CREATE widget statement
CREATE BUTTON COMBO-BOXCONTROL-FRAME DIALOG-BOXEDITOR FILL-INFRAME IMAGEMENU MENU-ITEMRADIO-SET RECTANGLESELECTION-LIST SLIDERSUB-MENU TEXTTOGGLE-BOX WINDOWVALUE ( string-expression )handle IN WIDGET-POOL pool-nameASSIGN attribute = expressiontrigger-phraseVALUE ( string-expression )IN WIDGET-POOL pool-nameAssigns specified values to attributes of the object. The attribute parameter must be the name of a valid attribute for the object and expression must evaluate to a valid value for that attribute.A trigger phrase associated with the object. For more information, see the Trigger phrase reference entry.
You can use the ASSIGN option to assign a widget ID value to the WIDGET-ID attribute for this object. If you have enabled application-defined widget IDs in your ABL GUI application, by specifying the Use Widget ID (–usewidgetid) startup parameter, then the AVM uses this widget ID when it creates the widget at run time, instead of using the widget ID it normally generates by default. If you have not enabled application-defined widget IDs, then the AVM ignores this option setting at run time.For more information about the WIDGET-ID attribute, see its reference entry in the “Handle Attributes and Methods Reference” section. For more information about the Use Widget ID (–usewidgetid) startup parameter, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
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