Note: ABL supports a separate version of the WAIT-FOR statement (.NET WAIT-FOR) that blocks for .NET, as well as ABL, events. For more information, see the WAIT-FOR statement (.NET and ABL) reference entry.
WAIT-FOR event-list OF widget-listOR event-list OF widget-listFOCUS widgetPAUSE n
WAIT-FOR "WEB-NOTIFY" OF DEFAULT-WINDOWPAUSE nEXCLUSIVE-WEB-USERA space- or comma-separated list of widgets with which the event is associated. For more information on referencing widgets, see the Widget phrase reference entry.FOCUS widgetSpecifies the widget that initially receives input focus when the WAIT-FOR statement is executed. The value widget must be a valid reference to a widget (a widget name or handle) that is currently displayed and enabled.PAUSE nSpecifies a time-out interval for the WAIT-FOR statement. The value n can be any numeric expression, including a fractional value. You can choose a whole or a fractional value for the time-out interval. If the time-out period you specify is a fractional value, the value is rounded to the nearest whole millisecond. If a period of n seconds elapses between events, the WAIT-FOR automatically terminates.
In general, when a modal dialog box is active, the event-list can reference only events supported by the active dialog box and the widgets it contains. There are two exceptions:
You can specify an event on a procedure handle as long as widget-list specifies only a single procedure handle.
In batch mode (running with the -b startup parameter), the WAIT-FOR statement supports only the following events:
Sets each INPUT parameter for the event procedure to the Unknown value (?) or, if the parameter is a TEMP-TABLE, the TEMP-TABLE remains unchanged, if the response message indicates that the remote request finished with a STOP, ERROR, or QUIT condition.
In the context of the .NET blocking method, System.Windows.Forms.Application:Run( ), if you directly or indirectly execute this WAIT-FOR statement while displaying a non-modal ABL window, in certain contexts (such as within a user-defined function or non-VOID method) this statement execution raises the STOP condition. For more information on the .NET Application:Run( ), method, see the reference entry for the WAIT-FOR statement (.NET and ABL).
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