LOGICAL ContainsClassFileNames (character[])
Verifies that the Character Array of file names contains a valid
class name
LOGICAL ContainsHtmlFileNames (character[])
Verifies that the Character Array of file names contains a valid
html file name
ROWID CreateFunctionForHtmlFile (character, character)
Creates a menu function for an hmtl file
CreateFunctionsForClasses (character[])
Creates MenuFunction records for the passed in File Names
DeregisterConsumer (Object)
Invoked by SmartBusinessEntityAdapter and SmartDatasetChildAdapter
instances when detaching from the Dataset of the DatasetController.
Allows event unsubscription etc.
CHARACTER GetFunctionGuidOfMenuItem (character)
Get the FunctionGuid of a Menu Item identified by the MenuGuid
CHARACTER GetMenuFunctionSecurityTokenGuid (character)
Get the MenuName of a Menu Item identified by the MenuGuid
CHARACTER GetMenuNameFromMenuGuid (character)
Get the MenuName of a Menu Item identified by the MenuGuid
LOGICAL IsMenu (character)
Returns if the given MenuGuid represents a Menu or
a function
RegisterConsumer (Object)
Invoked by SmartBusinessEntityAdapter and SmartDatasetChildAdapter
instances when attaching to the Dataset of the DatasetController.
Allows event subscription etc.
ReorderItemsWithinLevel (Object)
Brings up a Dialog to reorder the Nodes within the same level,
populates the dialog and writes back changed data into the DB