROTECTED CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties
PROTECTED LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed
PUBLIC LOGICAL PromptOnFormClosing
PUBLIC System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer ServiceContainer
PUBLIC System.Windows.Forms.Control SourceControl
PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <System.String> SubstituteDesignerControls
PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <System.String> SubstituteDynamicControls
PROTECTED LOGICAL UserControlEventsSubscribed
Temp-Table ttViewerDesignDefined in: |