Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | AddCreator (ToolboxItemCreatorCallback, character) |
Adds a new toolbox item creator for a specified data format. |
+ | AddCreator (ToolboxItemCreatorCallback, character, IDesignerHost) |
Adds a new toolbox item creator for a specified data format and designer host. |
+ | AddLinkedToolboxItem (ToolboxItem, character, IDesignerHost) |
Adds the specified project-linked toolbox item to the toolbox in the specified category. |
+ | AddLinkedToolboxItem (ToolboxItem, IDesignerHost) |
Adds the specified project-linked toolbox item to the toolbox. |
+ | AddToolboxItem (ToolboxItem) |
Adds the specified toolbox item to the toolbox. |
+ | AddToolboxItem (ToolboxItem, character) |
Adds the specified toolbox item to the toolbox in the specified category. |
+ | System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem DeserializeToolboxItem (Object) |
Gets a toolbox item from the specified object that represents a
toolbox item in serialized form. |
+ | System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem DeserializeToolboxItem (Object, IDesignerHost) |
Gets a toolbox item from the specified object that represents a
toolbox item in serialized form, using the specified designer host. |
+ | System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem GetSelectedToolboxItem () |
Gets the currently selected toolbox item |
+ | System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem GetSelectedToolboxItem (IDesignerHost) |
Gets the currently selected toolbox item if it is available to all
designers, or if it supports the specified designer. |
+ | System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems () |
Gets the entire collection of toolbox items from the toolbox. |
+ | System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems (character) |
Gets a collection of toolbox items from the toolbox that match
the specified category. |
+ | System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems (character, IDesignerHost) |
Gets the collection of toolbox items that are associated with the
specified designer host and category from the toolbox. |
+ | System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems (IDesignerHost) |
Gets the collection of toolbox items that are associated with
the specified designer host from the toolbox. |
# | InitializeBindingSourceFields () |
Adds the fiels of the BindingSource schema as objects to the Toolbox |
- | InitializeComponent () |
Initializes the Visual Design |
+ | LOGICAL IsSupported (Object, ICollection) |
Gets a value indicating whether the specified object which
represents a serialized toolbox item matches the specified attributes. |
+ | LOGICAL IsSupported (Object, IDesignerHost) |
Gets a value indicating whether the specified object which
represents a serialized toolbox item can be used by the specified designer host. |
+ | LOGICAL IsToolboxItem (Object) |
Gets a value indicating whether the specified object is a serialized
toolbox item. |
+ | LOGICAL IsToolboxItem (Object, IDesignerHost) |
Gets a value indicating whether the specified object is a serialized
toolbox item, using the specified designer host. |
# | OnLoad (EventArgs) |
Raises the Load event |
+ | RemoveCreator (character) |
Removes a previously added toolbox item creator of the specified
data format. |
+ | RemoveCreator (character, IDesignerHost) |
Removes a previously added toolbox creator that is associated with
the specified data format and the specified designer host. |
+ | RemoveToolboxItem (ToolboxItem) |
Removes the specified toolbox item from the toolbox. |
+ | RemoveToolboxItem (ToolboxItem, character) |
Removes the specified toolbox item from the toolbox. |
+ | SelectedToolboxItemUsed () |
Notifies the toolbox service that the selected tool has been used. |
+ | System.Object SerializeToolboxItem (ToolboxItem) |
Gets a serializable object that represents the specified toolbox item. |
+ | LOGICAL SetCursor () |
Sets the current application's cursor to a cursor that represents the
currently selected tool. |
+ | SetSelectedToolboxItem (ToolboxItem) |
Selects the specified toolbox item. |
- | ultraListView1_MouseDown (Object, MouseEventArgs) |
Event handler for the MouseDown event of the ultraUltraView1 |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | BindingSourceFieldsForm () |
Constructor of the BindingSourceFieldsForm class |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | Progress.Data.BindingSource BindingSource |
+ | System.Drawing.Design.CategoryNameCollection CategoryNames |
+ | Consultingwerk.Design.SmartComponents.IDesignerControl DesignerControl |
+ | System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost DesignerHost |
+ | CHARACTER SelectedCategory |
PUBLIC AddCreator (ToolboxItemCreatorCallback, character)
PUBLIC AddCreator (ToolboxItemCreatorCallback, character, IDesignerHost)
PUBLIC AddLinkedToolboxItem (ToolboxItem, character, IDesignerHost)
PUBLIC AddLinkedToolboxItem (ToolboxItem, IDesignerHost)
PUBLIC AddToolboxItem (ToolboxItem)
PUBLIC AddToolboxItem (ToolboxItem, character)
PUBLIC System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem DeserializeToolboxItem (Object)
PUBLIC System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem DeserializeToolboxItem (Object, IDesignerHost)
PUBLIC System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem GetSelectedToolboxItem ()
PUBLIC System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem GetSelectedToolboxItem (IDesignerHost)
PUBLIC System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems ()
PUBLIC System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems (character)
PUBLIC System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems (character, IDesignerHost)
PUBLIC System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItemCollection GetToolboxItems (IDesignerHost)
PROTECTED InitializeBindingSourceFields ()
PRIVATE InitializeComponent ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsSupported (Object, ICollection)
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsSupported (Object, IDesignerHost)
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsToolboxItem (Object)
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsToolboxItem (Object, IDesignerHost)
PROTECTED OnLoad (EventArgs)
PUBLIC RemoveCreator (character)
PUBLIC RemoveCreator (character, IDesignerHost)
PUBLIC RemoveToolboxItem (ToolboxItem)
PUBLIC RemoveToolboxItem (ToolboxItem, character)
PUBLIC SelectedToolboxItemUsed ()
PUBLIC System.Object SerializeToolboxItem (ToolboxItem)
PUBLIC SetSelectedToolboxItem (ToolboxItem)
PRIVATE ultraListView1_MouseDown (Object, MouseEventArgs)
PUBLIC BindingSourceFieldsForm ()
PUBLIC Progress.Data.BindingSource BindingSource
PUBLIC System.Drawing.Design.CategoryNameCollection CategoryNames
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Design.SmartComponents.IDesignerControl DesignerControl
PUBLIC System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost DesignerHost