Options |
Name |
Purpose |
ActivatedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
Event handler for the Activated event of the form
BindDataset (dataset)
Do nothing, just receive the parameter and bind to the received
Dataset reference
LOGICAL CanFindInComponentsCollection (Object)
Returns if the component can be found in the ComponentsCollection Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
CheckSyntax ()
Performs a syntax check Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
LOGICAL CloseAll ()
Closes all open editors and when successful the SmartEditorForm itself Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
CreateRibbonTools ()
Creates the Ribbon Tools specific to the Business Entity Source Editor
CreateVerbs ()
Creates Designer Verbs based on the DesignerVerbs property Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
CustomizeToolbar ()
Customizes the UltraToolbarController associated with this BaseForm Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
DeactivateHandler (Object, EventArgs)
Event handler for the Deactivate event of the form
DeleteTemporaryFile (character)
Deletes a temporary file Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
DesignerInsertUserControl ()
Inserts a user control instance at design time. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
DisplayStatus (character)
Displays status in the status bar Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
EditorFormClosedHandler (Object, FormClosedEventArgs)
Event handle for the FormClosedHandler event of the Procedure Editor
Forms Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
EvaluateSaveEnabled ()
Determines and sets the Enabled status of the Save button Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control> FindAllControlsOfType (Type)
Returns a List of all Controls in the Form that are of the given type Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
Progress.Windows.Form FindDependentFormOfClass (Class)
Returns the dependent form instance of the given class Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents ()
Returns a List of all Components in the Form Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
AttributeCollection GetAttributes ()
Returns a collection of custom attributes for this instance of a
component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
CHARACTER GetClassName ()
Returns the class name of this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
CHARACTER GetComponentName ()
Returns the name of this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
TypeConverter GetConverter ()
Returns a type converter for this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
CHARACTER GetCurrentFileName ()
Returns the name of the currently active file Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
EventDescriptor GetDefaultEvent ()
Returns the default event for this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
PropertyDescriptor GetDefaultProperty ()
Returns the default property for this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
System.Object GetEditor (Type)
Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a
component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents ()
Returns the events for this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents (Attribute[])
Returns the events for this instance of a component using the
specified attribute array as a filter. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
org.prorefactor.core.JPNode GetJPNode (integer)
Returns a JPNode by a node number Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties ()
Returns the properties for this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties (Attribute[])
Returns the properties for this instance of a component using the
attribute array as a filter. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
System.Object GetPropertyOwner (PropertyDescriptor)
Returns an object that contains the property described by the
specified property descriptor. Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
InsertClientCallableMethod ()
Shows a dialog and allows inserting a client-callable method
InsertDatasetCallback ()
Shows a dialog and allows inserting a dataset read callback
InsertMethod ()
Inserts a method into the source code Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
InsertMethod (character, character)
Inserts a method into the current class Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
InsertValidationHook ()
Shows a dialog and allows inserting a validation hook
LoadRibbonQuickAccessToolbar ()
Restores the Quick Access Toolbar items from the Registry Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
CHARACTER LoadSettings ()
Loads the stored window settings (position etc.) from the registry Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
CHARACTER LoadSettings (character)
Loads stored window settings from the registry Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
LONGCHAR LoadSettingsLong (character)
Loads stored window settings from the registry Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
OnDragDrop (DragEventArgs)
Raises the DragDrop event Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
OnDragEnter (DragEventArgs)
Raises the DragEnter event Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
OnFormClosed (FormClosedEventArgs)
Raises the FormClosed event Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
OnFormClosing (FormClosingEventArgs)
Raises the FormClosing event Overrides Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm:OnFormClosing (FormClosingEventArgs)
OnFormDestroyed (EventArgs)
Raises the FormDestroyed event Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
OnLoad (EventArgs)
Raises the Load event Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
OnMdiChildActivate (EventArgs)
Raises the MdiChildActivate event Overrides Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm:OnMdiChildActivate (EventArgs)
OnShown (EventArgs)
Raises the Shown event Overrides Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm:OnShown (EventArgs)
OnVerbClicked (character)
Event Handler method for Designer Verbs Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
OpenBusinessEntity ()
Opens the Business Entity files
Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.ProcedureEditorForm OpenBusinessEntityFile (character, character, BusinessEntityPartEnum)
Opens a file of the business entity
OpenFile ()
Shows the File Open dialog Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.ProcedureEditorForm OpenFile (character)
Opens the given file Overrides Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm:OpenFile (character)
ParseClassMembers (JPNode)
Parses the ClassNode Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
ParseProcedureMembers (JPNode)
Parses the ProcedureNode Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
ParseSourceCode ()
Parses the current editor contents Overrides Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm:ParseSourceCode ()
PopulateMethodTempTable ()
Populates the temp-table with the current class methods Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
PopulateOutline (ParseUnit)
Populates the Outline View Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
RemoveSetting (character)
Removes a stored setting Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
LOGICAL Reparse ()
Reparse the current editor contents Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
RestoreUltraSplitterPosition ()
Restores the position of the Ultra Splitter Controls Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
RestoreWindowPosition ()
Restores the stored window position Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
Save ()
Saves the current editors Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
SaveAll ()
Saves all open editors Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
SetTimersEnabled (logical)
Enables or Disables the Timer Components Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
StoreRibbonQuickAccessToolbar ()
Stores the current Quick Access Toolbar items in the Registry Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
StoreSettings (character)
Stores the current window settings (position etc.) to the registry Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
StoreSettings (character, character)
Stores window settings to the registry Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
StoreSettingsLong (longchar, character)
Stores window settings to the registry Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
StoreUltraSplitterPosition ()
Stores the position of the UltraSplitter Controls in the Registry Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
StoreWindowPosition ()
Stores the window position to the registry Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
SuspendSTAThreadWarning (UltraDockManager)
Suspends STAThread warnings for an UltraDockManager instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.Forms.BaseForm
TreeNodeSelectedHandler (Object, TreeNodeSelectedEventArgs)
Event handler for the treeNodeSelected event of the ultraTreeWithSearchControl1 Inherited from Consultingwerk.Studio.ProcedureEditor.SmartEditorForm
ultraToolbarsManager1_ToolClick (Object, ToolClickEventArgs)
Event handler for the ToolClick event of the ultraToolbarsManager1