Namespace: Consultingwerk
DateType Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose: Constructor for the DateType class
Notes: Disallow instance creation

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ DATE FirstDayOfMonth (date) Returns the date of the first day of the month relatively to the given date
+ DATE FirstDayOfNextMonth (date) Returns the date of the first day of the next month relatively to the given date
+ DATE FirstDayOfWeek (date) Returns the date of the first day in the given week
+ DATE FirstDayOfYear (date) Returns the date of January 1st relatively to the given date
+ LOGICAL IsLeapYear (date) Returns true when the date of the given date is in a leap year
+ INTEGER IsoWeekDay (date) Returns the week day (1..7) using the ISO 8601 norm used in Germany and most European countries where the week starts with Monday
+ INTEGER LastDayNumberOfMonth (date) Returns the day number of the last day of the month relatively to the given date
+ DATE LastDayOfMonth (date) Returns the date of the last day of the month relatively to the given date
+ DATE LastDayOfWeek (date) Returns the date of the last day in the given week
+ DATE LastDayOfYear (date) Returns the date of December 31st relatively to the given date
+ INTEGER WeekNumber (date) Returns the week number of the given date

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
- DateType () Constructor for the DateType class

Method Detail

PUBLIC DATE FirstDayOfMonth (date)

Purpose: Returns the date of the first day of the month relatively to the given date
Notes: When no date is passed in, the current month will be used

pdtDate DATE
The base date
Returns DATE
The date of the first day of the year

PUBLIC DATE FirstDayOfNextMonth (date)

Purpose: Returns the date of the first day of the next month relatively to the given
Notes: When no date is passed in, the current month will be used

pdtDate DATE
The base date
Returns DATE
The date of the first day of the year

PUBLIC DATE FirstDayOfWeek (date)

Purpose: Returns the date of the first day in the given week
Notes: Follows the the ISO 8601 norm used in Germany and most European
countries where the week starts with Monday

pdtDate DATE
The base date
Returns DATE
The date of the first day of the week

PUBLIC DATE FirstDayOfYear (date)

Purpose: Returns the date of January 1st relatively to the given date
Notes: When no date is passed in, the current year will be used

pdtDate DATE
The base date
Returns DATE
The date of the first day of the year

PUBLIC LOGICAL IsLeapYear (date)

Purpose: Returns true when the date of the given date is in a leap year
Notes: When no date is passed in, the current month will be used

pdtDate DATE
The base date
Logical value indicating if the given date is in a leap year

PUBLIC INTEGER IsoWeekDay (date)

Purpose: Returns the week day (1..7) using the ISO 8601 norm used in Germany
and most European countries where the week starts with Monday

pdtDate DATE
The date to use for the IsoWeekDay calculation
The weekday as a number from 1..7

PUBLIC INTEGER LastDayNumberOfMonth (date)

Purpose: Returns the day number of the last day of the month relatively
to the given date
Notes: When no date is passed in, the current month will be used

pdtDate DATE
The base date
The dya number of the last day of the month

PUBLIC DATE LastDayOfMonth (date)

Purpose: Returns the date of the last day of the month relatively to the given date
Notes: When no date is passed in, the current month will be used

pdtDate DATE
The base date
Returns DATE
The date of the last day of the month

PUBLIC DATE LastDayOfWeek (date)

Purpose: Returns the date of the last day in the given week
Notes: Follows the the ISO 8601 norm used in Germany and most European
countries where the week starts with Monday

pdtDate DATE
The base date
Returns DATE
The date of the last day of the week

PUBLIC DATE LastDayOfYear (date)

Purpose: Returns the date of December 31st relatively to the given date
Notes: When no date is passed in, the current year will be used

pdtDate DATE
The base date
Returns DATE
The date of the first day of the year

PUBLIC INTEGER WeekNumber (date)

Purpose: Returns the week number of the given date

pdtDate DATE
The base date
The week number of the given date

Constructor Detail

PRIVATE DateType ()

Purpose: Constructor for the DateType class
Notes: Disallow instance creation

©2006-2025 Consultingwerk Ltd.       20.01.2025 18:13:44