Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | CHARACTER AddErrorMessage (character, character, character, character) |
Adds an ADM2 style formatted error message to an existing error
message string |
# | AddJsonErrorDetails (Error, JsonObject) |
Adds the properties of the given error to the given JSON object |
+ | CHARACTER DatasetErrorStrings (handle) |
Returns a single CHARACTER string composed of the error-strings
of all records (from all tables in the given Dataset instance) |
+ | DeRegisterErrorHandler (IErrorHandler) |
Deregisters the IErrorHandler implementation |
+ | CHARACTER ErrorTitle (Error) |
Returns the Title associated with an error message |
+ | CHARACTER ErrorTypeName (Error) |
Returns the Typename of the error object |
+ | CHARACTER FormattedErrorMessages (Error) |
Returns a single CHARACTER string composed of the messages
Contained in the Progress.Lang.Error object |
+ | CHARACTER FormattedErrorMessagesExt (Error) |
Returns a single CHARACTER string composed of the messages
Contained in the Progress.Lang.Error object, including the stack
trace and the text of inner exceptions when present |
+ | CHARACTER GetRuntimeErrorMessage (integer) |
Returns the text of the given ABL error message |
+ | CHARACTER GetSmartMessage (character) |
Formats a SmartMessage |
# | LOGICAL HandleError (Error) |
Handles an Error object using the registered IErrorHandler
implementations |
+ | LOGICAL HasMessageNumber (Error, integer) |
Returns if the error instance contains an error message with the given
message number |
+ | IgnoreError (Error, integer) |
Ignores specific Progress.Lang.SysErrors and throws all others |
+ | IgnoreError (Error, integer, integer) |
Ignores specific Progress.Lang.SysErrors and throws all others |
+ | IgnoreError (Error, integer, integer, integer) |
Ignores specific Progress.Lang.SysErrors and throws all others |
+ | IgnoreError (Error, integer, integer, integer, integer) |
Ignores specific Progress.Lang.SysErrors and throws all others |
+ | IgnoreError (Error, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer) |
Ignores specific Progress.Lang.SysErrors and throws all others |
+ | LOGICAL IsRemoteThrowable (Error) |
Returns if the error is throwable from an AppServer to an ABL client |
+ | Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject JsonErrorDetails (Error) |
Returns a Json Object with the error details |
+ | Consultingwerk.Util.Error132Info ParseError132 (SysError) |
Parses an 132 runtime Error and returns the table and field/values
(** Salesrep already exists with Sales Rep "bbb". (132)) |
+ | RegisterErrorHandler (IErrorHandler) |
Registers a new IErrorHandler implementation |
+ | ResetErrorStatus () |
+ | ShowErrorMessage (Error) |
Display Error Message |
+ | ShowErrorMessage (Error, character) |
Display Error Message |
+ | ShowErrorMessage (Error, character, Form) |
Display Error Message |
+ | ShowErrorMessage (Error, Form) |
Display Error Message |
+ | ShowErrorMessageBox (Error) |
Display Error Message as an alert-box (to be used in functions
and non-void methods due to WAIT-FOR limitations) |
+ | ShowErrorMessageBox (Error, character) |
Display Error Message as an alert-box (to be used in functions
and non-void methods due to WAIT-FOR limitations) |
+ | LONGCHAR StackTrace (Error) |
Reformats the Error Stack Trace (most current code block first,
not last as provided by the CallStack attribute |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
# | ErrorHelper () |
Protected default constructor. |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | CHARACTER CurrentStacktrace |
+ | LOGICAL ErrorMessageDialogAllowed |
+ | CHARACTER ErrorMessageFormType |
+ | LOGICAL SuppressTableAndFieldInfo |
PUBLIC CHARACTER AddErrorMessage (character, character, character, character)
PROTECTED AddJsonErrorDetails (Error, JsonObject)
PUBLIC CHARACTER DatasetErrorStrings (handle)
PUBLIC DeRegisterErrorHandler (IErrorHandler)
PUBLIC CHARACTER ErrorTypeName (Error)
PUBLIC CHARACTER FormattedErrorMessages (Error)
PUBLIC CHARACTER FormattedErrorMessagesExt (Error)
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetRuntimeErrorMessage (integer)
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetSmartMessage (character)
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasMessageNumber (Error, integer)
PUBLIC IgnoreError (Error, integer)
PUBLIC IgnoreError (Error, integer, integer)
PUBLIC IgnoreError (Error, integer, integer, integer)
PUBLIC IgnoreError (Error, integer, integer, integer, integer)
PUBLIC IgnoreError (Error, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer)
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsRemoteThrowable (Error)
PUBLIC Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject JsonErrorDetails (Error)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Util.Error132Info ParseError132 (SysError)
PUBLIC RegisterErrorHandler (IErrorHandler)
PUBLIC ResetErrorStatus ()
PUBLIC ShowErrorMessage (Error)
PUBLIC ShowErrorMessage (Error, character)
PUBLIC ShowErrorMessage (Error, character, Form)
PUBLIC ShowErrorMessage (Error, Form)
PUBLIC ShowErrorMessageBox (Error)
PUBLIC ShowErrorMessageBox (Error, character)
PUBLIC LONGCHAR StackTrace (Error)
PROTECTED ErrorHelper ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER CurrentStacktrace
PUBLIC LOGICAL ErrorMessageDialogAllowed
PUBLIC LOGICAL SuppressTableAndFieldInfo