Options |
Name |
Purpose |
CHARACTER ByteArrayToCharacter (Byte[])
Converts a .NET System.Byte[] into an ABL Character value
MEMPTR ByteArrayToMemptr (Byte[])
Converts a .NET Byte[] to an ABL MEMPTR
System.Byte[] CharacterToByteArray (character)
Converts an ABL Charcater value into a .NET System.Byte[]
System.Byte[] CharacterToByteArray (longchar)
Converts an ABL Longchar value into a .NET System.Byte[]
DATETIME-TZ DateTimeFromDateAndTimeString (date, character)
Returns a DateTime-Tz value based on a date and a time strign
CHARACTER DefaultFormat (character)
Returns the ABL Default Format for the given data type
CHARACTER DefaultXmlSchemaType (character)
Returns the XML default data-type for the given ABL data type
LOGICAL FromDefaultableBoolean (DefaultableBoolean)
Converts a Infragistics DefaultableBoolean to a Progress LOGICAL
CHARACTER GetStringFromWideMptr (memptr, integer)
Returns an ABL Character value from a double by memptr
CHARACTER HumanReadableInterval (datetime-tz, datetime-tz)
Returns a human readable version of an interval
LOGICAL IsAblDataType (character)
Returns true when the passed in data type name is an ABL primitive type
LOGICAL IsValidInitial (character, character)
Verifies if the initial value expression is valid for the given datatype
System.Byte[] MemptrToByteArray (memptr)
Converts (copies) a Progress MEMPTR to a .NET System.Byte[]
System.Drawing.Image MemPtrToImage (memptr)
Converts a Progress MEMPTR (or a BLOB Image to a System.Drawing.Image)
ROWID RecidToRowid (int64)
Converts a RECID value into an ROWID value
ROWID RecidToRowid (recid)
Converts a RECID value into an ROWID value
INT64 RowidToRecid (rowid)
Converts a ROWID value into an RECID value
CHARACTER ToAblDataType (DataType)
Converts a Progress.Data.DataType Enum member to the corresponding
ABL DataType in a Character representation
CHARACTER ToAblDataType (Type)
Converts a System.Type to the corresponding ABL DataType in a Character
DATE ToDate (character)
Returns an DATE value from a CHARACTER value
DATETIME ToDateTime (character)
Returns an DATETIME value from a CHARACTER value
DATETIME-TZ ToDateTimeTz (character)
Returns an DATETIME value from a CHARACTER value
DECIMAL ToDecimal (character)
Returns an DECIMAL value from a CHARACTER value
Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean ToDefaultableBoolean (logical)
Converts a Progress LOGICAL into an Infragistics DefaultableBoolean
Progress.Data.DataType ToEnum (character)
Returns the Progress.Data.DataType Enum member matching a Progress
INT64 ToInt64 (character)
Returns an INT64 value from a CHARACTER value
INTEGER ToInteger (character)
Returns an INTEGER value from a CHARACTER value
LOGICAL ToLogical (character)
Converts common string representations to a logical value (true/false/?)
System.Object ToSystemObject (character, character)
Convers an primitive value (in an ABL Character) into a .NET
System.Type ToSystemType (character)
Returns the System.Type matching a Progress DATA-TYPE
CHARACTER UnabbreviateDataTypeName (character)
Returns the unabbreviated ABL Data Type Name