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XML-NODE-TYPE attribute
The XML node type of the buffer-field or ProDataSet object, which lets you specify how the object is represented in XML and XML Schema.
Data type:
Applies to:
Table 112 lists the valid XML node types for a buffer-field object.
Note: Each table can contain only one "TEXT" field. When a table contains a "TEXT" field, it cannot contain "ELEMENT" fields; it can contain only "ATTRIBUTE" fields. A table that contains a "TEXT" field cannot be part of a nested data-relation.
The XML node type of a buffer field that represents an array must be either "ELEMENT" or "HIDDEN".
Table 113 lists the valid XML node types for a ProDataSet object.
Represented as the root element in both the XML Schema and data.
This attribute’s purpose overlaps with the SERIALIZE-HIDDEN attribute. Because of this overlap, the attributes interact as follows:
If you do not set either attribute, the AVM sets XML-NODE-TYPE to "ELEMENT" and sets SERIALIZE-HIDDEN to FALSE.
See also:

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