Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | Consultingwerk.CommonUi.IUiAction Add (IUiAction) |
Adds an item to the generic List |
+ | Add (IUiAction[]) |
Adds an array of items to the generic List |
+ | Consultingwerk.CommonUi.IUiAction AddWhenNotContained (IUiAction) |
Adds an item to the generic List only when it is not
yet contained - silently ignores keys that are already
contained |
+ | Clear () |
Removes all items from the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | LOGICAL Contains (Object) |
Determines if an object is a member of the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.IEnumerator GetEnumerator () |
Returns a new IEnumerator instance for this object instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | Consultingwerk.CommonUi.IUiAction GetItem (integer) |
Retrieves an item from the generic List |
+ | Progress.Lang.Object GetItemInternal__ (integer) |
Returns the Item at the specified Index Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | INTEGER IndexOf (Object) |
Determines the index of a specific item in the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
# | InternalAdd (Object) |
Adds an Item to the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
# | InternalAdd (Object[]) |
Adds the Items from an Array to the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
# | Progress.Lang.Object InternalGetItem (integer) |
Returns the Item at the specified Index Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | LOGICAL IsEmpty () |
Returns if the List is empty |
# | OnListChanged (ListChangedEventArgs) |
Raises the ListChanged event Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | LOGICAL Remove (Object) |
Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the List Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | LOGICAL RemoveAt (integer) |
Removes the List item at the specified index. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | Consultingwerk.CommonUi.IUiAction ToArray () |
Returns an Array with the elements of the List |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | ListChanged (Object, ListChangedEventArgs) |
Raised when the List is changed by adding or removing items or
clearing the list Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | INTEGER Count |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
+ | CHARACTER ListHash |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList |
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.CommonUi.IUiAction Add (IUiAction)
PUBLIC Add (IUiAction[])
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.CommonUi.IUiAction AddWhenNotContained (IUiAction)
PUBLIC Clear ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL Contains (Object)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.CommonUi.IUiAction GetItem (integer)
PUBLIC Progress.Lang.Object GetItemInternal__ (integer)
PROTECTED InternalAdd (Object)
PROTECTED InternalAdd (Object[])
PROTECTED Progress.Lang.Object InternalGetItem (integer)
PROTECTED OnListChanged (ListChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC LOGICAL Remove (Object)
PUBLIC LOGICAL RemoveAt (integer)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.CommonUi.IUiAction ToArray ()
PUBLIC ListChanged (Object, ListChangedEventArgs)