DEFINE PRIVATE SUB-MENU submenuBGCOLOR expressionDCOLOR expressionFGCOLOR expressionPFCOLOR expressionFONT numberSUB-MENU-HELPLIKE menu menu-element-descriptorsubmenuPRIVATE SUB-MENU
Note: SUB-MENU submenuBGCOLOR expressionDCOLOR expressionFGCOLOR expressionPFCOLOR expressionFONT numberLIKE menuThis is the syntax for menu-element-descriptor:
RULESKIPSUB-MENU submenu DISABLED LABEL labelmenu-item-phrase
Specifies a choosable menu item. This is the syntax for menu-item-phrase:
MENU-ITEM menu-item-nameACCELERATOR keylabelBGCOLOR expressionDCOLOR expressionDISABLEDFGCOLOR expressionFONT expressionLABEL labelPFCOLOR expressionREAD-ONLYTOGGLE-BOXtrigger-phraseMENU-ITEM menu-item-nameACCELERATOR keylabelSpecifies a keyboard accelerator for this menu item. A keyboard accelerator is a key—possibly modified by SHIFT, CONTROL, or ALT—that chooses a menu item even if the menu is not displayed. The value keylabel must be a character-string expression that evaluates to a valid key label recognized by the AVM, such as a, F1, or ALT+SHIFT+F1. See the chapter on handling user input in the OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces for the precedence rules that the AVM uses for handling keyboard input.BGCOLOR expressionDCOLOR expressionFGCOLOR expressionFONT expressionLABEL labelPFCOLOR expressionFor more information, see the Trigger phrase reference entry.The r-menu.p procedure defines three pull-down submenus. One of the submenus, myedit, contains a nested submenu, myobjects. The procedure defines a menu bar, mybar, that contains two submenus labelled File and Edit. The handle of mybar is assigned to a window mywin. The ON statements define triggers to execute when you choose the corresponding menu items.
There are instances where you cannot avoid ambiguity in menu item references. In such instances, ABL always references the first unambiguous instance of the menu item. In particular, if the same submenu containing a menu item appears in more than one menu and each menu defines another instance of the same menu item, you can only reference that menu item in the submenu from the first menu that contains it. Thus, if submenu mOptions contains menu item mSave and the menus mFile and mDraw (in that order) both contain submenu mOptions and another menu item mSave, you can only reference menu item mSave in submenu mOptions from menu mFile. You cannot uniquely reference menu item mSave in submenu mOptions from menu mDraw because menu mDraw contains another menu item mSave.
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