Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
# | CHARACTER BuildReceiveDataCodeBlock () |
Builds the source code for the ReceiveData method (Calculated Fields) |
+ | CHARACTER CaseKeywords (character) |
Returns the input string in the selected keyboard casing |
+ | CHARACTER CaseKeywords (character, character) |
Returns the input string in the selected keyboard casing |
# | LOGICAL CheckDirectoriesExist (logical) |
Verifies that all output directories exist |
# | LOGICAL CheckNotWriteProtected (character, logical) |
Verifies if files are write protected and optionally prompts if files
should be overwritten |
# | LOGICAL CheckNotWriteProtected (logical, logical) |
Verifies if files are write protected and optionally prompts if files
should be overwritten |
# | CHARACTER CheckTemplatePath (character) |
Locates a template file and throws an Error when the template
cannot be located |
# | CHARACTER ChildTablesOf (character) |
Returns the child tables of the given temp-table |
- | ClearRestOfLine (INode, RefactorSession2) |
Empties all Nodes sibling and children of the given poNode |
+ | LOGICAL Compile (dataset) |
Complies the generated BusinessEntity, DataAccess and DatasetController
classes |
# | CompileFile (character, character) |
Compiles a file |
# | Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.DataAccessStyleEnum DataAccessStyle (character) |
Determines the style used for the Data Access class |
# | EvaluateFolderNames () |
Evaluates the source and r-code folder names |
+ | CHARACTER FieldInitialValue (character, character) |
Converts the field's initial value based on the current numeric settings |
+ | Consultingwerk.Studio.ProparseApi.INode FindMethod (IParseUnit, character) |
Parses the Business Entity and returns the INode representing the
ValidateData method |
+ | org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindMethod (ParseUnit, character) |
Parses the Business Entity and returns the JPNode representing the
ValidateData method |
+ | FixLineBreak (character) |
Fixes the line breaks of the generated source |
# | LONGCHAR GenerateAssignSourceBufferAndTables () |
Returns the source code that assigns the SourceBufferNames
and SourceTableNames properties |
# | GenerateAssignSourceBufferAndTables (character, character) |
Returns the source code that assigns the SourceBufferNames
and SourceTableNames properties |
# | CHARACTER GenerateBusinessEntity () |
Generates the Business Entity |
+ | LOGICAL GenerateCode (dataset) |
Generates the source code |
# | CHARACTER GenerateDataAccessObject () |
Generates the Data Access Object |
# | GenerateDataAccessObjectDetails (longchar, longchar, longchar, longchar, longchar, CharacterDictionary) |
Generates the DataSource Object Details |
# | GenerateDataAccessObjectDetails2 (longchar, longchar, longchar, longchar, longchar, CharacterDictionary) |
Generates the DataSource Object Details |
# | CHARACTER GenerateDataset () |
Generates the dataset include file |
# | CHARACTER GenerateDatasetController () |
Generates the dataset controller |
+ | CHARACTER GenerateFileAnnotation (character, character, character) |
Returns the source code for the @FILEANNOTATION@ based on the
role of the file and the business entity |
# | LONGCHAR GenerateSourceColumnWhen (character) |
Returns the WHEN branch for the SourceColumn CASE Statement
of a single temp-table |
# | CHARACTER GenerateTempTables () |
Generates the temp-table include files |
# | CHARACTER GenerateXmlSchema () |
Generates XML schema representation of the Dataset |
# | Consultingwerk.Studio.ProparseApi.INode GetAnnotationNode (character, character) |
Locates the INode representing an Annotation in the source code |
# | Consultingwerk.Studio.ProparseApi.INode GetAnnotationNode (character, character, IParseUnit) |
Locates the INode representing an Annotation in the source code |
# | GetAnnotationToFrom (character, character, character, character, integer, integer) |
Locates the lines a start and end annotation are contained in a
source code unit |
# | CHARACTER GetAssignSkipDictionaryComplete () |
Returns the full list of all AssignSkipDictionary entries |
# | CHARACTER GetAssignSkipDictionaryEntry (character) |
Generate the Buffer specific AssignSkipDictionary statement |
- | Consultingwerk.Studio.ProparseApi.INode GetEndNodeOfConstructor (IParseUnit) |
Finds the END Node of the default Constructor |
# | CHARACTER GetFieldMapping (character, integer) |
Returns the field mapping pairs for the named temp-table |
+ | LOGICAL GetRegenerate (character) |
Returns if the component identified by the ID should be
regenerated |
+ | Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.ListRegenerateParameter GetRegenerateParameters () |
Returns the list of the regenerate parameters |
# | CHARACTER GetTopNavBuffers () |
Returns the comma delimited list of the top-nav buffers of the generated dataset |
+ | CHARACTER GetUserId () |
Returns the current windows user d |
+ | CHARACTER GetUserName () |
Returns the current windows user name |
+ | LOGICAL HasCalculatedFields () |
Returns if the Business Entity design contains calculated fields |
+ | LOGICAL HasValidations () |
Returns if the Business Entity design contains validations |
# | OnAfterWriteFile (AfterWriteFileEventArgs) |
Raises the AfterWriteFile event |
# | OnGenerateTempTable (GenerateTempTableEventArgs) |
Raises the GenerateTempTable event |
# | OnProvideRegeneratePrompt (ProvideRegeneratePromptEventArgs) |
Raises the ProvideRegeneratePrompt event |
# | OnWriteFile (WriteFileEventArgs) |
Raises the WriteFile event |
# | OpenFilesInIDE (character) |
Opens the generated files in the IDE |
# | LOGICAL PromptForOverwrite (character) |
Prompts for overwriting an existing file |
+ | Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.AfterWriteFileEventArgs RaiseAfterWriteFileEvent (character, character) |
Raises the AfterWriteFile event from the Business Entity Dataset Controller |
+ | Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.WriteFileEventArgs RaiseWriteFileEvent (character, character) |
Raises the WriteFile event from the Business Entity Dataset Controller |
+ | LOGICAL RegenerateCode (dataset) |
Re-generates the source code |
# | CHARACTER UnqualifiedTableNames (character) |
Returns a list of unqualified table names by removing the database prefix |
# | UpdateAssignSkipDictionary (character) |
Updates the AssignSkipDictionary entries in the Constructor |
# | UpdateAttachDataSource (character) |
Updates the Attach Data Source Method |
# | CHARACTER UpdateBusinessEntity () |
Updates the Business Entity by merging the current source code
with the model |
# | UpdateBusinessEntityCalculatedFields (character) |
Updates the Business Entity Calculated Fields |
# | UpdateBusinessEntityValidation (character) |
Updates the Business Entity Validation |
# | CHARACTER UpdateDataAccessObject () |
Updates the Data Access Object by merging the current source code
with the model |
# | UpdateDataSourceDefinition (character) |
Updates the Data Source Definition |
# | UpdateDetachDataSource (character) |
Updates the Detach Data Source Method |
# | UpdateEnableParentRelationMethods (character) |
Updates the EnableParentRelation methods in the Data Access class |
# | UpdateExistingSourceDefaultQuery (character) |
Updates the SourceDefault Method |
# | UpdateSourceColumn (character) |
Updates the SourceColumn Method |
# | UpdateSourceDefaultQuery (character) |
Updates the SourceDefault Method |
# | CHARACTER ValidABLIdentifier (character) |
Limits the length of an identifier to 32 characters (ABL maximum) |
# | ValidateDesign () |
Validates the Design information |
+ | ValidateDesign (dataset) |
Validates the Design information |
# | ValidateUniqueSerializeNames () |
Validates uniqueness of serialize names |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | BusinessEntityGenerator () |
Constructor for the BusinessEntityGenerator class |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | AfterWriteFile (Object, AfterWriteFileEventArgs) |
Raised when the Business Entity Designer writes to an output file |
+ | GenerateTempTable (Object, GenerateTempTableEventArgs) |
Raised when the Business Entity Generator generates a temp-table |
+ | ProvideRegeneratePrompt (Object, ProvideRegeneratePromptEventArgs) |
Raised when the Business Entity Generator needs to obtain the list of regenerate prompts |
+ | WriteFile (Object, WriteFileEventArgs) |
Raised when the Business Entity Designer writes to an output file |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.Generated Generated |
+ | LOGICAL OpenFilesInIDE |
+ | LOGICAL SilentMode |
+ | LOGICAL SilentModeUpdateDataAccess |
+ | CHARACTER SuffixBusinessEntity |
+ | CHARACTER SuffixDataAccess |
+ | CHARACTER SuffixDatasetController |
PROTECTED CHARACTER BuildReceiveDataCodeBlock ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER CaseKeywords (character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER CaseKeywords (character, character)
PROTECTED LOGICAL CheckDirectoriesExist (logical)
PROTECTED LOGICAL CheckNotWriteProtected (character, logical)
PROTECTED LOGICAL CheckNotWriteProtected (logical, logical)
PROTECTED CHARACTER CheckTemplatePath (character)
PROTECTED CHARACTER ChildTablesOf (character)
PRIVATE ClearRestOfLine (INode, RefactorSession2)
PUBLIC LOGICAL Compile (dataset)
PROTECTED CompileFile (character, character)
PROTECTED Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.DataAccessStyleEnum DataAccessStyle (character)
PROTECTED EvaluateFolderNames ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER FieldInitialValue (character, character)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Studio.ProparseApi.INode FindMethod (IParseUnit, character)
PUBLIC org.prorefactor.core.JPNode FindMethod (ParseUnit, character)
PUBLIC FixLineBreak (character)
PROTECTED LONGCHAR GenerateAssignSourceBufferAndTables ()
PROTECTED GenerateAssignSourceBufferAndTables (character, character)
PROTECTED CHARACTER GenerateBusinessEntity ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL GenerateCode (dataset)
PROTECTED CHARACTER GenerateDataAccessObject ()
PROTECTED GenerateDataAccessObjectDetails (longchar, longchar, longchar, longchar, longchar, CharacterDictionary)
PROTECTED GenerateDataAccessObjectDetails2 (longchar, longchar, longchar, longchar, longchar, CharacterDictionary)
PROTECTED CHARACTER GenerateDatasetController ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER GenerateFileAnnotation (character, character, character)
PROTECTED LONGCHAR GenerateSourceColumnWhen (character)
PROTECTED Consultingwerk.Studio.ProparseApi.INode GetAnnotationNode (character, character)
PROTECTED Consultingwerk.Studio.ProparseApi.INode GetAnnotationNode (character, character, IParseUnit)
PROTECTED GetAnnotationToFrom (character, character, character, character, integer, integer)
PROTECTED CHARACTER GetAssignSkipDictionaryComplete ()
PROTECTED CHARACTER GetAssignSkipDictionaryEntry (character)
PRIVATE Consultingwerk.Studio.ProparseApi.INode GetEndNodeOfConstructor (IParseUnit)
PROTECTED CHARACTER GetFieldMapping (character, integer)
PUBLIC LOGICAL GetRegenerate (character)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.ListRegenerateParameter GetRegenerateParameters ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasCalculatedFields ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasValidations ()
PROTECTED OnAfterWriteFile (AfterWriteFileEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnGenerateTempTable (GenerateTempTableEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnProvideRegeneratePrompt (ProvideRegeneratePromptEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnWriteFile (WriteFileEventArgs)
PROTECTED OpenFilesInIDE (character)
PROTECTED LOGICAL PromptForOverwrite (character)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.AfterWriteFileEventArgs RaiseAfterWriteFileEvent (character, character)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.WriteFileEventArgs RaiseWriteFileEvent (character, character)
PUBLIC LOGICAL RegenerateCode (dataset)
PROTECTED CHARACTER UnqualifiedTableNames (character)
PROTECTED UpdateAssignSkipDictionary (character)
PROTECTED UpdateAttachDataSource (character)
PROTECTED CHARACTER UpdateBusinessEntity ()
PROTECTED UpdateBusinessEntityCalculatedFields (character)
PROTECTED UpdateBusinessEntityValidation (character)
PROTECTED CHARACTER UpdateDataAccessObject ()
PROTECTED UpdateDataSourceDefinition (character)
PROTECTED UpdateDetachDataSource (character)
PROTECTED UpdateEnableParentRelationMethods (character)
PROTECTED UpdateExistingSourceDefaultQuery (character)
PROTECTED UpdateSourceColumn (character)
PROTECTED UpdateSourceDefaultQuery (character)
PROTECTED CHARACTER ValidABLIdentifier (character)
PROTECTED ValidateDesign ()
PUBLIC ValidateDesign (dataset)
PROTECTED ValidateUniqueSerializeNames ()
PUBLIC BusinessEntityGenerator ()
PUBLIC AfterWriteFile (Object, AfterWriteFileEventArgs)
PUBLIC GenerateTempTable (Object, GenerateTempTableEventArgs)
PUBLIC ProvideRegeneratePrompt (Object, ProvideRegeneratePromptEventArgs)
PUBLIC WriteFile (Object, WriteFileEventArgs)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Generator.Generated Generated
PUBLIC LOGICAL SilentModeUpdateDataAccess
PUBLIC CHARACTER SuffixBusinessEntity
PUBLIC CHARACTER SuffixDatasetController
Temp-Table eBusinessEntityDefined in: |
Temp-Table eBusinessEntityPropertiesDefined in: |
Temp-Table eDataRelationDefined in: |
Temp-Table eDataRelationPropertiesDefined in: |
Temp-Table eFieldDefined in: |
Temp-Table eFieldPropertiesDefined in: |
Temp-Table eIndexDefined in: |
Temp-Table eIndexPropertiesDefined in: |
Temp-Table eTableDefined in: |
Temp-Table eTablePropertiesDefined in: |