DEFINE PRIVATE RECTANGLE rectangle LIKE rectangle2NO-FILLEDGE-CHARS width EDGE-PIXELS widthDCOLOR expressionBGCOLOR expressionFGCOLOR expressionGRAPHIC-EDGEPFCOLOR expressionROUNDEDGROUP-BOXsize-phraseTOOLTIP tooltiptrigger-phraserectanglePRIVATE RECTANGLE
Note: RECTANGLE rectangleLIKE rectangle2EDGE-CHARS widthEDGE-PIXELS widthDCOLOR expressionBGCOLOR expressionFGCOLOR expressionPFCOLOR expression
width BY heightSIZE SIZE-CHARS SIZE-PIXELSIf you specify SIZE or SIZE-CHARS, the units are characters; if you specify SIZE-PIXELS, the units are pixels. For character units, the values width and height must be decimal constants. For pixels units, they must be integer constants. For more information, see the SIZE phrase reference entry.TOOLTIP tooltipYou can add or change the TOOLTIP option at any time. If TOOLTIP is set to "" or the Unknown value (?), then the ToolTip is removed. No ToolTip is the default. The TOOLTIP option is supported in Windows only.For more information, see the Trigger phrase reference entry.
You can specify an application-defined widget ID for a compile-time defined rectangle widget using the form-item phrase in either the FORM statement or the DEFINE FRAME statement. See the FORM statement and DEFINE FRAME statement reference entries for more information.
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