Namespace: Consultingwerk.Framework.Server
SessionContextSerializer Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose:Serializes the client side context for a server request
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Wed Jan 16 12:50:36 CET 2013
Notes:Uses the Context Dataset for context serialization
Optionally restores modified context from the AppServer
on the client

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
# CollectContextFromServerHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the CollectContextFromServer event of the Service Adapter
# PrepareContextForServerHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the PrepareContextForServer event of the Service Adapter

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ SessionContextSerializer () Constructor for the SessionContextSerializer class
+ SessionContextSerializer (logical) Constructor for the SessionContextSerializer class

Method Detail

PROTECTED CollectContextFromServerHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the CollectContextFromServer event of the Service Adapter
Notes: Assigns updated context from the server to the client side Session Manager

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The object that raised the CollectContextFromServer event
e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED PrepareContextForServerHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event handler for the PrepareContextForServer event of the Service Adapter
Notes: Assigns client side Session Manager values to the context dataset

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The object that raised the PrepareContextForServer event
e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs with the data for this event

Constructor Detail

PUBLIC SessionContextSerializer ()

Purpose: Constructor for the SessionContextSerializer class
Notes: Defaults to NOT collect context from the AppServer


PUBLIC SessionContextSerializer (logical)

Purpose: Constructor for the SessionContextSerializer class

plCollectContextFromServer LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the context from the server should be assigned back to the client side SessionManager

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