CAST function

Returns a new object reference to the same class instance as an existing object reference, but with a different data type. This different data type is cast from the object type of the original object reference according to another specified object type. The two object types must be related, where one is a class type and the other is a subclass of that class type or where one is an interface type and the other is a class that implements the interface of that type.

When you cast an object reference, ABL treats it as if it referenced an instance of the object type to which it is cast. The underlying class hierarchy of the object instance does not change.


CAST( object-reference, object-type-name ).
An object reference defined with the object type to be cast.
Specifies the type name of an ABL or .NET class or interface type to which the object reference is cast. This object type must be a class type in a class hierarchy that includes or implements the object-reference data type or it must be an interface type that the object-reference data type implements. Specify the object type name using the syntax described in the Type-name syntax reference entry. With an appropriate USING statement, you can also specify an unqualified class or interface name alone.


See also

DYNAMIC-CAST function, Type-name syntax, USING statement