CreateDatabaseAliases (character)
Creates database aliases based on a configuration string
INTEGER DatabaseNumber (character)
Returns the sequence number of a database the ABL session is connected
to. This sequence number can be used for functions like LDBNAME or
the return-value of the GetRecordsReads() method in this class
CHARACTER GetDbNameSignature ()
Returns a comma-delimited list of the logical database
names of all connected database names, all alias names
and the logical name of the DICTDB
RECID GetDictDbRecid ()
Returns the RECID of the _DB record
INT64 GetRecordReads ()
Returns an int64 array containing the _ActSummary._Summary-RecReads
for every connected database
INT64 GetRecordReads (int64[])
Returns an int64 array containing the _ActSummary._Summary-RecReads
for every connected database substracted by the values in a start
SetDbClient (handle, character)
Sets the DB-CLIENT
CHARACTER UnabbreviatedFieldName (character, character)
Returns the unabbreviated field name based on an abbreviated field
CHARACTER UnabbreviatedTableName (character)
Returns the unabbreviated table name based on an abbreviated table
CHARACTER UnabbreviatedTableName (character, character)
Returns the unabbreviated table name based on an abbreviated table