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Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Forms.IEmbeddedWindowForm FromEmbeddedWindow (handle) |
Locates the IEmbeddedWindowForm instance that embeds the WINDOW |
+ | Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Forms.IEmbeddedWindowForm FromProcedureHandle (handle) |
Returns the EmbeddedWindowForm instance that belongs to the given
Procedure Handle |
+ | HANDLE MenuBarOfWindow (handle) |
Returns the Menu-bar of the given Window regardless if the window
is embedded or not. |
- | PreviousFormClosedHandler (Object, FormClosedEventArgs) |
Event handler for the FormClosed event of the "previously"
stored Form reference |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | LOGICAL DefaultMakeMdiChild |
+ | INTEGER DefaultWindowContainerColOffset |
+ | INTEGER DefaultWindowContainerRowOffset |
+ | INTEGER TabFolderBGColor |
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Forms.IEmbeddedWindowForm FromEmbeddedWindow (handle)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Forms.IEmbeddedWindowForm FromProcedureHandle (handle)
PUBLIC HANDLE MenuBarOfWindow (handle)
PRIVATE PreviousFormClosedHandler (Object, FormClosedEventArgs)
PUBLIC LOGICAL DefaultMakeMdiChild
PUBLIC INTEGER DefaultWindowContainerColOffset
PUBLIC INTEGER DefaultWindowContainerRowOffset